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Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1
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TOPIC: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 19629 Views

Re: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 16 Dec 2015 03:50 #271481

  • Markz
  • Platinum Boarder
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eslaasos wrote:
markz wrote:
I like to spend time either in Torah or in recovery

Thats a truck I'd like to hitch a ride with!
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Last Edit: 16 Dec 2015 03:54 by Markz.

Re: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 16 Dec 2015 03:50 #271482

  • Markz
  • Platinum Boarder
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Eslaasos Welcome aboard.
In your honor this thread is being revealed.

Just one little disclaimer
What "I like" isn't necessarily what I do practically
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Last Edit: 16 Dec 2015 03:54 by Markz.

Re: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 16 Dec 2015 04:00 #271484

  • Markz
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People may offer to be in touch via email, cellphone apps, phone, etc. Unless you have chatted with them to the point that you feel comfortable with them and feel that they are stable, this is not recommended

I almost got burnt recently by an unscrupulous individual that seemed stable. Guys - please take caution
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Re: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 17 Dec 2015 00:47 #271601

  • neshamaincharge
  • Current streak: 3689 days
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Awesome thread!
Now I have something else to read when I want to escape and procrastinate

Re: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 28 Dec 2015 21:53 #272617

  • mesayin
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Mesayin wrote:
What a great idea, it's like the GYE yellow pages, zei gebenched!

And of course I love your trucker wise cracks:

markz wrote:

8- Disclosing to Wife, see also here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here

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Re: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 11 Jan 2016 18:07 #273986

  • Markz
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Tool # 119
A speaker in your back pocket
(You never know when you'll need it)

tehillimzugger wrote:
i was doing pretty good until now but various circumstances led to me spending the meals this past shabbos with a certain girl (i'm a bachur) and then going on a full day trip with her yesterday, now there were other ppl there so it wasn't yichud and i didn't even speak to her (directly) the whole time, but it was kind of uncomfortable going to meron, tzfat, tiveria. with two ppl out of the six going being the only singles and of the opposite sex, so there we were both davening for a shidduch and it was kinda uncomfortable [was that a run-on sentence?]. but i survived. then last night i had a dream where i watched p**n and started mas******ing i didn't finish though, i woke up and stopped. so i'm still doing pretty good but i could really use some chizuk.
oh, and did i mention that i said tehilim at the mekomos hakedoshim?

HER camera is right in front of me as we speak and there are some good pics of me [not to mention HER] o0n it and i'm NOT going to touch it

gibbor120 wrote:
How soon can you get the heck out of your situation? The sooner the better!

ZemirosShabbos wrote:
hi TehillimZuger,
are you out of the 'situation' yet?
if not, then it's time to rev dem enjins and put the petal to the metal
kibalti mayrabi mi'Bardichev sheyichyeh, that we don't look back, we just go forward, this is the NO HAND-WRINGING ZONE
turn up the speakers and let the Tehillim roll..

tehillimzugger wrote:
yeah. she's here now again.
keep the chizuk coming guys!

ZemirosShabbos wrote:
creep up on her and position a Monstuh' Truck Speaker near her (ear) and then let loose with Kapitel 119. you should only hear from her again in about 2030...
or book a trip to Meron Tzfas Teverya without her
or call the Mishmeres Hatzniyus

tehillimzugger wrote:
u really got me laughing ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
but she's blowdrying my sister's sheitel right now (she's very talented lol) and that would kind of upset some ppl here.
oops, she just asked for the computer, i'm off for some music.

ben durdayah wrote:
This is NOT an ideal situation.


Why don't you come over and spend a few days with me...
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Re: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 11 Jan 2016 18:10 #273988

  • Markz
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milehashem wrote:

This is what I did.

The very second you get an urge to look at something, CLAP!

Clap your hands together. If the urge is still there, clap again. Harder.

Still there? Clap again. Still there? Clap!

Eventually, one of three things will happen:

The urge will pass. You win!

Someone will come into the room and say "What is all that noise? Are you okay?"
You will makeup some silly excuse for all that clapping, and you will be too embarrassed to continue sitting at the computer. You win!

Or, your hands will hurt so much from all that clapping, that you won't be able to use them for the aveirah..... .....and you win!

I'm up to 14 days, and with this technique, I know I'll get to 90

By the way, after the first few days, you won't feel that overwhelming urge to go look, as often as you do now. It will still be there, but it will be less intense and less often.

Also - go to a mikvah, preferably a COLD one. You can walk in slowly if you want to, but eventually force yourself to toivel completely into the cold mikvah. A cold mikvah has vast spiritual benefits, specifically related to this aveirah, that are too complex to explain in this forum. (Ask any mekubal, he'll tell you the same)

Try to stay under the water for a few seconds , making sure that no part of your body is touching the floor or walls.

Get yourself to a mikvah as often as possible, but at the very least every erev shabbos and yom tov. Natural lakes as well as the ocean are also kosher mikvaos.

You can do it! I believe in you!

(Oct 2011)
This guy stayed with us for less than a month - any idea why?
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Re: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 11 Jan 2016 21:32 #274010

  • gevura shebyesod
  • Current streak: 1226 days
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If you see someone clapping in the Mikva then you found him
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Re: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 21 Jan 2016 19:16 #275152

  • Markz
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Today with the help of ה׳ I tried to do a towing upgrade, and the Success Stories on page one have a new face

If you like you can
Check it, check it, check it, checkit out
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Last Edit: 21 Jan 2016 19:17 by Markz.

Re: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 21 Jan 2016 23:05 #275190

  • Markz
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cordnoy wrote:
neshamaincharge wrote:
I need to read thru this thread at least once a month. There is so much wisdom in here to be absorbed and PRACTICED.

Thanks for bumping.
I try not to bump an old thread where I was the last poster.
That cuts 50% of good threads from getting bumped, so I totally don't agree with that policy!

...In other news...
If there's any good threads you know of, I'd love to get a list of those so that I can add them to the first page of this towing thread, and they can then always be "read"-ily available, cos there are other gye's that look at this page too

Feel free to post them right here, whenever you find any good ones, or please email them to me
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Last Edit: 21 Jan 2016 23:14 by Markz.

Re: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 31 Jan 2016 15:01 #276043

  • cordnoy
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Don't think I posted on this thread.
My email: thenewme613@hotmail.com
My threads: Mikvah Night - Page 1Page 2Page 3Last Page

:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"


Re: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 19 Feb 2016 05:40 #278408

  • Markz
  • Platinum Boarder
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I am rooting very strong for one of the greatest lights on GYE

You not only guard our eyes, You illuminate them!!!

Appatently you are very down, and I noticed today you were recently Tryin to eliminate half of your thread, and managed to totally wipe the Mikva off the map

If that's what need doing we can't protest, but I'm concerned that everything should go well for you!!!

I'm referring to one of the massive tow truckers (yeah - you should go to gym and lose some weight...) that has a family tradition of sobriety, and has kindly brought us into his family, and I am totally having you in mind that things should really work out in you family only to your benefit and satisfaction.
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Re: Free lust Truck Towing - see page 1 21 Apr 2016 18:40 #285615

  • Markz
  • Platinum Boarder
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Can't wait for chol hamoed - No work!
BH finally have time to allocate to this 24hr Towing thread

Im planning to update the "success stories", and will shorten it to show only the frequent visiting posters, and also successful moderators that are here (but wanna hide behind our view)

Workingguy and all other recent "100 day success" guys Working on recovery, that passed the 100 day marker in the past +-100 days, could you do me a favor, so that I can put your  optimum story link!

Please could you PM or email me the link to the post that best details your story (eg your opening or 90th day post)?
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Re: Truck Towing #1 - Success Stories 04 May 2016 05:19 #286600

  • shlomo24
  • Current streak: 1 day
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markz wrote on 15 Oct 2015 01:00:
100 day Success Stories
Click on the Link of any user to read his great story

DovStory814Not Displayed
skepticalStory570Not Displayed
Gevura ShebyesodStory564936
PidainiStory484Not Displayed
gibbor120Story336Not Displayed
Shlomo24Story223Not Displayed
AlexEliezerStory222Not Displayed
WatsonStory213Not Displayed
Moshe271Story27Not Displayed
ZemirosShabbosuser link344Not Displayed
Lizhenskuser link242Not Displayed
TehillimZuggeruser link232170
Bigmoishuser link230Not Displayed
TriggerMeNot88user link210136
ddmm11219user link178248
shivisiuser link113193
peloni almoniuser link90180
neshamainchargeuser link84516
Yudiuser link69133
MendelZuser link57825
eslaasosuser link55185
belmont4175user link51428
Reb Yiduser link47351
Palti-Yossefuser link37162
me3user link3797
Fightingaddictionnowuser link35163
think gooduser link30289
yidtryingharderuser link29150
xyxorwauser link29127
military613user link21377
fulfillinglife613user link18252
an honest mouseuser link1595


There are 500+ success stories on the WOH, but I have selected only those which I feel are most beneficial, i.e. current users that logged in within the past 3 months and have at least 3 karma

If you would like your story added, removed, or the link changed, or whatever, please let me know

A lot of the above people haven't posted in a long time...
If you're an LGBTQ or LGBTQ-questioning person and looking for someone who can understand you, feel free to reach out. I promise no judgement and to try and listen the best I can. 

Email: iam24zman@gmail.com

Re: Truck Towing #1 - Success Stories 04 May 2016 17:52 #286644

  • Markz
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 8227
  • Karma: 426
Thanks Shlomo

Nice to see you're a visitor too

It took time to compile, and iyH tonight it will be updated, and compacted.

FYI I had previously followed "Last accessed" gye, and many of those mentioned had logged on, but not posted. Eg the last guy "honest mouse" actually logged in yesterday, but we haven't heard a squeak from him recently...
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