YeshivaGuy wrote on 18 Mar 2021 04:05:
Ok folks, Bein Hazmanim starts tomorrow.
As far as plans, we got the no internet browsing deal/commitment.
We got the no sleeping in room with my iPhone thing.
Now, to be honest, that’s gonna be hard lmaaseh..........
Then there’s the learning/davening thing.
So there’s no Bais HaMedrash by me, so I could commit to driving 25 min every day to a a BM, but that’s hard commitment idk...
I could wake up, work out, daven neitz, then learn in my room.
I can stam bumb out and go to minyan once in awhile, idk.
I just don’t wanna be in the situation where I’m lying in bed all day posting on GYE whining about not going on the internet/Masterbating.
I want to chazer 30 blast Gemara rashi tosfos in Yevamos. I want to learn some more maamarim in Pachad Yitzchak for Pesach. And I want to prepare shiur for the summer where I’ll be giving shiur every morning.
Those are my goals.
Unsure about my chavrusa matzav for next zman, but that’s not my concern right now.
My objective at this point is to survive and thrive under the upcoming weeks.
Looking forward to continuing this journey together. I’m aware that things won’t be perfect, as they never are.
I ask HaShem Yisborach to grant me the Emuna, Bitachon, and the resolve, to emerge from this upcoming tekufa as a true בן חורין בלב ובנפש.
Wow your posts and progress are so inspiring!
Here's a guy that's from a modern background, had/has all the internet access he wants (or doesn't), if I could guess he was in a co-ed class for at least some of his childhood, doesn't even have a BM near where he lives...
And with all that look where he is holding
He's 190+ days clean.
Gave up his connection to girls.
He's steiging in Yeshiva.
Wants to give up his smartphone, his parents probably think he went crazy or something...
Is not going online over bein Hazmanim.
Won't sleep near his phone at night.
Turned into a real Yeshiva Guy!
Truly Amazing!
Keep inspiring others