Climbingup2019 wrote on 23 May 2019 12:42:
Hey guys I’ve never spoke to anyone about this before and I kind of just feel good being able to talk to people about this.
So I definitly do care that these are aveiros and obviously after each time I do these things I feel really bad, but how long does that feeling last the next few days I forget about it and then I can go a couple weeks until it all happens again.
tonanswer the how desperate am I-would I do it at work-no I would never do it at work or on my wife’s computer. I’ve never even had the urge to do it on a device that’s somewhat public because of my fear of getting caught.
interesting question about the mood, I’ve definitely done it when I’ve been stresed out, but I know for sure equally have done it just for no reason other than I had easy access and I just went for it. It sucks bec it just feels like candy, makes me feel good but the same way if I want to lose weight it’s so hard bec I want that danish/can’t ever control myself at a kiddush, I just feel like it’s the same way. I know it’s stupid, but I just enjoy the temporary thrill.
and I definitely do not want to hit rock bottom or get caught-maybe that’s why I’m here??
im really just a mess, I do want to stop, but -besides for religious reasons-I haven’t felt the downside-at leqst consciously never felt it
thansk again for answerjng ke, i really appreciate it!
Hi Climbing, welcome!
I'm not on here often, but I just logged on and your post strongly resonated with me. I have a huge fear of getting caught, and that has kept me from doing things like watching porn at work, while driving, in public places, etc. I never really understood how someone could do things like that (Although now I see how this is a progressive struggle - just because I don't see myself doing those things now, doesn't mean I won't be doing them in 1 or 10 or 20 years. For example, in my early days of dorming in yeshiva, I would never watch porn or masturbate. Before long I was doing it while my roommate was in the room.)
Here are some of the things that made me realize I had to stop. Maybe you will relate to something.
- The feeling of living a double life was tearing me apart. The stuff I was doing in private was so at odds with the show I was putting on for the outside world. I felt like a faker and hated myself, and just wanted to die. Many were the nights that I would ask Hashem to not wake me up the next morning, or to get in a quick painless car crash, or catch a fast-acting deadly disease.
- All-night porn binges were getting more and more frequent and I would be a wreck for the following few days. I was increasingly checking out of day to day living.
- I used to think my acting out was a just a side problem, a "bad habit" I picked up and should probably stop one day. Then I came to realize it is my way of coping with life. As I believe Dov puts it, porn/lust is not the problem, it's the solution. Life is the problem. The only time I feel at ease is when acting out, it's my way of escaping and coping with any discomfort and emotion. If I want to stop, I need to learn how to live life on life's terms.