Today was an up and down day. Morning was tough with a lot of random images and thoughts in my head. Did breathing exercises during Seder and took a break. Once got home, caught up on a lot of work and had a great rest of the day. The end was rough though. Needed to get back on computer for work and that inexplicable pull happened again. I don't get it. I have a good life. An amazing wife. Didn't even stress today. But like a robot I am driven to look at inappropriate stuff. My mind goes haywire and I start pressing things that might "innocently" lead me to places I shouldn't go. I slipped. Not a fall. A slip. But how many times can I slip on a slippery slope without falling?
Need to block up my computer but not sure who to turn to or how to go about it.
Another thing that happened today:
Opened up GYE email and the words WOMEN AND PORN hit me unexpectedly.
I'm not petitioning anything just saying what happened:
I'm not sure if this is common, but I get triggered by the word 'pornography' (especially with the word women next to it, don't ask my brain is messed up). I will only say this as I saw an email a while ago on how GYE changed their שיטה to that one should say the name explicitly.
I always both cringed and got turned on when I heard the word as it represents both the resentment and enchantment that took up so much of life, day in and day out, and countless of hours of gross indulgent seeking. I don't like saying the word.
I opened the email while at a red light. When it turned green and continued on my way, I wondered why the words porn, pornography, or whatever, has so much of an effect on me. Am I scared of it? A sick awe perhaps? Why does it have so much power?
Driving and thinking, I came up with that maybe it's because 1) It's part of my inside world that I am ashamed of and haven't come to terms with completely. Here I am the guy who just finished Seder, was just telling a friend a good Vort from R Wolbe.. How am I this guy struggling? The word irks me and unsettles me. and 2) It's still that mystical mysterious word that I am still fascinated with. It still represents a world of unlimited.. "Utopia" perhaps? I am far from these feelings being the forefront of my mind and it's usually still disgusting, but perhaps they're still there.
I decided to create my own captain Kirk moment. I started talking to myself in the car:
Shmira. You struggle with porn. You are enticed by it. You-me-shmirah, have watched porn. Many times over and over again. I am in a way not the guy that others perceive, the guy that tries to do the right thing and works on himself. But in truth I am that same guy who tries to do the right thing and who works on himself, just in in more ways then what is apparent. But I'm the same guy. I am the same guy who learns R Wolbe and struggles with porn. I have a lot to work on. I watched porn and I still struggle. Porn. Pornography. I said the words over and over again.