soaring high wrote on 12 Jul 2021 01:36:
So i would go through the years in yeshiva learning away doing great, with only the greatest compliments from my rebbeim, and then at night i would curl up in bed and mb, oh and during the day a few times in the bathroom..., a few times i even acted out together with other boys..., and then it would come bein hazmanim and i would run first thing to the local store and bought a porn magazine, so with my tefillin in one hand and the magazine in the other the "masmid" made his way to the shul bathroom for a extra long first seder, and so on and on with alot of phone sex, i don't see to much of a point for me to get all detailed about my acting out, so i'll continue my basic journey.
Basically i felt the need to impress my father in order to get recognition and approvement from him, but this is not healthy and i didn't feel any love for myself, so i trained my mind that i wanna get recognized by everyone else by being the "top" boy, so i would therefor shteig away with one goal in mind making sure everyone noticed and was impressed, whenever i was alone in a shul (so that my parents would appreciate what a masmid i am), i would just be spacing out or reading a book, but if someone walked in than i would fast make beleive that i was shteiging, and i still suffer from this to this very day, while i am bh learning alot, i still feel the need to impress others, (even some of my very own gye friends).
And so i got married to a choshuveh girl from a top family invei hagefen, but thats when things really spiraled out of control, i was suddently free and had access to some money and a car, so what happened is that it got really really bad and the next few years i was completely on the loose, while every night i was out late till the wee hours of the morning, with my wife shepping nachas from her masmid, in reality i was busy going to.....,
Bh i'm in alot better place (for the past couple of years, but still not good yet, keeping on working), but in the past couple of years my relationship with my father really soured, while in the past i would try to impress him by hondeling a shvereh r' chaim, now i gave up and i stopped even trying i basically ignored him, there is no reason to do this anymore if i am not getting what i need which is just a simple normal relationship.
Problem is that it really bothers me and every time i walk out of the house i feel depressed about it, and yes i am more at risk of acting out, so therefor i am trying to work on this now in therapy, i hope it helps me to write this all out there.
And totty if your reading this you should know that i don't blame you for anything, i don't think that you were trying to harm me, you just didn't know how to deal with me, and yes maybe just maybe you didn't (don't) know how to be the best totty, but i really believe that u do care about me and you want whats best for me.
Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.
You’re on a good path mr kollel yingermangye