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TOPIC: Bgit's Path 12793 Views

Re: Bgit's Path 08 Sep 2017 02:56 #319980

  • Hashem Help Me
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Kosher helps, but there is something deeper. When we are focused on giving instead of self pleasuring, it's a different experience.
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

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Re: Bgit's Path 08 Sep 2017 19:23 #320006

  • bgit
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Hashem Help Me wrote on 08 Sep 2017 02:56:
Kosher helps, but there is something deeper. When we are focused on giving instead of self pleasuring, it's a different experience.

Thanks for the advice, that's really helpful.

Re: Bgit's Path 08 Sep 2017 19:31 #320008

  • bgit
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Day #17

It was a little bit hard today. I suspect that it was a conversation I had with my gye partner which touched on our behaviors and, ironically, may have acted as a trigger. It might also be that I'm on day 4 since I've had, even a kosher release.  Whatever the case is, it's not terrible just a little uncomfortable.  Hopefully it'll go away on its own.

See everyone on day 18!

Re: Bgit's Path 10 Sep 2017 02:13 #320030

  • bgit
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Day #18

It was Shabbos today, which is usually uneventful.  B"h everything was fine.  A little side note, when I first got started I was talking to a guy who was on day 18.  I was in awe of him that such a thing was possible and here I am on day 18.  It's not so hard after all!  It's really a much bigger deal before you start (not to say there were no challenging times, but by and large it hasn't been so difficult) than after you get started.

See everyone on day 19!

Re: Bgit's Path 10 Sep 2017 03:36 #320034

  • Hashem Help Me
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Keep it up. We are cheering you on!
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned

                    My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE

Re: Bgit's Path 10 Sep 2017 20:34 #320070

  • bgit
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Day #19

Not much happened today. Hopefully it will continue like this. I almost at three weeks! 

See everyone on day 20!

Re: Bgit's Path 10 Sep 2017 21:53 #320072

  • Shivisi_Hashem
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Cant wait to see you at day 21, 3 weeks, chazakah, your Simcha is my Simcha, i realy like to see how people are working hard to be on the clean side... it brings happiness on this world, 
My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
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כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים

Re: Bgit's Path 11 Sep 2017 20:42 #320109

  • bgit
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Day #20

B"h not much happened today. It definitely is easier when my wife is tahor, although it's not a walk in the park. 

See everyone on day 21!

Re: Bgit's Path 13 Sep 2017 01:06 #320176

  • bgit
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Day #21

I made it for three weeks, and I'm halfway to Yom Kippur!  I never thought that I could make it this far.  Today I did have a little bit of a different struggle.  I had a desire (but not a tremendous craving) to watch a movie.  I haven't done this for about six months, well before I started this challenged.  I think that in the back of my mind I wanted to watch one with some pretty actresses in it and that was the reason for the desire.  It felt like it was a suggestion instead of a strong craving.  This too shall pass, I guess.

See everyone on day 22!

Re: Bgit's Path 13 Sep 2017 01:27 #320179

  • Hashem Help Me
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Mazel tov! You must feel great. I hope you realize that you have taught yourself that with help from Hashem this can be done. When there is a tough moment, remind yourself what you have learned. 

Regarding the movie, realize that the yetzer hora/sickness will always try to find ways to shlep you back in. Be prepared. Have a plan what to do when triggered. May Hashem give you hatzlocha and the yishuv ha'daas we all crave so much. Iyh you will soon be holding the hands of others as they start their journey to recovery.
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned

                    My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE

Re: Bgit's Path 13 Sep 2017 01:44 #320182

  • Markz
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bgit wrote on 13 Sep 2017 01:06:
Day #21

I made it for three weeks, and I'm halfway to Yom Kippur!  I never thought that I could make it this far.  Today I did have a little bit of a different struggle.  I had a desire (but not a tremendous craving) to watch a movie.  I haven't done this for about six months, well before I started this challenged.  I think that in the back of my mind I wanted to watch one with some pretty actresses in it and that was the reason for the desire.  It felt like it was a suggestion instead of a strong craving.  This too shall pass, I guess.

See everyone on day 22!

I like this guy. 

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Re: Bgit's Path 14 Sep 2017 00:47 #320234

  • bgit
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Day 22

Last night I had the same urges that I talked about yesterday.  To try and alleviate them I downloaded some comic books (I know it's strange but I felt like I needed something).  I tried to keep them clean and I figured they are definitely better than movies. This helped me to relax from what I was feeling yesterday but it's still there a little bit.  I have to think of a game plan for what to do when this happens again.  I think that I'm feeling the tension that masturbation used to relieve.  I need some outlet for this type of thing, for when it's been a long day and I'm tired and want to just relax which doesn't require much thought.  Any suggestions?

See everyone on day 23!

Re: Bgit's Path 14 Sep 2017 01:48 #320240

  • Hashem Help Me
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Although its not relaxing, i found exercisesaved me from the predicament of having to release stress and only knowing one way to do it........
Feel free to contact me at michelgelner@gmail.com

My threads: Lessons Learned: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/335248-Lessons-Learned

                    My Story and G-d Bless GYE: guardyoureyes.com/forum/17-Balei-Battims-Forum/303036-My-story-and-G-d-bless-GYE

Re: Bgit's Path 14 Sep 2017 03:09 #320242

  • Markz
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bgit wrote on 14 Sep 2017 00:47:
Day 22

Last night I had the same urges that I talked about yesterday.  To try and alleviate them I downloaded some comic books (I know it's strange but I felt like I needed something).  I tried to keep them clean and I figured they are definitely better than movies. This helped me to relax from what I was feeling yesterday but it's still there a little bit.  I have to think of a game plan for what to do when this happens again.  I think that I'm feeling the tension that masturbation used to relieve.  I need some outlet for this type of thing, for when it's been a long day and I'm tired and want to just relax which doesn't require much thought.  Any suggestions?

See everyone on day 23!

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Re: Bgit's Path 15 Sep 2017 11:59 #320297

  • bgit
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Day #23

It's very hard for me to write this today, but a major part of this process is honesty.  I had a fall today.  The y"h convinced me that I needed to act out or else I would go crazy over time, basically the opposite idea of "one day at a time".  Unfortunately, I got caught up in this idea and started obsessing over women.  At some point today or yesterday, something switched, I can't really explain it.  I went from knowing that I can do it, to knowing that I couldn't.  It took about a day to give in, but when that happened it felt like it was just a matter of time. I felt like a dead man walking.  It was pretty interesting.

I can berate myself for giving in, but I don't think that it is at all productive or useful.  Instead, I'll sum up why I think that I fell along with the things that I've gained over this challenging period.  

First the reasons why I fell.  I noticed that when I get less sleep the challenge gets much greater.  Partially, because it makes me feel stress more but also because you're not in the mood to keep on going.  I need to be careful about getting more sleep especially at challenging times.  Second, was a lack of kosher outlets for when I was feeling stressed out.  Masturbation is quick, easy, cheap and it's really difficult to find a replacement for it.  Exercise is good, but when I'm in that mood the last thing that I want to do is exercise.  I still don't have a good solution for this one.

Now, on to what I gained from this challenge.  First, I have never been clean for more than three days and I made it to day 23!  That's pretty amazing to me, I never would have believed that I could make it this far.  It showed me that this is possible.  Second, I got to meet many incredibly heroic people on the forums and chat rooms, people who are also struggling with these issues.  Each person has their own personal struggle, but everyone comes together to be mechazek others.  It's an amazing thing to be part of a community of bnei aliyah, and has changed my attitude towards this struggle.  Thanks to everyone for that.  Third, I have broken this habit on some level by just decreasing the regularity of it.  Finally, fourth, I have met a wonderful partner to go through this struggle with, whom I would never have connected to without this site.

Some questions.  Should I just start again right away or should I take a small break?  I don't want to keep starting and stopping since this will take away the seriousness of the commitment and I'm not sure what to do.  Also, if you have any ideas for kosher outlets that can replace these behaviors please let me know!

Iy"h when I start again in earnest, I'll start a new thread with my progress.

Thank you GYE!
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