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The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk
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The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 16 Dec 2015 03:18 #271479

  • eslaasos
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markz wrote:
I like to spend time either in Torah or in recovery

Thats a truck I'd like to hitch a ride with!
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The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 17 Dec 2015 17:05 #271630

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כתב באוה״ח "ויקרבו ימי ישראל למות" - וכי בימים שייך לומר לשון קריבה

אכן כוונת הכתוב הוא על פי מה שכתב איש אלהים קדוש האריז''ל ומצאת כי תדרשנו בס׳ קהלת יעקב וז''ל ואמנם ידעת מהתחלקות הנשמות לכמה ניצוצות ובכל גלגול וגלגול באים קצת מהם.

וכפי מספר הניצוצות של הצלם כך מספר ימי חייו. והימים שעושה בהם המצות נתקן ניצוץ אחד של הצלם ההוא כנגד היום ההוא, והיום שאין עושה בו מצוה נשאר פגום ניצוץ ההוא של הצלם ההוא כנגד היום ההוא, וכן על זה הדרך וכו' ע''כ.

ומה מאד האירה הקדמה זו עיני משכיל בכמה פרטי החקירות. האחד האירה עינינו בסוד השינה כי היא לעלות ניצוץ שכנגד היום ההוא והוא סוד אומרם כי השינה א' מס' מהמיתה (ברכות נז:) ואין יציאת הניצוץ בהחלט מוכרת מהנשמה אלא שנפרד מהכל ועודנו נסרך ונסבך בנפש

וזה מחסד אל שכל ניצוץ שזכה ביומו הנה הוא רחוק מההפסד הגם שירשיע אדם אחריו. וניצוץ אשר יעלה פגום הנה הוא יכול ליתקן - על ידי תשובה ישוב הניצוץ ויתקן גם זה מחסדי המתחסד הוא אלהינו יתעלה שמו...

לראשונים התחיל ה' להרבות להם המלאכה ונתן להם נשמות גדולות שבכל אחת יש בה חלקים רבים, והגביל לכל חלק מלאכתו יום א'. והוא סוד (שמות ט''ז ד') דבר יום ביומו. כי הענף יקרא יום ונתן להם ימים רבים כנגד חלקים אשר בנפשותם. לאדם נתן יותר משלש מאות אלף חלקים שהם מספר ימיו תתק''ל וכשיעור זה הן חסר הן יתר לדורות ההמה, וכשקלקלו ופרץ ה' בהם פרץ ואת בניהם הקים תחתם נח ובניו משם והלאה הקיל ה' מתת רוב הטורח ההוא כדי שתהיה הפקידה קרובה ויתחלחלו האנשים מעת הפקידה, וכשראה כי לא יכלו לעמוד היה מחסר והולך להקל, והן היום בעונותינו ימי שנותינו בהם ע' שנה שהם בקירוב חמשה ועשרים אלף יום ורבים מבני עמינו לא עמדו בעבודה קלה כזו...

גם בזה הרוחנו פירוש מה שאמר הכתוב (תהלים ק''ד) תוסף רוחם יגועון שאין כוונת הכתוב ידועה, גם לא אמר תוסף ברוחם, וכפי ההקדמה יאיר אור הכתוב כאור השמש. שיתכוון לומר כי כשיגיע קץ האדם פקודת נפשו יתוספו בו כל חלקי הנפש שנדו והלכו מידי לילה ולילה, והוא אומרו תוסף רוחם.
פירוש הרוח עצמה שלהם, וכבר אמרנו שהגם שהולכת אינה נעקרת בהחלט אלא הרי היא כיציאת הנשמה בלילה בעת שינה שמאיר אורה בגוף למטה והיא למעלה וזה לך האות בהעיר אדם את הישן ירגיש חלק המתעורר וירגיש גם חלק אשר עלה והבן: גם הרוחנו דעת כי אותם חלקי הנשמה נקראים ימים.

ובזה האיר משמעות הכתוב שבאנו עליו שאמר ויקרבו ימי ישראל למות פירוש חלקי הנשמה שעלו ממנו דבר יום ביומו הן עתה קרבו כמאמר הכתוב תוסף רוחם והוא אומרו למות, והרגיש יעקב אבינו בתוספת המרובה כי באו ימי השילום ויקרא לבנו ליוסף וגו'
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Last Edit: 17 Dec 2015 17:07 by Markz.

The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 17 Dec 2015 17:42 #271633

  • eslaasos
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Hi Mark,
Thanks, that was inspiring and interesting.
One question - how is it possible to have a day without a single mitzvah? What about אפילו ריקנין שבך מלאים מצוות כרמון? I'm sure you're familiar with the Gemara in Kiddushin that a kidushin on condition he is a tzadik is valid because even a hirhur Teshuva qualifies.
Actually we just came across this recently in the end of Sotah. Elisha cursed the people who were disrespectful and they were killed by bears. The Gemara says that he saw with Ruach Hakodesh that there was not even a לכלוכית of a Mitzvah in them or any of their descendants. This question bothered me then also.
Could it be there are different definitions of mitzvos here? Any and all new insight would be appreciated.
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The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 20 Dec 2015 02:41 #271821

  • Markz
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eslaasos wrote:
Hi Mark,
Thanks, that was inspiring and interesting.
One question - how is it possible to have a day without a single mitzvah? What about אפילו ריקנין שבך מלאים מצוות כרמון? I'm sure you're familiar with the Gemara in Kiddushin that a kidushin on condition he is a tzadik is valid because even a hirhur Teshuva qualifies.
Actually we just came across this recently in the end of Sotah. Elisha cursed the people who were disrespectful and they were killed by bears. The Gemara says that he saw with Ruach Hakodesh that there was not even a לכלוכית of a Mitzvah in them or any of their descendants. This question bothered me then also.
Could it be there are different definitions of mitzvos here? Any and all new insight would be appreciated.
im just a simple tailor, I hope you can find the answers in a different thread. Also I try to keep this thread focused on the thing that's always on top of my mind...
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The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 20 Dec 2015 02:48 #271823

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horiyos 10b wrote:

אמר רבי יוחנן מאי דכתיב {הושע יד-י} כי ישרים דרכי ה' וצדיקים ילכו בם ופושעים יכשלו בם

משל לשני בני אדם שצלו פסחיהם אחד אכלו לשום מצוה ואחד אכלו לשום אכילה גסה

זה שאכלו לשום מצוה צדיקים ילכו בם, זה שאכלו לשום אכילה גסה ופושעים יכשלו בם

See what R' Yerucham zl expounds on this in P Yisro

The point is as follows
If my primary intent in tashmish is my selfishness then Im considered a posh(ea)

If my intent is to benefit someone else, I am considered a tzaddik

The result is enjoyable, eg tashmish, or eating pesach for the sake of mitzva. If you don't enjoy it you're sick

The question is - Why are you doing it?

If I'm more interested in myself and figured out a way to masturbate is with my wife, I don't know how much fulfillment of pru urvu is taking place, even when children are born

A great rabbi once said "I try fulfil the first Siman in shulchan aruch, so when i get to heaven, I don't get caught out the first minute"

For us?
Let's try fulfil the first command in the Torah, so we don't get caught out the first minute
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The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 21 Dec 2015 02:37 #271916

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crakerjak wrote:
I am writing to say that I am feeling really good this morning. Yesterday was a good strong day B’H. I pummeled the Y’H right where it hurts and he slunk away a beaten man. He tried so many times to entice me throughout the day in so many different guises. B'H each time I knocked him for six. I devised several different ways of controlling my eyes and thoughts one of which I find particularly helpful.

When I reach the traffic lights and stop for the red signal I invariably used to look/gaze at the drivers to my left and right and make eye contact with them. I would do this after shul on the way into the city to my office. The good Hashba'os from Shacharis would be obliterated by my careless looking at women in their cars. It would practically set the tone for the day and was a perfect kick start for the Y'H. Now he had me on a roll and then it was plain sailing for him once I got into work (with the thoughts of what I had seen on the way in) and before my PC in my private office.

Now, whenever I reach the lights, I look down at my tzitzis, count the strings and fiddle with the knots. I think of the reason why I'm wearing these and what they signify. I recall the words for which these holy strings were instituted - 'veloi sosuru acharei levavchem ve'acharei eineichem asher atem zoinim achareihem'. I only move off once the fellow behind me sounds his horn. I don't care making him mad at me for not moving the second the lights turn green. 'I am engrossed in my private battle that I'm determined to win so you behind me can wait 2 more seconds before moving off’ The best nachas is the fist he waves at me when he overtakes me! That’s the Y’H's fist saying 'I’ll get you next time'!

I don't think so sonny, have a rotten day and I hope you’re unsuccessful in everything that you do!!

Where did I get the strength from? I never used to have the strength to be so powerful in my self-defence. Never before did I think that I would be able to beat him with such ease.

I'll tell you where I got the strength from; from the likes of ME, ELYA K, MEVAKESH, NICEGUY and all the other wonderful fellow warriors. I tell you, I'm not kidding - if it were not for this forum, I would never have had the ability to make a start on my missile defence programme!
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Last Edit: 21 Dec 2015 02:38 by Markz.

The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 21 Dec 2015 19:31 #271968

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This is geshmak, but DO NOT click the spoilers in this post if you're at work - unless you want to share it with your boss
me wrote:
....even if we say that Lo Sosuru is "only" an issur M'draban, this is in itself very severe, (I am not saying that I myself am not over on this)...but the chafetz chaim says in Shmiras HaLoshon, that a person must be prepared to give up "everything" that he owns just in order to to transgress a M'draban.

I found this on the web:

:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!

:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!

So I'm writing separately to take away any hint that I'm suggesting "one who thinks a bad thought is a sinner." I would disagree violently with such a guilt trip, and assume that such a belief system could throw folks into unwarranted despair

My dear friend...here at GYE we don't hold by "guilt trips". They are just as destructive as any y"h, and they are also one of his strongest tactics.
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The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 21 Dec 2015 22:21 #271987

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gibbor120 wrote:
לא תתורו אחרי לבבכם - זו מינות - Do not stray after your heart - this refers to heresy.

Why is heresy referred to as following your heart? Shouldn't it say - don't follow your mind? Isn't it the mind that causes one to stray?!?

Nope. A person's heart, his desires, cause him to stray. The mind just finds the rationalization for it afterwards. It seems to start in the mind, but it actually starts in the heart

Ohr Sameach.edu wrote:
"Do not follow the desires of your heart (Bamidbar 15:39)".

Our sages comment that this verse warns us not to stray from our belief in G-d. Reb Elchonon asks: Why the heart? Why not the mind? Why don't our Sages tell us not to make the intellectual mistake of heresy. What does the heart have to do with not believing?

Reb Elchonon answers that belief in G-d is Mankind's "natural condition." In lieu of external influences, every person would cling to his faith, and heresy would not exist. However, there are countless distractions and provocative challenges to our moral integrity. These opportunities for forbidden pleasures act as a bribe to our intellect. Suddenly our judgement becomes blurred, and we find ourselves looking to justify the illicit behavior. Not far down that path is the porthole to disbelief. The Torah's command not to follow the desires of our heart is a warning to not take thebribe offered by temptation, because its end is in apostasy
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The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 21 Dec 2015 22:34 #271989

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ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם ואחרי עיניכם
Apparently according to the Sifri and Rabeinu Bachya, the heart is the vehicle that drives the eye - more to come iyH
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The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 22 Dec 2015 19:48 #272082

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Today's is the only fast that even if it happens to fall on Shabbos, we'd have to abstain from the beer and Cholent.
That would be a crisis, which the Rabbis saw in their ruach hakodesh would be untenable, so they preset the calendar so that it never fall on a Shabbos.

In what way is asara be'teves different to all others?

On this day we recall the first opening steps began the destruction of Gds home on the Temple Mount

The Jewish people were still going strong, but, since it's the beginning, it's the most significant

What's the lesson for us?

The beginning is the most significant

I found for myself that jumping on the Chart was the challenge, and plenty good came from there
I have other struggles which I need to begin small steps to beH

Today is a good day to plan one step for mankind
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The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 22 Dec 2015 20:04 #272087

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bardichev wrote:
In the Parsha of TZITZIS, the Torah Teaches us: "VE'LO SASURU ACHAREI LIVAVCHEM VIACHAREI EINICHEM - And you shall not stray after your heart and after your eyes".

Said Reb Lazer, VE'LO SASURU - you should not stray from the path of Hashem, ACHAREI LEVAVCHEM, V'ACHAREI AINEICHEM. The Torah is telling us, that even AFTER you already sinned, even AFTER you already started to go after your heart or eyes, DON'T CONTINUE the downward slide that the Yetzer Hara is trying to get you into even more than the sin itself!

So if you sinned, shake it off and continue on!!
HaGaon Reb Leizer Geltdzeler ZT"L:




battleworn wrote:
Don't untie your kesher with Hashem after(acharei) you went after your eyes and after your heart. The greatest nachas ruach for Hashem is when we keep fighting even after we've been beaten.


Machshovo Tova wrote:
Pidaini wrote:
... we are not our [subconsious] thoughts that pop up without our direct will...

Just wanted to add that while we are not held responsible for those annoying thoughts that pop up, we need to do our part in ignoring and not dwelling on them. As the sforim explain the possuk:
ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם ואחרי עיניכם
You shall not stray 'after' your hearts and 'after' your eyes.
i.e. the involuntary thought, or the involuntry look is not your fault, but be careful not to keep thinking or looking afterwards
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The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 23 Dec 2015 20:03 #272175

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ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם ואחרי עיניכםFrom the Sifri and R' Bechaya, it's apparent that the heart is the vehicle that drives the eye - so keep that I mind when choosing your truck :-)

Here's more;

WHAT IS TRULY OUR PROBLEM - The Mind or the Eye?

If you are Mr 'never lusted', this is the wrong website for you (checkout the prevention site guardyoureyes.com/prevention), also what I'm about to say later is graphic and inappropriate for you.
All others, read on.

We need a BRAIN-WASH!!! Cold Shower - Ah... Refreshing!
'Cos when our brainwaves are positive, lustful images won't affect us - AT ALL, like demonstrated in the 4 examples below.
But when our brain is in 'addict' mode, even legitimite kosher things can be detrimental to us

Examples of 'Mr Pornfree'

1) A famous Rabbi had a personal custom whenever he was at a wedding, to lift the bride and carry her on his shoulders tra-la-la, to add joy to the חתן and כלה.
Guess what? It didn't lower his purity but was considered a מצוה!
(An Amora - see Ritva end of kiddushin)

2) To stop from sin, another famous Jew went directly to the location that a man and woman were having sinful relations and witnessed the full act.
Guess what? Not only did it not affect him, He was raised to a position of leadership in our nation (happens to be he also shot them. Pinchas).
Imagine a famous חסידיש׳ע Rebbe or the חפץ חיים זצוקלל"ה זכותם יגן עלינו visit an Adult-only website to see an X-Rated video, (destroy it) and coming out greater?

3) There's a religious guy that his פרנסה is by spending time with women in a closed room looking at them partially unclothed. He's a gynecologist, and I heard a well known Rav compliment this fellow's יראת שמים.
Everyone's wife has been to one of these guys

4) The first couple walked around naked. And they were on the highest levels of עבודת ה׳ until they listened to a stupid snake.

Examples of Mr 'Sexaholic'
To my struggling friend in a sleek Black James Bond Car (if I'm missing something about your personality please clue me in)

1) You write "I sit and read the forum posts about people lusting and it gives me thoughts" which is what gave the impetus to post 'No GYE after 9PM for ME'.

You know what? When I'm in the mood for casual reading, it would be downright dangerous for me to go to guardyoureyes.com - there's so much inappropriate material and stuff there I never knew existed (We could even promote GYE on Google as a great Porn Adult Website - You know I'm kidding, but my you got my point?)

Our brain needs to be in the mode of 1%+ recovery to come on this website, in order for it to assist us and not pull us down. As long as we are have not begun, and are searching for ways of treatment - no website is safe NOT EVEN TORAH WEBSITES - I can give you sources in Talmud that will enhance your lust till you bust.

2) You say "I have a problem with SSA!"
Shlomo24 had a great response "guys with ssa sexualize non sexual things"
A Porn free guy is diametrically opposite "even lustful things can be viewed as non sexual" (We're far far from there)

To summarize;
When our brainwaves are not in control, then, like you admitted "GYE after 9pm isn't safe, and taking a shower isn't safe, and SSA is a struggle".
We need help to change our brainwaves and the solution is going to be more than "no GYE after 9pm". If you'd have said no internet after 9pm, that would be amazing...

Is it the eye, or is it the mind that needs gye tools?
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Last Edit: 18 Aug 2016 12:57 by Markz.

The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 03 Jan 2016 14:12 #273192

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The following I'm quoting because it resonates with me in my life - I'm not saying it applies to anyone else at all

R Yonasan Eibeshetz wrote:

בפיוט אדיר איום ונורא וכו' צאנך מיד גוזזים

הרצון שלפעמים אנו רואים אדם רשע שחוזר בתשובה יושב בצום ובכי מתפלש בעפר וכהנה דברים טובים וכאשר יעברו ימים אחדים הנה הוא חוזר לסורו במעשים מקולקלים ונשכח ימי השבע מפני ימי הרעב

וסיבה לזה הוא כמו צאן שמבקשים לגוזו ובצמרו יעשו כל חפץ יתנו לו לאכול מלח וכדומה המגדל צמר למאוד וכאשר יגדל הצמר יגוזו וכן יעשו תמיד

וכן הס"א יונקים מן ישראל העובר שפעת קדושה אשר בו והוא להם למחיה ולכך סביב רשעים יתהלכון אך כאשר הם יונקים וכבר נפשו יבשה ואין לחלוחית קדושה עוד בה כי ה' סר מעליו ומעשיו רעים וחטאים מה הם עושים נותנים ללבו לשוב אל ה' ולעשות טוב עד אשר ידושן נפשו מטוב ה' כפי עבודתו במצות ה' ויהיה מלא טוב בברכת ה' ואז כאשר רואים ישמן ישורון ונפשו מלא טוב אז ימנעו אותו מלילך במצות ה' כפעם בפעם ויונקים ממנו כל שפעת קדושה ובעו"ה נותן חלקו לזרים וכוחו לנכרים

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➣ The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk

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Last Edit: 18 Aug 2016 12:59 by Markz.

The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 03 Jan 2016 18:10 #273213

  • Markz
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eslaasos wrote:
elaalavinu wrote:
what are you saying

I can't tell you what the great Mark was saying, but it sounds like he was saying something that I feel is right. I agree that Torah can feel like it's getting rid of some of the shmutz saved in your hard drive, and also Torah is magen umatzli, but we need to know that just limud hatorah alone is not what Hashem wants from us, and in many cases is not enough for us.

It could be that if we were to do nothing but be omeil batorah 24/7 for the rest of our lives, that would be good enough, but that's not possible, and also not why Hashem put us here.

More specifically what Mark was saying, if there is a root cause that drives us to escape with lust, we need to uproot it, otherwise it is likely that the images we erased may eventually be replaced with newer ones next time we find ourselves on the wrong side of the battlefield.

Mark, feel free to correct my interpretation of your post, but in any event this is my understanding.

2 small points
Yes I meant that - you always express it a lot better

The יערות דבש mentioned above adds a different dimension

Another point, is the words of the Gra zl in even shleima that Torah alone doesn't purify at all without the right mindset, it can even do the opposite

The heads of the reform movement knew more Torah than all of us put together...

To be continued another time
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The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk 06 Jan 2016 00:13 #273464

  • Markz
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chasid wrote:
What Torah commandments are involved in gazing at photos of undressed unmarried gentile women?

the.guard wrote:
Dear Chasid - welcome to our community!

A non-religious man once told the Brisker Rav that he doesn't believe in G-d because he has many questions. The Brisker Rav told him, "you don't have questions, you have answers". So my friend, if this question you ask is really an "answer" to why you aren't working on yourself, then I don't know if I can help you. However, I believe that the fact you are asking us this question is because you genuinely want to stop these behaviors. You just feel you need to understand more how dangerous and sinful it is, so that you can convince the Yetzer Hara to leave you alone.

There's no question that any Posek you will ask will tell you that it is prohibited. I would like you to realize that your question is really the "addiction" speaking, and that this is one of the tricks of the addiction. Rabbi Twerski, founder of an Alcoholic Rehabilitation Center, compared such claims to me once on the phone, to an addict who says "I was just trying beer, I wasn't drinking whiskey"...

As far as the prohibitions are concerned, anyone who is frum and has learned any Torah, should be aware of the severity of these sins. The Torah says "Thou shall not go astray after your hearts and after your eyes which lead you astray,". This applies to any image that arouses one's sexual inclination, and erotic images of any type are definitely forbidden. The Rabbis state that anyone who purposefully arouses his sexual organ is to be banished (Niddah 13A). The Gemara there even goes as far to say "Better one's stomach should burst than he should touch the area of his bris (and possibly bring himself to an erection)". And another Gemara says "better to walk behind a lion than to walk behind a woman". And another Gemara: "whoever brings himself to an erection is destroying the world". This is not Mussar or Chassidus, this is regular Gemara. Chaza"l were fire about this! The Medrash says that anyone who is not careful with gazing at women will come to sin with them in the end.

Viewing porn is also included in the prohibition of "Lo Sikrevu Legalos Erva, Ani Hashem Elokeichem" - "Do not come close to revealing nakedness, for I am Hashem your G-d". There is no other Mitzva in the Torah where such terminology is used. Even with idol worship, the Torah doesn't say not to come close! Only with sexual matters, the Torah exhorts us to stay far away from it. It is also interesting to note that the Torah uses the words "do not come close to reveal nakedness" and not "to sexual relations". This implies that "revealing nakedness" (i.e. even looking) is, on some level, as if one had already done the act.

This little test can be your meter - if an image triggers a sexual twitch, a stronger heartbeat, sweaty palms, or even a silent, "Wow!" then you are polluting your soul, damaging your "Da'at," the ability to know G-d, and cutting yourself off from the Divine Presence, the Shechinah. The eyes are the windows to the soul and they are the vessels to receive the light of the Shechina. One who has damaged these vessels will not be able to bask in the glory of the Shechinah in this world, nor in the next.

chasid wrote:
I have plenty of reason of why not to do such a deed. Reason much greater than the reason you have mentioned. I do not not know why you haven't mentioned these reasons because they are clearly mentioned by the Rambam in his Pirush on Sanhedrin 7:4 and in Hilchot Teshuva.

My knowledge is limited and that is why I am asking. I want to know what Torah prohibition are involved in the case of gentile undressed women. The only on that I can think of is "you shall be holy." Which is a general prohibition. The prohibition of not straying after your eyes would apply to relatives, a niddah, a married woman. For this reason I asked about a unmarried gentile woman.

bardichev wrote:
wowee we have a lamdan on board

the ramban tells us the basics of yiddishkite is NOT to be a NAVAL BERESHUS HATORA.
I am also a chasid and I learned some torah too but I don’t have the correct TEITSH of the word NAVAL I think it can be loosely translated as a PIG in the permission of the Torah.

You can go down this road and get all cute with your diorayssos and dirabanans ultimately you will be a NAVAL.It may work in lomdus bet your heart and mind will be GOYISH

Dear yid
You can choose any path you want in life it is yours to make or break .In the end you have one court to answer to. That is you being honest with yourself.
When you are listening to tekias shofar wrapped in your tallis holding your leather bound machzor swaying back and forth and the image of the gentile unmarried n****d women pops into your mind will you be so brazen and say oh cute no di'oraysa there.or when the whole shul is dancing with fervor in simchas tiorah and you cant keep your eyes off the ezras noshim imagining who knows what. what will you tell YOURSELF then???


there is a long Rambam regarding this so is there a rabbeinu yonah I don’t have either in front of me know so I cant quote them.

See the or hachayim in the parshas arayis in achrei mos

Listen up end of the day you will have to look yourself in the mirror and honestly tell yourself I'm good I was only oiver drabbananan.

Besides there is a gemara in avodah zra 27 poretz geder yishchenu nachash

usually humble and usually happy

chasid wrote:
Bardichev: Please do not reply to any of my posts till you learn how to read.

bardichev wrote:
boy can I read...

I won't respond to your post and I hope no one reads them .This a freindly place with people who want to be helped can be helped .


the guard wrote:
Barditchev Tzadik, I know you mean Leshaim Shamayim, but I think you misread Chasid. He also means Lishaim Shamayim. He is only trying to help us mention the most important reasons why we should encourage people to stop these behaviors.

Let's make all the effort we can on these forums to only be mekarev with Ahavah every Jew and be dan likaf zechus unless we are 100% sure that someone's intentions are not proper. And even if so, preferably contact me about it and I'll try to deal with it.

Chasid, please forgive us. We know you mean good.

I love all Yidden!!

bardichev wrote:
I apologize
I love all yidden too

Dov also had what to write HERE and he loves all yidden too
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Last Edit: 06 Jan 2016 00:14 by Markz.
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