mggsbms wrote on 15 May 2016 18:20:
Dov wrote on 15 May 2016 18:00:
mggsbms wrote on 15 May 2016 16:25:
I should really shut up because arguing about these things will for sure not get me sober. But..
If I only focus on today what is my motivation. To be normal just today ? I'll handle one crazy day. It's a bunch of crazy days that are the problem. It's running the risk of acting out before my daughter's chupah that scares me to death.
One day at a time may be a tool, for some people. For lots of GYE people it may be a powerful gimmick to trick the yetzer hora into leaving me along or something...but for me it is simple and literal. I am alive now and there is no such thing as "many days" or "a bunch of days". This does not mean that I do not plan for tomorrow or for next week. Rather, it simply means that I train myself to do
today's job today, and tomorrow's job
tomorrow....not any other way.
It's really an entirely different way of living - of being - for me. In addiction it was ironically all 'in the moment': I could sacrifice many tomorrows for the comforting lust would give me right then...but the
lifestyle filled me with worry about the future, regrets about the past, and terror of getting caught in a lie. Terror of whether I will be satisfied sexually tomorrow - or ever. Worried about how my kids will turn out or if moshiach will chas v'sholom come before I finally "do Teshuva gemura" was very dramatic, very exciting, and very stupid.
Now my emotions come, they wash over me and I stand outside myself observing me having them...and my sponsor helped me see that feelings are not reality, but just feelings. They do not move me into tomorrow, and not into yesterday. They just
are. This is how I
feel right now.
Perhaps my daughter will be married in 5 days like you, and there is fear and worry and regret and dissatisfaction, and excitement, and resentment. But all those things are fantasy - just like the naked women I was looking at in the porn, just like the sex scenes playing in my head while I masturbated...not reality. They were there because I needed excitement - or crisis.
Now i am learning to accept G-d's Will as it comes. And by 'G-d's Will' I certainly do not mean 'the mitzvos', and neither does Hashem! G-d's most pervasive and relevant 'Will' is simply how the events of my life are unfolding right now - today. Life on Life's terms, as they say in AA. This is obvious to anyone who really thinks it over. The GR"A calls it the contents of the dot in the 'Beis' in bereishis...the Zohar (and gemora) calls it "istakla b'orayso uboro almo". All of history is in the Torah - not the mitzvos, but what people call 'divrei reshus' is all G-d's Will as somehow expressed in the Torah: how fat you are, how rich or poor you are, if your daughter is happy or smart or not, or if the caterer is nuts or good or how much money you will need to spend, or save, your health and the traffic for all your guests and family the day of the wedding, the photographer being a jerk, someone vomiting on your (geneidigeh) machteinisteh in the mitzva tantz (c"v!...heheh), etc, etc...all factors that will have
far more severe and noticeable consequences than what time
sof z'man kriyas Shma will be....this is G-d's Will. The ikkar of G-d's Will that we have a horrid time accepting.
It's not about whether we choose to sin or not. It is whether we choose to live with the times - to accept G-d's Will today. Life as it really
is....or if we whine our way through it whispering regrets and worries and disappointments all the way through.
White-knuckling through life is our big problem, not white-knuckling through
I know that once a person works the 12 steps and learns that he or she does not need to white-knuckle through
life any more, they will find that
staying sober is no problem at all....
And without acceptance of today being more than enough for me to think about, none of this is even touchable.
None of it.
It's the basis for real living.
Great stuff ! And I get all that - that's a far cry from actually living it.
My point is, is there a motivating factor for me to work towards such a mindset ? There got to be a reason for me to take the minute to minute effort of living life on life's terms. And that is because living life on my terms has gotten me to a place where I can act out in crazy ways or crazy times.
Ok...let's backtrack. Why is it that you are asking what your motivation will be?
From a frum/moral point of view the motivation might be simply that without this correction to your way of living, you suck. In other words, you will keep sinning, will go to hell, are a fake, not so good, etc. But the reason that this motivation is useless in reality is simple: If
that were truly a
motivation for you
then you would not be masturbating and using porn so much in the first place. So, saying that I will try to do it because
Hashem wants me to change is circular and silly. Sort of the way the RMBa"N writes that there cannot logically be a mitzvah to believe in G-d. For if you don't already believe, then G-d obviously knows that you do not believe that the command to believe in Him is coming from Him, anyway! He doesn't waste time cuz He isn't silly. Really.
From a practical point of view (the only one that works for most addicts I know, myself included - and I know I am a ma'amin) the motivation to change might be that I cannot keep living this way. Not that
Hashem cannot stand me living this way (for then I will just try
doing Teshuvah more sincerely, between 'terrible' sprees), and not that
my wife cannot stand me living this way (for them I will really just
hide better).
The problem comes when an innocent GYE guy comes here and is told a few things that imply that recovery is dogma, like a religion. "You need to accept you are powerless (do the 1st step)", etc. In fact, even just telling a guy that he really must stop masturbating and using porn, is generally a waste of time. C'mon folks, we all know it's wrong. We all know sneaking porn, masturbating ourselves and all the other sneaky erotic things we do are wrong -
and we always knew it! It's tiring to hear guys say "
I didn't know till I read the shulchan aruch." Were they masturbating on their front porch??
I don't think so. Right from the start, if we get caught we go nuts.
Most of us always hid it, didn't we? From the first time we did it, we hid it. We
knew it was strange, that it was compulsive. And the older we got, the more childish we realized we were being. BTW, that's why the porn places call themselves "ADULT" - it is typical of advertising that it says the exact opposite of what it really is, to eliminate the doubt (the honesty) in the hearts of those using it.
So what's gonna be your motivation? Well, does your life stink as you presently are? Is your faking, lying, and hiding driving you out of this life? Can you relate to the addicts who come to meetings because they simply NEED to have a safe haven, a place where they can finally admit, "I can't stop using my sweet drug, and even with my sweet drug, I can't seem to manage my life successfully. I am at whit's end and have certainly lost the game of life."?
Or is it perfectionism and frumkeit that you are after - pleasing G-d....and yet you are just not yet ready to let go of the requirement to please yourself at the same time?
That's where most people are, I think. Poschim al shtei has'ipim. No way out. Oy li m'yotzri, oy li m'yitzri.
That sucks. But it's where so many of us are, no shayloh.
You wanna be there?