So I had a fall. This time I was looking at nudity and I let go of my defenses and drank the lust. I stoped at a point though, called my wife just to say hi and then called SA. I am meeting him today at 10.30 am.
I have a problem with wanting to be a woman, but this time I think my disease progressed. I don't want to be a woman so much, cos I refrained much from that while acting out yesterday. I want to act out with a live woman. Of course. So when I went home with a bus a woman sat next to me, and I was begining to shake, I really wanted some sort of contact, but on the other hand I was looking away. So thank God, my wife called in that moment and then the woman went off the bus. My crazy mind made me think that the woman would want to have something with me. Then I picked up some food in the evening, I was shaking as I was talking with the girl at the counter, I went away. But that shaking never happened to me before. I was always the depressed type after the acting out. But the truth is, I was still acting out at time, I never stopped really.
I wanted to tell my wife everything. But I slaped my face for being such egomaniac, for acting out while knowing how it will hurt others. She has all those worries and work and everything and I will put another burden on her.
As I was at home, my phone rang. It was the therapist I called yesterday. He runs a group, he is an ex-alchoholic and accepts people with all sorts of addiction and so on. But I was afraid to pick up the phone. So I said to my wife that the person calling is just some woman from work that is bothering me. I lied.
I am sorry about that. And the fact that I feel I need to lie. And that I am in this position.
Why, why, why?
Maybe because I didn't follow the program set. I am sick (my throat is really hurting me for more than 2 weeks now...), my hip and back hurt, I am not doing the workouts, I don't clean up in the evening and then do it in the morning, in the morning I don't do the energization exercises or read, I am not reading at all much just the Big Book and was having trouble with step 4 (I didn't finish, I just did resentments and then stopped saying I will do it later), I wasn't thankful.
What now?
I don't know. I am meeting the SA guy today. And I will call the therapist if he would allow me to join his program and not give my wife the full program that would demand of her to run, read and attend many meetings. I don't think he will say yes, because his program demands that you have a loved one present. It is because of the loved one that the addicts there find footing, grow and find serenity. I don't know, what to ask him?
The pictures I saw were like a slap to my forehead. I wasn't shaking like I was always before, I was shaking next to women.
I don't want to meet the SA guy. I don't want to live like picking up the phone all the time and listening to addicts, I don't want to have talks at meetings where thousands of people come. Damn what kind of a crowd is that? I don't want my kids to learn: Yeah daddy is an addict and he needs to have his talk, so just let him do his talk.
This is so degrading.
But I don't have an option. The only way I stopped yesterday is by calling that SA guy. So, today I will meet him and will go from there. I need serenity or I will die. If I get together with a lady, I will probably get very agressive to my wife and child and I will have to leave my family. That wouldn't be degrading, it would be the way of things and sort of normal in our society, but I would know the truth and so would my family. I didn't fight for them. So this is me, fighting for my family. I don't know any other way.
So Elya asked me long ago in my thread and it hit me: Is it working?
My efforts didn't work. I know I wasn't working the program set and I know I got tired too soon, I did pray to God and I did let go and let God and I was trusting him more and more. So what happened? I was slipping in my everyday life and I was feeling sorry for myself and I was resentful and stopped believing my Higher Power to take my resentments, my fears and my character defects away.
Can I do anything about this mess? I feel like such a fake and a liar. I can't lie to my wife, I need to tell her about this. I will, just that she finishes a project she has first. I will tell her until then I will try to survive.
I don't know what to do? I can't do a thing, I can't act out, so I will go to that SA guy and hear the instruction and I will call the therapist and ask, ok now what? What else is there