yehoshua wrote on 03 Jun 2010 14:42:
I want to able to give something to this world and make others happy.
Welcome aboard. (Wait: haven't I seen you before? Is there more than one Yehoshua here? Hmmn.. Anyhow....] The administrator of the Forum -- we call him Guard in case you don't know that -- is probably slogging through Ben Gurion (the airport, that is) back to his desk to catch up on welcoming folks like you.
In the meantime, welcome. And look around the front page of the site for all kinds of handbooks and stories and stuff that should be helpful. Feel free to send a PM (private message: look above for the link called messages!) if you get lost.
I found one piece of your intro particularly moving. You know, out there in the mainstream culture (are you from the US?), the value is: "the one with the most toys when he dies, wins." In the frum culture, the value is, "how can I make the world a better place." Punktverkehrt (180 away). And seeing you put that down as part of your goal in life [don't make it your only goal: you're allowed to make yourself happy, too] says to me that your goals are aligned with His goals, which means you're gonna be getting LSD to hit your goals. Oh, LSD is Steve-talk (you just met him) for Lotsa Siyatta Dishmaya.