Thanks for sharing, yehoshua. I'm going to assume you're a real addict in this post, but please keep in mind that there's a fine line between a hard user and a real addict when it comes to lust, and I have no experience whatsover with what it's like for a regular hard user; I can only speak from my experience.
Page 62 of the big book says "Selfishness - self-centredness! That, we think is the root of our troubles...So our troubles, we think, are basically of our own making." so, whenever I feel like I'm "having so much trouble", as you mentioned, I have to look at where selfishness and ego are active in my life.
A second point is that lust was really helpful for me when I was using it; it saved me from an internal spiritual vacuum that left me alone and apart from the world, and then just one thought and halleluyah! I was alive! I felt part of a world I had seen but never experienced. Problem is, once I started, I couldn't stop. I came to GYE thinking I was a hard user, and I stayed sober for 30 days, but I was dying inside, because of this spiritual vacuum that the big book calls a "malady" or "sickness". Worst part is, my mind kept tricking me into starting again after a year of sobriety, and I didn't even want sobriety any more, because lust was the only solution I had ever known to this hole inside of me that kept driving me closer and closer to suicide.
The solution, for me, to both this selfishness, and this spiritual malady that was the root of it all was a humility in saying "my relationship with HaShem isn't working for me.", and then following the path through the big book that my sponsor and his sponsor took to get RECOVERY, and forming a "faith that works" with HaKadosh Baruch Hu that has uplifted me to a new level of existence, where I feel as though I am floating with my head in the clouds, yet my feet planted firmly on the ground being a part of this world and this life and feeling love for HaShem, my fellows, and myself that I never knew possible.