I think there is a tremendous difference between someone who finds out after they are married and demands a divorce and someone who is engaged. We all agree that there is nothing wrong with a handicapped person or a person who suffers from extreme anxiety or someone who has poor health. If any of this r"l happens to a spouse or if someone finds out after they are married its understandable if you expect them to try to make it work and not to immediately end the relationship. But if someone finds this out before a marriage why get involved? Yes it doesn't mean he/she won't be the most wonderful spouse or a perfect father but it doesn't seem radical to me not to want to initially get mixed up in such a relationship.
And porn is technically cheating on a wife. Yes it may be more common than people think unfortunately, but it doesn't make it something a person should have to have between a relationship. If your wife (are you married?) tells you when are engaged that she struggles with kissing other men, no! she would never have relations with them, just kissing and maybe viewing their body parts but all her friends do it and it's normal she just won't be satisfied with just viewing your body...she also shares peeks at her coworkers here and there is that ok? She can still be a loving wife and a nurturing mother? I think the difference is obvious and personally I don't blame your friends kallah. But once someone is married and willing to work on it is a different story... IF they are actually working on it...
P.S. Trapped lives absolutely matter but why should I trap myself with them?
P.P.S. Respect can be expected for fighting the addiction, but not for the addiction itself.
You won't be blacklisted, don't worry. Truth is i was more upset by picamoniker's tale of woe than my friend's broken engagement. If you didn't read his thread its a must. (It also shook me up to think about that happening to me - which, if my wife wasn't normal and amazing, it probably would have already).
Re broken engagements - my point is that girly need to be aware that 90 percent of guys they are dating have struggled/still struggle with this. This idea that they are going to find someone better, a "pure" soul who hasn't been tainted is highly unlikely in today's culture. (again, not talking about extreme right chassidim and yeshivish but monsey, five towns, flatbush OOT circles). So if a person fesses up during the dating and the girl was given the proper hakdamah about what its like to be a man and the ways it is possible to break free, if she really liked him and he was truly a good guy, she should appreciate his honesty and stick with him together with the knowledge that this (again, in non extreme cases with nothing more than having viewed/viewing porn) is NOT the defining factor of a persons's identity.
RE porn being "cheating" on one's wife. I know what Dov says and i strongly, strongly disagree on this point. (which is why I am not particularly looking forward to his review of this because he and i have a fundamentally different approach to this and i found some of his attitudes to be off-putting and unhelpful.) People who chat on their wife haven't been cheating on their wife since age five. You know why? Because their wife wasn't around. Cheating on a wife means that you wife plays a fundemental role here - the predominant factor in your action is your wife and her being cheated on. This can be because of many reasons related to your relationship - you don't love her, you don't care about her, you are unsatisfied in your relationship etc. A porn addiction simply isn't that. Its an illness. Like alchoholism. It has NOTHING to do with your relationship with your wife. I'll reiterate - i have a WONDERFUL, deep, real, emotion-filled, passionate relationship with my wife. We are literally one soul. She knows about my (thusfar lifelong!) struggle and loves me through it because she is mature enough to realize that it has zero to do with her or my feelings for her. I adore my wife, I am attracted to her, I try to be the best husband I can be and i can't imagine living without her for a second. This problem has been a problem since day one, it is more of a cumpulsion than a choice, and I am always striving to work on it and grow - particularly in this last stretch and to be honest with her etc. This is not "cheating" on my wife. This is me being an alchoholic with porn as my alchohol. This is as not cheating as my wife and being compulsively compelled to drink alchohol to release my stress (and far easier to live with because (again for me, there are certainly extreme cases and people with very different circumstances) it doesn't lead to abuse or neglect etc.
Re your comment that "Respect can be expected for fighting the addiction, but not for the addiction itself." I would say that first of all, both people i referenced in my OP were fighting. (my friend had gone to therapy, and I am sure was desperate to get help he is genuinely the nicest, kindest person.) I would say that respect is expected for fighting the addiction, coupled with compassion for the pain of addiction.
I just feel like our pain and struggle is ovrlooked, particularly by those who could never understand what it is like, who then make decisions from that place of self-righteousness based on warped societal ideals that destroy people and rip apart families for next to nothing.