Whoo, Grant, seems your doing great.
I also used to struggle with movies and TV shows. I could binge watch half a season a day, it was crazy. Going to yeshiva where I had long periods of no acs essto movies helped me kick the habit. I only occasionally get a pang of 'oh I wanna watch that show' nowadays, baruch Hashem.
What I'm saying is, in a funny way, this was a fight I never really had to wage. I just watched movies, went to yeshiva, and then I didn't. But I know that many times back when I did watch I wanted to quit, but I never had the guts. Never had the willpower. So you've no idea how much I respect you and your courage in breaking this addiction.
Have you thought about reading some biographies of tzaddikim etc? They can be quite lighthearted and fun, and whilst maybe not as well written as some of the goyshe ones, they can be quite inspiring. And I've heard the jewish book 'vanqueshing the dragon' is also good, but I've never read it myself.
Anyway, keep up inspiring me as you always do.