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My Book of Business
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Re: My Book of Business 20 Jul 2017 19:58 #317615

  • Shivisi_Hashem
  • Current streak: 158 days
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Day #24

B"H I passed Day #23 and Today is Day #24

Today is number #24, I had BH a clean yesterday, day and night, im just popping in, im very very busy today, thats great.

Thank you Hashem, Thank you to my partner and thank you all GYE’ers…. You are the one who got me here, ימלא השם כל משאלות לבכם לטובה

Let’s Stay Strong! Let’s Stay Clean! And let’s be positive and happy, Yes! We can! And Together!

My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
My threads: my long נסיעה of almost 30 years ~ My Book of Business ~ My Upcoming Dilemma

להטות לבבנו אליו ללכת בכל דרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקיו ומשפטיו אשר צוה את אבתינו
כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים

Re: My Book of Business 24 Jul 2017 18:00 #317771

  • Shivisi_Hashem
  • Current streak: 158 days
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Day #28 – 4 Weeks clean!!!!

B"H I passed Day #25, 26 & 27 and Today is Day #28, 4 weeks clean!!!

Today is Rosh Chodesh Av, and it’s Today number #28, I had BH a clean weekend and yesterday day and night,

The last 2 weeks I had it somehow easier, even it used to be to toughest days in the year, I didn’t look at any inappropriate sightings, no porn, tried to control my thoughts, etc, but today in the morning, it waited me a little change and surprise, it was dark, raining, tired, and it was a huge struggle, I wasn't in the mood of fighting, and I almost fell, but I managed to get out of it beshulem, I just jumped out of bad before its getting too late. Yes, I did it. And It was more as a reminder, hay, you had some easy days, but don’t forget, you are here for a mission, and it’s a life mission, let’s not get to comfortable, and not forget, that the YH is here to get us, and he never ever forget about us, shine or rain, tired or rested, he is here, and that’s one of his major tricks, and let not get tricked in… probably the last 2 easy weeks was a gift from the YH, and I won’t accept such gifts… PINTEL, I don’t need this gifts… you hear me YH????? It’s a no no no…..

Today is Rosh Chodesh Av, and hashem is waiting for us we should come back to him, yes, he sent us away from his house, but he came with us along, he will never let us falling, and if we fall, he is in much more pain then us, he and us are one, ישראל ואורייתא וקוב''ה חד הוא,  so when we fall, he falls together with us, so when we pick our self’s up, he is getting the most joy someone can imagine, so let’s give to hashem the most precious thing we can give him, let’s give to hashem our most best pleasure we want for our self, and let’s give it to him by not doing this bad stuff. Who is in with me??

Hashem, thank you, for helping me to survive, thanks to my best partner, and thank you all of you on GYE, I’m clean only because of you, it has nothing to do with me… I’m powerless, I wouldn’t be clean today without your help, I’m very happy that I’m part of this chevrah, without you, I wouldn’t be where I’m today.

Today is 4 weeks, since my last fall, but I don’t want to look at it as full 4 weeks, I will rather look at it as 28 Today’s, I worked very hard on 28 separate todays, every day a separate struggle, better, every minute a separate win.

Thank you all!!!

Let’s Stay Strong! Let’s Stay Clean! And let’s be positive and happy, Yes! We can! And Together!

My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
My threads: my long נסיעה of almost 30 years ~ My Book of Business ~ My Upcoming Dilemma

להטות לבבנו אליו ללכת בכל דרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקיו ומשפטיו אשר צוה את אבתינו
כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים

Re: My Book of Business 25 Jul 2017 00:24 #317807

  • Shivisi_Hashem
  • Current streak: 158 days
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Its up to me!
I get discouraged now and then when there are clouds of gray,
Until i think about the things that happened yesterday,
I do not mean the day before or those of months ago,
But all the yesterday's in which i had the chance to grow,
I think of opportunities that i allowed to die,
And those i took advantage of before they passed me by,
And i remember that the past presented quite a plight,
But somehow i endured it and the future seemed all right,
And i remind myself that im capable and free,
And my success and happiness are really up to me,
My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
My threads: my long נסיעה of almost 30 years ~ My Book of Business ~ My Upcoming Dilemma

להטות לבבנו אליו ללכת בכל דרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקיו ומשפטיו אשר צוה את אבתינו
כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים

Re: My Book of Business 25 Jul 2017 00:34 #317809

  • yiraishamaim
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Shivisi_Hashem wrote on 25 Jul 2017 00:24:
Its up to me!
I get discouraged now and then when there are clouds of gray,
Until i think about the things that happened yesterday,
I do not mean the day before or those of months ago,
But all the yesterday's in which i had the chance to grow,
I think of opportunities that i allowed to die,

But now you have become most serious,
 giving over  the fight to the one above,
daily success before your  very eyes
Because of his everlasting love

Re: My Book of Business 25 Jul 2017 16:30 #317830

  • Shivisi_Hashem
  • Current streak: 158 days
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Day #29

B"H I passed Day #28 and Today is Day #29

Today is number #29, I had BH a clean yesterday, day and night.

Yesterday was an easy day, I’m BH very busy at work, so that’s helping a lot, so in job I don’t have an extra moment to think about lust, when I get home from work, I’m very tired, and I try not to let lust to mix in my personal life, (easy to say…) so far I’m managing, that’s for sure, posting and being part of GYE definitely helps.

I don’t want to look back, but I’m doing so unconsciously, I really don’t know, (I do know) how I got to this stage, summer used to be the worse, I used to act out like an animal, I didn’t live like a human being, and now, I’m completely changed, I live a normal life, I eat, I sleep, I learn, I have a wonderful family, I love them, I play with them, whoever wants to join my wonderful journey, should hop up on the GYE train, it’s a free ride, my life has changed completely…. Thank you all!

I’l share what I learned last night in Mesilas Yeshorim:

וממה שצריך ליזהר בקניית הפרישות הוא, שלא ירצה האדם לדלג ולקפוץ אל הקצה האחרון שבו רגע אחד, כי זה ודאי לא יעלה בידו, אלא יהיה פורש והולך מעט מעט, היום יקנה קצת ממנו, ומחר יוסיף עליו מעט יותר, עד שיתרגל בו לגמרי, כי ישוב לו כמו טבע ממש.

No comments necessity, and it’s from the Mesilas Yeshorim, not from me,

Hashem, thank you, for helping me to survive, thanks to my best partner, and thank you all of you on GYE, I’m clean only because of you, it has nothing to do with me… I’m powerless, I wouldn’t be clean today without your help, I’m very happy that I’m part of this chevrah, without you, I wouldn’t be where I’m today.

Thank you all!!!

Let’s Stay Strong! Let’s Stay Clean! And let’s be positive and happy, Yes! We can! And Together!

My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
My threads: my long נסיעה of almost 30 years ~ My Book of Business ~ My Upcoming Dilemma

להטות לבבנו אליו ללכת בכל דרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקיו ומשפטיו אשר צוה את אבתינו
כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים

Re: My Book of Business 26 Jul 2017 13:52 #317872

  • Shivisi_Hashem
  • Current streak: 158 days
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Day #30 – 1 3rd of 90 Days

B"H I passed Day #28 and Today is Day #30 – 1 3rd of 90 Days, what a milestone!!

 is number #30, I had BH a clean yesterday, day and night.

Today im passing 1 3rd of 90 days, my longest stretch was 45 days, and I will pass that, (ooops, shouldn’t the focus be only on today???? Yes you are right) and please, all of you, help me out with my mission, Thank You…

The Mesilas Yeshorim Says, that if a person will think, again “stop & think” before doing anything, good or bad, that person won’t do anything bad, just think, what am I about to do? Is right or bad? where am I looking? Is it right or wrong? Where am i going? Remember, everything is in the mind, and we can control our mind, just think about that too.

Hashem, thank you, for helping me to survive, thanks to my best partner, and thank you all of you on GYE, I’m clean only because of you, it has nothing to do with me… I’m powerless, I wouldn’t be clean today without your help, I’m very happy that I’m part of this chevrah, without you, I wouldn’t be where I’m today.

Thank you all!!!

Let’s Stay Strong! Let’s Stay Clean! And let’s be positive and happy, Yes! We can! And Together!

My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
My threads: my long נסיעה of almost 30 years ~ My Book of Business ~ My Upcoming Dilemma

להטות לבבנו אליו ללכת בכל דרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקיו ומשפטיו אשר צוה את אבתינו
כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים
Last Edit: 26 Jul 2017 13:53 by Shivisi_Hashem.

Re: My Book of Business 27 Jul 2017 20:20 #317964

  • Shivisi_Hashem
  • Current streak: 158 days
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  • Karma: 31

Day #31

B"H I passed Day #30 and Today is Day #31

 is number #31, I had BH a clean yesterday, day and night. I spoke yesterday with someone who is divorcing his wife after 20 + years, not going into details, I asked him how he made it through 20+ years, so he told me, “I lived on a day-to-day basis, If I would’ve looked back or forward, I wouldn’t make it”, what I learned from it, that we can do that too, if we live on a day-to-day basis…. He did that for 20 years, just to marry off his children in a health way, we can too….

Hashem, thank you, for helping me to survive, thanks to my best partner, and thank you all of you on GYE, I’m clean only because of you, it has nothing to do with me… I’m powerless, I wouldn’t be clean today without your help, I’m very happy that I’m part of this chevrah, without you, I wouldn’t be where I’m today.

Thank you all!!!

Let’s Stay Strong! Let’s Stay Clean! And let’s be positive and happy, Yes! We can! And Together!

My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
My threads: my long נסיעה of almost 30 years ~ My Book of Business ~ My Upcoming Dilemma

להטות לבבנו אליו ללכת בכל דרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקיו ומשפטיו אשר צוה את אבתינו
כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים

Re: My Book of Business 31 Jul 2017 14:50 #318113

  • Shivisi_Hashem
  • Current streak: 158 days
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Day #35

Today is number #35, I had BH a clean week, (i cant post that often, i have very limited internet connection here in the catskils)

We are going to be באבילות tonight, but we have to learn a lesson from it, Hashem sent us  away from his house, from his land, we went to a place where we are כשה אחת בין שבעים זאבים, the situation looks very bad, we really suffer big time from them, but he still loves us,  we are and we allways be his only child, and he loves us as a father loves his child, and much more, we say every night ואהבתך אל תסיר ממנו לעולמים, even we are so low, we sinn here and there, we dont watch our eyes, our toughts, but he still likes us, he is the אב הרחמן, and he loves us the most, its a real אהבה, without נגיעות, we are still his child, and he is our father, and he will never let us fall, and he will never let us go, lets hope and pray we should still say tonight אתה בחרתנו מכל העמים,

Hashem, thank you, for helping me to survive, thank you all of you on GYE, I’m clean only because of you, it has nothing to do with me… I’m powerless, I wouldn’t be clean today without your help, I’m very happy that I’m part of this chevrah, without you, I wouldn’t be where I’m today.

Thank you all!!!

Let’s Stay Strong! Let’s Stay Clean! And let’s be positive and happy, Yes! We can! And Together!
My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
My threads: my long נסיעה of almost 30 years ~ My Book of Business ~ My Upcoming Dilemma

להטות לבבנו אליו ללכת בכל דרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקיו ומשפטיו אשר צוה את אבתינו
כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים

Re: My Book of Business 31 Jul 2017 22:01 #318139

Your attitude is freaking unbelievable. Keep it up! 
If you are really bored, you can check out my original thread here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/4-On-the-Way-to-90-Days/305558-Journey-of-one-day-at-a-time 

"Think good and it will be good!"

Re: My Book of Business 02 Aug 2017 16:50 #318206

  • Shivisi_Hashem
  • Current streak: 158 days
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  • Karma: 31

Day #37

Today is number #37, I had BH a clean yesterday, day and night, but I’m having it very tough time the last few days, im like day one, struggling every minute, but ill pass, with hashem’s help.

I heard 2 great wort’s, and ill share it:

1)    האומר אחטא when someone is surrendering, and says yes, I had a fall, he comes out from hiding, and takes the courage and says אחטא, and now ואשיב, I want to be good, I want and ill do Teshivah, then אין מספיקין בידו then there is no ספק, no doubts that לעשות תשובה that he can do Teshivah…

2)    There is no limit of love from parents to their children, the love is endless, so when they have their 2nd and 3rd child, how can there be more room for more love? The love from their first child filled their heart from before, so how can there be room for more love to their other children? But that’s what love from parents to their children are, they have room for love for all of them, so what about when C”V they have a sick child who is missing something physically or emotionally, their love for that particular child is dramatically big, they will do everything in their power to get for this child whatever its needed, the same goes to hashem, we are his children, he loves us the same he loves every Yid from Klal yisrael, so what happens when one of our fellows are sick with Yiddishkeit, he keeps on falling? He gives us much much more love, he will do everything he should come back, and he will guide him and stay at his sides not to fall again, we always have to remember this, and that will take us to a new level…. Who want to hurt our parents, who loves us that much? So who wants to hurt hashem who loves us much much more…..

Hashem, thank you, for helping me to survive, thank you all of you on GYE, I’m clean only because of you, it has nothing to do with me… I’m powerless, I wouldn’t be clean today without your help, I’m very happy that I’m part of this chevrah, without you, I wouldn’t be where I’m today.

Thank you all!!!

Let’s Stay Strong! Let’s Stay Clean! And let’s be positive and happy, Yes! We can! And Together!

My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
My threads: my long נסיעה of almost 30 years ~ My Book of Business ~ My Upcoming Dilemma

להטות לבבנו אליו ללכת בכל דרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקיו ומשפטיו אשר צוה את אבתינו
כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים

Re: My Book of Business 03 Aug 2017 15:58 #318267

  • Shivisi_Hashem
  • Current streak: 158 days
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Day #38

Today is number #38, I had BH a clean yesterday, day and night, but I’m having it very tough time the last few days, its tough, biggest problem is on the street and at home at night, its like hell, going on the street is like walking in hell, every second another nisoyen, I hope ill get the Scahr for this, because its really not easy.

interesting, I heard in the name of R’ Zishe from Hunipuly, that he was searching in shumiayim, and he couldn’t find any Malach which was created from Jewish Sinn should be a healthy Malach, with all parts in tacked, it was all crippled Malachim, which means that when we fall, its not a fall just because we want to fall להכעיס, it was a fall just because נכנס בו רוח שטות, and it was full of guilt, so let’s make sure and get our self’s together not to fall at all.

Hashem, thank you, for helping me to survive, thank you all of you on GYE, I’m clean only because of you, it has nothing to do with me… I’m powerless, I wouldn’t be clean today without your help, I’m very happy that I’m part of this chevrah, without you, I wouldn’t be where I’m today.

Thank you all!!!

Let’s Stay Strong! Let’s Stay Clean! And let’s be positive and happy, Yes! We can! And Together!

My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
My threads: my long נסיעה of almost 30 years ~ My Book of Business ~ My Upcoming Dilemma

להטות לבבנו אליו ללכת בכל דרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקיו ומשפטיו אשר צוה את אבתינו
כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים

Re: My Book of Business 04 Aug 2017 19:34 #318320

  • Shivisi_Hashem
  • Current streak: 158 days
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Day #39
Im still clean, and hope to stay like this, BUT! Lust is skyrocketing! Im scared! I cant take it, hashem! Please! Please help me, i dont want that, you know im doing it for you! Hashem! Look so many Yiden joined GYE, look how your children want to be good, they are here only for you, they want to be good, they want to get rid of the bad, they didnt join GYE for fun, they are here to work together on our nisyoines, so why not bringing Mushiach and done with all of this struggles, lets see the end of the tunnel, HASHEM PLEASE HELP! Hashem, Look how we will do any thing just for you, to do you will, so please help us get it through successfully, i cant by my self, its impossible, we are doing the פתח כחודו של מחט and you show us the the פתחו של אולם. 

hope to be back after shabbes with a clean post....
may hashem bless you all with a clean and Lechtiger shabbes
My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
My threads: my long נסיעה of almost 30 years ~ My Book of Business ~ My Upcoming Dilemma

להטות לבבנו אליו ללכת בכל דרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקיו ומשפטיו אשר צוה את אבתינו
כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים

Re: My Book of Business 04 Aug 2017 20:00 #318321

  • Markz
  • Platinum Boarder
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Shivisi_Hashem wrote on 04 Aug 2017 19:34:
Day #39
Im still clean, and hope to stay like this, BUT! Lust is skyrocketing! Im scared! I cant take it, hashem! Please! Please help me, i dont want that, you know im doing it for you! Hashem! Look so many Yiden joined GYE, look how your children want to be good, they are here only for you, they want to be good, they want to get rid of the bad, they didnt join GYE for fun, they are here to work together on our nisyoines, so why not bringing Mushiach and done with all of this struggles, lets see the end of the tunnel, HASHEM PLEASE HELP! Hashem, Look how we will do any thing just for you, to do you will, so please help us get it through successfully, i cant by my self, its impossible, we are doing the פתח כחודו של מחט and you show us the the פתחו של אולם. 

hope to be back after shabbes with a clean post....
may hashem bless you all with a clean and Lechtiger shabbes

I really feel for you brother

IMHO if it happens that you fall, it's not the end of the world 

If you don't make life changes that is the end of world advancement

Your world (עולם מלא) is waiting for you to take the next step in sobriety whenever you're ready, unless you're just gonna continue doing the same old same old same old which is fine in this democratic society

Karl Marx
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Last Edit: 04 Aug 2017 20:08 by Markz.

Re: My Book of Business 06 Aug 2017 04:26 #318346

  • Shivisi_Hashem
  • Current streak: 158 days
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 686
  • Karma: 31
A good vuch. I had BH a beautiful shabbes.
Yes! I made it! Im still clean, oh, that wasnt easy at all, but im still clean, BH
thank you all..
My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
My threads: my long נסיעה of almost 30 years ~ My Book of Business ~ My Upcoming Dilemma

להטות לבבנו אליו ללכת בכל דרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקיו ומשפטיו אשר צוה את אבתינו
כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים

Re: My Book of Business 06 Aug 2017 12:47 #318363

  • Shivisi_Hashem
  • Current streak: 158 days
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 686
  • Karma: 31
Day #41

Im still clean, but struggling big time, i need to to get it over my head, but ill get there eventually, i keep on praying to hashem he should stand at my side with this nisoien, becuase i cant alone, its just impossible. 

thank you all.

Stay strong and have a clean day, lets do it, together.
My email:jacdoja@gmail.com
My threads: my long נסיעה of almost 30 years ~ My Book of Business ~ My Upcoming Dilemma

להטות לבבנו אליו ללכת בכל דרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקיו ומשפטיו אשר צוה את אבתינו
כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעה"ז הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעמד בניסיון,  והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח ויישוב הדעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת מסילת ישרים
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