laughingman wrote:
Every time that i come on here i just whine in real life .....mostly because i am constantly looking at life in a way where i never had it when i did and now i dont cause i never appreciated it .....its been a never ending cycle ....i kinda live the rest of my life on auto pilot so that my kids have their life .....but i feel like i dont belong in a marriage .....i come from a pretty messed up world ....where there are no parents or family ....only the "system" emotionless entity that mostly kept us on life support and education ....and gave us freely so we would feel better about our situation ....but i was always waiting for the day i would " graduate" and be on my own ...which i did ..for too short a time it would seem with my marriage in difficulty ....i sorta feel that way again ...i feel like i trapped myself .....
I have been told not to dwell on the past or even the effects ....just to focus on the good i have .....but as a career negative person it sometimes feels impossible .....and i dont even use what tools i have ....i have been here for nearly 5 years .....and with all my moaning i never learned to cry here INSTEAD of where it would cause damage ....
Im lucky ....if i just sit tight and be happy and not selfish .....i can just be there for my family ....i dont do anything else .....but that voice pops in that reminds me "you coulda had it ALL!" and you blew it if im lucky i can simply teach my children not to repeat my mistakes .....
Best post of yours that I have ever seen here. The past had lots of upbeat posts that were not real, lots of whines that were useless. This post is gold, man. It's showing you are a man standing at the brink of reality. Starting to see it is not an abyss, but just -- reality.
I think you are so right about so much, here.
And especially useful is:
...but that voice pops in that reminds me "you coulda had it ALL!" and you blew it if im lucky i can simply teach my children not to repeat my mistakes ...
It's so good that you are starting to see that these voices are just that: voices. Just voices. Nothing to them, really. Just old news. Old enemies. Old lies. Pride keeps them alive and loud, while acceptance of an imperfect, blemished life can be allowed in by humility. And that will start the door opening up to a sane, useful lifetime ahead of you. You are young, your life is young, your kids are young. There is a lot more to do than just 'teach them not to repeat your mistakes'.
That teaching is a thing largely out of our power, I think. It's in G-d's hands what they actually learn. You and me can live life to the fullest and as honestly as we can today, that's all. They will learn what they will need to learn and there is a Good G-d here w us and with them Who takes care of things the way they need to be. I need to live with that, or else I get lost and drown in pretending I can manage and pull all the strings controlling for all contingencies, etc...a nutty way to live. Miserable.
Thank G-d there is another way. And you are starting to walk it.