YeshivaGuy wrote on 19 Oct 2020 03:10:
Family friends by us for next few days with attractive daughter. We like each other, just seeing her gives me tons of taiva.
Able to avoide abit but not entirely cuz eat together the meals etc.
Gotta survive until Yeshiva.
Giving me massive taiva, especially when I girl looks at me etc and we both like each other.
Gives me massive taiva to go on YouTube, to masterbate, TO JUST TOUCH MY “EVER”!!!!!!
I just looked at a gif of a girl. First time in awhile.
That is the inch the Yetzer wants.
Im being told that once I saw a pic of a girl (dressed) I should masterbate,touch, spend the night on YouTube.
I know I CAN do it (be matzliach).
But I must keep my SEICHEL in control.
Which is a big struggle for me right now.
I was dumb also, I shmuzed with her abit tonight after the meal.
Gotta stop this. Uch.
Its so annoying cuz I knew this would be a big nisayon.
So I was gonna leave to Yeshiva early this morning so won’t see them.
But now I gotta wait her for my corona results back before going.
So rough.
I was planning to avoid this, but HaShem shoves me into it.
Ive always been nichshal whenever seeing/speaking to her, and we’ve seen each other a lot over the years.
Its just so hard. And it would’ve been easier if I would t have given an inch and shmuzed abit with her tonight. But I did give an inch, spoke to her. And now it’s much harder because of that.
I even spoke to her bout hanging out together for abit tomorrow. (Not doing issurim, just shmuzing etc, but the spiritual result would be devastating).
Stupid me!
Shes down (though we’d both want it to be in secret), but if I don’t pursue it it won’t happen.
Im insane. It’s so so beneath me. Gosh.
That would be absolutely terrible for me. It would send me into Yeshiva feeling like garbage. (Like has unfortunately happened in the past...)
The most mind boggling thing is.
Thats what’s so crazy. I just need to use my bechira properly and I can become a tremendous Tzadik and Talmud Chacham.
It’s insane.
My life is nuts, u guys only know a fraction of the struggles I’ve been through.
Sometimes I wonder why HaShem gives my such big, elaborate nisyonos...
Ive really been through a lot the last 42 days.
The Yetzer likes keeping things fresh and exciting.
Trying new tactics when he sees I’m winning.
This nisayon is one that I’ve never overcame before.
But this is תשפ״א fellas.
Im hear to control my taiva and master my guf.
I hope HaShem Yisborach sees how much I love HIM and yearn for dveikus.
And I hope one day my wife (bezras Hashem) will appreciate the Mesirus Nefesh and Agmas Nafesh I’m going through to one day build a home of Kedusha v’Tahara.
Any eitza to totally avoid them is pointless cuz they’re by us.
But open to chizuk.
Thank you all.
I really really hope to “make it to Yeshiva” soon.
And maybe someday, “Yeshiva” will make it to “Me”
Hey Yeshivaguy
Before I forgot I wanted to thank you for 2 things. Thank you for giving us so much chizuk, it really pushes us all forward.
Possibly more importantly, thank you for being real. I sugarcoat my posts, try to paint myself in a good light, avoid posting when I'm struggling more. It's very heartening to see that you are willing to share more of your inner world, which I personally identify with, but avoid sharing in this forum, and it gives a sense that we are really all in this together. It takes a lot of strength to write your updates in the heat of the moment.
I relate quite closely to your situation. My parents best friends, who they share a similar background, have 2 girls, one a few weeks older than me, and one a year younger. No prizes if you can guess who we often share family simchas, shabbos or Yom tov meals with, or the first family we saw after lockdown. My struggle around this area goes at least 7 years back to my bar mitzvah, if not longer. It's not always been masturbation, but definitely hirhurim. More recently when it was masturbation, it's often just an excuse to act out and look at porn.
I always wonder if they can see the perveted way I act around them, sneaking in a 2nd, 3rd, 4th look. I guess this could be a bit of a deterrent in the future. For a while I would have daily thoughts, bit it's really bit a healthy place to be.
I'll try share a mindset I hope that I'm trying to develop for myself. Recently I started davening for success in this area, I also started davening for a good wife. It may be a bit early but Hashem's listening. But what I realised is probably far more important, is that I started to daven soon after, to be the best husband and father I can be, and this is not only an area to daven for, but also work on. BH I'm very fortunate to have the opportunity to be in yeshiva, and I really want to use this time, like I'm sure you do, to build a very solid foundation where you can build yourself into the best eved Hashem you can be. We don't know Hashem's plans, it could be to marry a childhood sweetheart, or someone you've never met, but either way your marriage will be enhanced by who you build yourself into over these next few years before your marriage. Build yourself into the best you now, don't get caught up on the details of Hashem's plans.
My best friend is also close family friends with them. I don't want to ruin every shabbos lunch with my best friend, because I thought his wife was the one for me.
Try avoid fantasies and hirhurim, which will make things much difficult. A long term nisayon given to you from Hashem won't be solved by this one line from a person you don't know, but Hashem wouldn't put you in this situation if you couldn't overcome it. Don't turn up the difficulty unnecessarily, I was there for years, probably still am in some regards, please don't put yourself in this hard situation.
Gonna start to tie this up, I realising that I'm writing this both for me and you.
I'm not sure what you mean that "they are by us"? But if you are leaving for yeshiva soon, maybe politely excuse yourself with the excuse you need to pack and get sorted. Make sure you do have something else to do, and not just act out, I hope it's a shayach suggestion. If not, just be a mensch, and act like she's a kid a year or two below you, or like she's her own younger brother, the sort of kid who you'll speak enough to ask about what subjects they do at school, but won't care enough to ask about much more than just small talk.
Try avoiding persuing anything now, its not going to lead to anything before yeshiva, and don't allow yourself to temp yourself and put yourself into situations where you might be nichshal later on
We're all eagerly following your progress, you've grown a lot recently
Ps, please reach out if you wanna chat more, I really hope you found this useful, we've found your posts very useful recently.