Calculator wrote on 02 Nov 2018 05:31:
Hesitant to write.
Guess start from the beginning -
I grew up in a non-Orthodox Jewish environment and was introduced to inappropriate magazines at camp around 8th grade or so and how to use them. For years went to sleep usually only after acting out, not per se with any explicit material. Guess not much longer until my family got dial internet back in the 90's and of course started looking at inappropriate stuff.
In high school started becoming Shomer Shabbos, was going thru regular high school angst - wasn't so focused on my actions as problems just how it was, though slowly started doubting if it was right more and more.
Went to Yeshiva after high school and for a year just quit. For next years it was off and on, had no smartphone - just some access when at home - so it was not a constant fight - just when that lost here and there. But was getting harder to handle after a few years, decided a good idea to get married. Didn't date long, got engaged, wasn't the most perfect engagement as an aside, but got married B'H. Spare more details, after my first child, there is, of course, a break, well was caught. Some pop-up ads sealed the deal. My wife wasn't happy, but I explained my issue that it had haunted me and that I wanted to change - which were honest, it was something I always wished I could talk to someone about and how it saddened me. I quit again for about a year, the assumption was I stopped and other than a snide remark here and there it was left to rest. Not sure how much longer, I started basically off and on, some periods of sadness, some better - nothing too groundbreaking. A little while back I got sick, sudden, not currently sick anymore BH. I guess I had a mid-life crisis of sorts while I was not that old (1/4 life more like it). My relationship with my wife has never been so stellar, not per se related to her finding out, but whatever spare the details for now but never felt like a person to confide or to trust with emotion. I felt so alone and so intensely. I have dealt with depression here and there (sometimes a nice amount), but this was much stronger and didn't go away. Also had job issues that persisted for a bit - UNDERSTATEMENT. Oddly I also become very anxious and again alone and felt helpless. This time I fell but it felt much worse. I felt like I was using the issue as a drug. Just to fry my brain so I could go to sleep for example. Some things have stabilized before I hit rock bottom, and I have been clean since Elul. I didn't check back in with 90 chart - but whatever, my official 90 days will be Chanukah though I think it was earlier in Elul. Either way, I started getting the Whatsapp and the Chizuk emails since the summer. I now decided to go and actually sign in and look around and post. The issue is loneliness is hard - wanting to just create one's schedule, but alas a married person with a few kids after a long day at work has to do this and that, and by then you're very tired - so all the great plans of learning slowly crumble then you have to wake up on time for your morning plans not to crumble too. And this is of course interest to no one, so you just kind of crumble alone. But one plan I do not wish to let go this time - the dealing with my issue.
I am not sure if there is a 2 bag weight limit on this flight, so will leave it at that for now.
Welcome brother.
I hope you'll find some friends to connect with here and maybe even discover how to connect with her
And about the 2 bags?
They say here "KOT", so there's place for at least 14,000 more in the Truck yours :-)