Pros and Cons of Desire
You have read about the procedure. You may have tried it and verified that it works as advertised, but you are not sure whether you would be better off using it regularly. Or perhaps you used the procedure for a while and then stopped. You are asking yourself whether you should use the procedure regularly. What are the advantages and disadvantages of regularly becoming aroused?
Arousal feels good. As you get more aroused the pleasure builds up more and more, up to a climax. At this point there is a powerful, pleasurable feeling and a sense of relief.
After the climax you feel content and relaxed, and this may make it easier to go to sleep.
If you give in to arousal you don’t have to work against your desire but just go with the flow, so to speak.
And you don’t have to deal with the terror that in the next ten minutes, ten hours, ten days, or ten years you will eventually give in, because you already did.
When you stare at women you can vividly imagine that they belong to you, and by implication that you are a powerful person who can have whatever he wants. This is especially true of women found in pictures and videos on the internet since they don’t behave naturally.
Lewd thoughts allow you to imagine yourself behaving in ways that you avoid when you visit your wife because you believe nice people don’t do those things.
When you are feeling sad or tired, by having lewd thoughts you may feel that you are pampering yourself.
You can resort to arousal as a sort of consolation prize when the world doesn’t go your way, for example if your neighbor has a better-looking wife, if you don’t get your promotion at work, or if you don’t get into the school of your choice. For a while arousal allows you to focus your attention on a different world, as if the real world did not exist.
There are disadvantages too. While there are times when arousal feels very good, these times are few and far between. If you give in to arousal most of the time it feels more like a chore than a treat.
If your pursuit of arousal drives you to spend time on the internet or reading books or magazines, this takes precious hours out of your day.
You may have to hide your pursuit of arousal from your family, so usually this time is spent in uncomfortable places.
You have to live with the fear that your wife and children will find out about it. If they do you may end up getting divorced.
When you are sad or tired and you arouse yourself in order to reward yourself the feeling does not last long because afterwards you beat yourself up about it.
If you believe that there is something morally wrong about lewd thoughts you may not be able to resist the temptation to feel ashamed, because of the implication that if you are ashamed deep down you must be a good person. As a result you feel better and you do not face the problem and address it effectively so the cycle repeats. Therefore you may have to feel shame over and over again.
If you use arousal as a consolation prize when the world doesn’t go your way this feels good briefly because in the world of your imagination you are a man who can have whatever he wants. The problem with that other world is that it’s not really here.
Usually in the real world you can get part of what you want if you insist or negotiate. If when you are disappointed you always run off to the other world you learn from this that in the real world you don’t stand a chance, and you never develop the skills to find alternative solutions, to manage problems, or to negotiate.
Since in the imaginary world you always get what you want, over time you convince yourself that it would be unbearable if you don’t get what you want in every circumstance, like a newborn baby. Since in the real world people are often disappointed you are not content and relationships with others are difficult and painful.
You will believe very firmly that a man needs an outlet for his desire. Your implied demand for attention from your wife may turn her off, and you may respond by resenting her because you mistakenly assume that she understands how much you need it.
The anxiety that eventually you are bound to become aroused is removed by using the procedure over a period of a few weeks. If you give in to arousal you will feel silly knowing that desire can be removed.
If you believe that the Lord enjoys your ideas and opinions, in the same way as a parent enjoys watching a child have new experiences, it’s awkward to think that the same mind can have interesting thoughts one moment and arousal the next, because it’s not true that a man needs an outlet for his desire. It feels odd to flip-flop between truth and falsehood.
Many times in the past you verified that the Lord’s views were wiser in the end. If you believe that the Lord does not endorse your behavior when you pursue arousal while in line at the store or when you are at work, for example, you have to wonder why not. What does the Lord know about arousal that you don’t? When you think that you feel uneasy.
If you believe that you have to teach your sons not to arouse themselves, you are going to feel like a hypocrite if you cannot follow this advice yourself.
If you believe that you set the tone in your household, so to speak, pursuing arousal could create a negative influence for your sons whether they know about it or not.
You have to wonder how it will affect you after death. There has to be some sort of spiritual life then. How will this choice affect you then?
When you go to services you may feel uncomfortable, afraid that your spiritual guide and your friends will know that you are doing something which is not consistent with your religion.
You want to be able to be there for your sons if they encounter difficulties in their marriage because they believe that a man needs an outlet for his desire. If you are not able to help them you are going to feel bad.
Many years from now you are going to look back on your life and recall how you spent a large chunk of it pursuing arousal, and it may feel like a wasted life.
If you are young man you will learn a view of women from your own behavior towards them, whether they are real, in print, or on a computer screen. Once that view is in place it will be difficult to change. When you get married your wife will deduce how you view her from the way you act towards her. If you view her chiefly as someone for you to desire she will know this and this will cause endless problems which will be difficult to troubleshoot, and your marriage may fail entirely. If you get married again you are likely to repeat the whole process again.
If you are a religious person then success in all forms is contingent on your compliance with you religion. If because of excessive desire you fall out of compliance this will have a negative effect, so that you don’t get some of what you need or want. You may not understand the impact of your non-compliance, but one day you may understand it, like someone who never got an education one day turns around and understands what could have been. From that day on that knowledge may cause you bad feelings.
It is important to understand that not all pros and cons are worth the same to you. You may find one major consideration that outweighs many others. You may find it easier to weigh the pros and cons by placing them side by side.
Over time your pros and cons of desire may change. It is important to recognize when these changes occur. If your pros and cons change the procedure may stop working because you do not really want to use it. A good way to understand when your pros and cons change is to try to write them all down again. Are there new ones? Are there some that you did not recognize in the past but are now missing? Have some considerations become more or less important?
I have tried to list relevant pros and cons, but there are no pros and cons as important as they ones you write down yourself. You learn from watching our own actions. You will learn something useful from watching yourself writing down the pros and cons that matter to you.