Welcome Hershy.
Sounds to me like you can be a really great person, with a lot of confidence to get things achieved, but it is getting channelled in the wrong way because of lust, or whatever causes that lust.
If you have the guts to chat to strangers in public toilets, then you can flip it so that you have the guts to chat to strangers to raise funds for Tzedakkah or be a macher at a shul kiddush to welcome new families into a kehilla.
Take your time and read various articles on here.
Some will help, others will not.
Different approaches are suggested.
Find the ones which work for you.
There is no "One size fits all" approach.
For me, the HALT system has been useful.
It alerts peope to when they are most at risk of sinning.
The triggers are
Angry (or resentful of someone or a situation)
One of these puts you at risk.
More than one simultaneously is when alarm bells sound loud!
The answer is to recognise when you are feeling at risk, and do something positive...walk, phone a friend, visit a friend, read, learn, daven, hotbodedut etc.
Even eating, because being Hungry can be a trigger.
As for the sarcasm on here, ignore it.
Some people think they are comedians by being sarcastic on here, by replying with asinine comments.
They are far from comedians, they are merely being used by the Yetzer Harah to distract from positive conversations here.