Shlomo24 wrote on 14 Mar 2017 02:35:
Sounds you had a tough situation to deal with. It can be very frustrating when people who are "supposed" to be of a more esteemed nature let us down. Remember that they're human too. They make mistakes and they have failings in their lives. The title of Rebbi doesn't mean malach. I know for me however, that nobody caused me to be the person I was. While many people had an affect on how my personality became shaped and how I perceived myself, there is nobody responsible for my problems. I'm responsible for my problems. If I have an issue I deal with it. Blaming people is not only unproductive, it makes the problem worse. I have a decision to make, I can be happy or right. I want to be happy. So is my father still very flawed? Yes. But in a happy person who's independence is growing more and more. When I was in therapy before I got sober I just blamed everyone for causing all my issues. Did very little. Now I have taken my life in my own hands and I do the work I need to do. Ultimately it's up to my Higher Power, as he is my vitality, but I'm in charge of the effort. If I didn't make a decision to become healthy and do whatever was necessary to get there then I would be nowhere today.
Hatzlacha Rabah.
I'm getting drunk with this post
Its awesome
It needs to be copied and pasted on every thread in gye