Hi everybody,
I am a ba'al tshuva who started becoming religious 2 years ago now. Beforehand, my life basically revolved around lusting and acting out. I used most things around me to support my habit; all my "friends" were potential partners, people on the street were for lusting after, the computer was for... well, we all know. I didn't think I had a problem, though I would fantasise about certain things which were definitely illegal and wrong. I only didn't act out on them because I thought I would get caught, and if there was one thing more precious to me then acting out sexually, it was maintaining an appearance of perfection. When I started becoming religious, I realised I had to stop acting out. I thought I'd do it later, "when I'm on a higher madreiga". When I finally figured I should stop, I did. Easy-peasy. Then I started again. "This is harder than I thought!". I tried again, acted out worse than before. Eventually I felt a creeping dread that perhaps I'll never be better. I realised the selfishness of my life and contemplated suicide constantly, there was no other way out I could see, though I never would of actually gone through with it, just another example of living in fantasy. Then I stumbled across this site B"H. After making very little effort, and not interacting with the community at all, I was surprised to find I was still acting out! I got more depressed, and, eventually, managed to get myself to a 12-step SA group. I started to experience the first tastes of sobriety and felt hope that I could possibly get better. So now, to support my recovery, I'm back on GYE and hoping to make a go of it. I have some specifically Jewish issues also that it would be nice to relate with people about, and, of course, the extra community couldn't hurt! I am very grateful for this site, all 12-steps groups, and G-d yisburach.