shmirashachaim wrote on 03 Jul 2016 23:51:
Birshusi wrote:
What a m'chayev, the way you are pushing vyter.
And yet another person who spoke to their Rebbi. I still can't get myself to do it.
Looking at how you started off, seems that's you are a motivated guy yourself! That was the Yesod for me many times over: push vyter. It's a concept at times seems impossible but I tell myself that it is. It has to be.
yes I spoke to my Rebbi. One of the hardest things I have ever done in my life and I will be honest that I still cringe sometimes when I know he is aware. He knows that the innocent person he once knew isn't so innocent. It hurts my ego. But I feel that is persicly what I need. I don't regret it and I think I will see in the future how grateful I am for doing so. I don't know your situation seems your not as close to your Rebbe. I'm not giving advice to tell him or someone else. I'll just tell you that if you can figure out how to tell someone in person that you previously know not from GYE might be kidei.
pushing vyter needs others. With Hashems help we can do this together!
The plan is to tell my Rebbi soon, and I believe it will actually happen, because like you said, I think it'll be good for me down the road. I do have a close relationship with him in many ways, but this would be the most personal and sensitive topic I've ever discussed with him.
My parents are involved already, which is good, although also awkward some times.