gibbor120 wrote on 25 Feb 2016 17:45:
Workingguy wrote on 23 Feb 2016 02:19:
Do you really think there is no other way? There are millions of people who've recovered in so many ways- I'm not going to quote all the stats and studies (one of my hobbies) but as the twelve steps says, we know but a little and we don't claim anything about anyone or anything else- just share what we know works for us.
If for your reading pleasure you'd like more information about the various methods that people have obtained lasting recovery with, you can pm me. For this forum, it's irrelevant.
Why do you say it's irrelevant. GYE tends to be very 12 step heavy. If other methods work better, why not share them?
It's a good question, but I think the reason it's irrelevant is bc it doesn't really make so much sense to share what studies show works better if I don't have the personal experience of using those methods. So I can tell you that motivational interviewing is one of the top five most effective ways to deal with addiction, that CBT seems to have better stats than twelve steps with addiction, of that a ridiculously large percentage of addicts actually recover on their own- I believe they call it spontaneous recovery.
But I just don't see the benefit of sharing publicly my doubts about a method and the benefits of other methods of I haven't personally experienced it.
So I took issue with him saying that twelve steps is the only way bc 1) it's not true and how can he even claim to know that unless he's tried everything, 2) as you pointed out, GYE is pretty 12 steps heavy so I wanted to mitigate that bias, and 3) even if it was too true it's too pushy bc the idea, as Cordnoy says many times, is to share your experience.
So I definitely don't want to be pointing out the flaws in anyone else's recovery system.
If you're saying I should suggest these other ways without knowing them personally just from the stats, I don't know if that's helpful.
But I do think it's too 12 step heavy here, which is why I tried it here a while ago and left.
What I would say to anyone uncomfortable with the twelve steps is read the links to success stories in Markz's signature, and you'll see that probably half of them had nothing to do with the twelve steps- Markz included.