ngc51853 wrote on 05 Dec 2017 09:41:
168 days ago, we hit the ground limping. trying to reach a distant goal of 90 "clean" days. therapy was going well and the therapist though it was time to meet less often and less often until i was declared "healed". so fast forward 168 days - and im back!
During therapy, we discussed various issues and experiences i had had. It was quite clear that i was not dealing with the go-to GYE diagnosis. i was dealing with depression brought on by years of abusive siblings and dysfunction that, while at the present time things have become a lot more healthy, kinda messed me up bad and im still struggling with it. looking at stuff was not an activity. it was a way to distract from the depression. if the depression would take a break, other things would disappear. and visa versa.
Through therapy a learned my depression comes from a lack of connection and love. not because i was incapable, but because there was no outlet. the family situation is shaky at best, and friends cant fill the void forever.
so, the obvious solution - get married. yeah - i know that the people on GYE go nuts if someone trys to suggested that getting married helps, am im sure for the struggle is different for everyone based on what at they are going through and where they are holding. but again, my issue isnt addiction. my issue is a lack of connection mixed in with some self-bullying and loathing.
so marriage. the messed up world of shadchanim and resumes. where you get to go out with a person you dont know, commit your life to them and then, 10 years later, be walking home from shul shabbos night talking to a single guy(me) about how the whole process sucks because you realized the second you got married that the girl you have spent a mere 25 hours with has been faking everything about herself and now youre stuck with her (true story).. So great - date for longer! well thats "not done" because apparently once you've checked the boxes, you have fulfilled your chiyuv of dating and now you must get engaged. or get engaged and break it off. so yeah - not fun.
To add to that, my last date was back in august. the shadchanim dont have anyone or wont get back to me. maybe they like dealing with typical yeshiva guys and not professional guys, maybe the girls prefer the prior over the latter. either way, i got a no back from a girl whom i had agreed to go out with tonight, and that kinda wasnt too good for me.
so for the past 168 days i've had various anxiety attacks and really downer days. some meditation helped a lot when i can push myself to do it. this past weekend, i wasnt doing to well. i started heading into the pg-13 subcategory nothing real bad. today was better though. until tonight. i got home. got my response from shadchan. family situation had been not good for the past week. i crossed over in the rated R category on youtube. nothing explicit. nothing vulgar. everything was within youtube's "safe filter". just a little more that i had seen over the past 168 days. and things kinda just happened on their own. no "outside forces". like actually.
so i took a shower, pulled myself together and sat down to write this. i found out that writing helps me calm down and puts things inter perspective.
so where do i stand?
i dont know. i can sit here and say that this is it, and im going to do better and all that. but i find that hard to believe. i know im not holding by a shimiras einayim struggle. its a side affect of another struggle. the other struggle doesnt seem to have more than one solution. what i do know is that i'll probably be "clean" for a while (hopefully starting nowish, if my internal bully doesnt continue kicking me into the ground and im able to break out of this depression) and ill go about life. constantly struggling to fill a void. hopefully with less damaging things like shiurim or music or politics or school work, or work work. and if wife-stuff works out, then i hope to be up to the challenge of putting away this crap for good. the last thing i want is to back here in an other 168 days.
Sorry to hear your situation. You write
i was not dealing with the go-to GYE diagnosis". Addiction thrives on uniqueness
Gye has many tools, and many guys here were dealing with depression, self bullying etc. I'm not sure what your therapist was trying to say...