ShmaYisroel wrote on 31 Aug 2016 11:51:
Sholom aleichem,
After a long hiatus I decided to try again and start posting again. Even though I wasnt a very regular poster on this forum I like to get reinvolved again. I like the post of Serenity on this topic very much, I could very much relate to it.
Even though I converted to Judaism 15 years ago, sometimes my Yetser Horah gives me the feeling that I would have wanted that the world would have been so much different. What can I tell you, Nireh Keheter! Rachmonah Litzlan. Atzas HaYetser. I have been falling and falling, even though I had been involved in pornography already for years, I thought I would be able to kick the habit once Jewish. But of course Yiras Shomayim doesnt come from wishful thinking. Already all those years I try to figure out what can give me those breaks. In public life a big Yiras Chayt, but the Hesach HaDaas is so big. Besayter?? Forget about it. All those years instead of going to kollel I went to a computer about twice a week. I never got the Geschmack that one is supposed to develop in Torah (still heavily leaning on the Artscroll Gemoreh and Mishnayos.
Anyways, this was not my private blog, so I will not elaborate here. I just wanted to say (or write for that matter) how much I appreciate verybodies honesty and openess. Hashem Yeracheim Olaynu that He Boruch Hu will have Rachmones with us and give us the controls that we need to keep ourselves in check.
Today I am on the third day of abstaining. Unfortunately that is already a record for the whole past year. Usually on the third day I throw the towel, see what will happen today....
All the best to all
Welcome back