It seems weird that almost three weeks clean have passed. I spent the last day or so forcing myself find other outlets for the time I spent. The best distraction has actually been working. I have been working like a mad man. I used to sit at my desk and figure out what I ...
I've been meaning to write in for a while now and say thank you. I have been "clean" since a few days before Rosh Chodesh Elul (close to 4 months). My story is, I'm sure, not unique. I have tried over time to control myself, sometimes succeeding for one or two months, but...
In all honesty, I feel like you guys have given me a new life here... I was once so sick and tired of seeing myself in the mirror... "that hypocrite, loser, no-life"... But now I can continue living without feeling like a constant loser... Where once I would look back on ...
Dear everyone, thank you all for your care and concern - and most of all - your love. Yesterday was Sunday, which is my hardest day, as I am usually alone in the office. Well, by the time I had finished with the Chizuk email and reading through all your replies in my thre...
Most of my friends are married and/or living in a different state/country. This is a major part of my problem. Honestly, the reason I got involved in the aveiros I did was because I needed to feel like I was connecting to something; I wanted to feel less alone.And that's ...
Thank You GYE! Thank G-d, this past week I completed the GYE 90-day journey. It's been an interesting process and before I share some of what's worked for me I'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you. Whether you realize it or not, you've all p...
Hey guys, today is day 56 clean. I can't believe how good you made me feel, all of you. I feel like a drunkie these days, like I had at least a full gallon of Vodka. I'm in a great mood, I'm being mechazek everyone, I pray much deeper, I feel just happy to be a Jew and to...
It's 81 days now and my life has completely changed. I am more happy, energized and connected to Hashem then ever. Shivati eilacha vatirpa'eini ("I beseeched you and you healed me" - Tehillim). My great doctor is GYE. And the best part of my journey is that it has been so...
Steve wrote on his inspiring thread (where you can read his story too):
B"H YISBORACH!! I just passed 90 days!!
For years I had given up hope of ever getting FREEDOM from this Yetzer Hara, and ...
I've been off-line for the last few months to help me heal, and I'm telling you that it did me a world of good. I even gave my cell phones (which had internet access) to someone to keep for me, and now I plan to take them back from him and sell them off... Now that I'm on...
Just wanted to tell you a little while back that I had completed 'chai'-18 months, but at this point it's already nineteen, Baruch Hashem. Great to see that so many people on the site are still so dedicated.
B"H, I have made strides toward changing my life for the better. I joined the 90-day chart, but I don't live for it, I live with it. I enjoy updating the chart but I don't think about what day it is every moment of the day.
I also had the password Gabai change the passwor...
I was addicted for twelve years, always looking out and wondering who can help me. On Sunday, December 31, 2009 while waiting for my wife to come out of a store, I was reading the news on VIN when I came across an article called The Roving Eye. As I was reading the commen...
This site is absolutely amazing. Thank you so much whoever you are for starting the site. There are tons of great organizations out there all doing good things, but you are simply changing lives. Without you (and all the people giving encouragement on the forum), so many ...
I am a yungerman who has been looking at re'ios assuros even before I knew that I shouldn't be looking at them. I was doing the ma'aseh before I knew that it is an aveira, r"l. I am married now with a few children, Boruch Hashem, and have been struggling with the yetzer h...
We wished Mazal Tov to 'Sci1977' on his 90th day clean, which got him onto our Wall of Honor chart.
'Sci1977' follow up by writing on the forum:
This morning, I re-read the last page or so of my thread and realized how emotional recovery is. I have closed the door to my ...
Day 90 of being clean and sober. Thank you G-d, thank you G-d, thank you G-d.
How do you even come close to understanding this momentous - yet still so small of an accomplishment - at the same time? My gratitude is immense, and I will forever remember these 90 days proba...
Josh posted on the forum:
Wow, unbelievable.... I had to wait to day 88 to gather enough courage to write here.
I have been looking all my life for something like this website and it wasn't till my work mate forwarded me a link to this site... And as soon as I saw this si...