"Grant400" post=365778 date=1616335010 catid=4
Please reach out to us as soon as, or even before the going gets rough...
...Maybe try posting more detailed posts. I don't know why, but when I write or discuss these issues in greater detail, it serves as a bucket of ice water on burning fires.
I've been feeling a lack of willpower and motivation recently, so haven't been in the mood to write long posts. And when I do, I'm not good at conveying my feelings. Sometimes I try to give a honest recounting of my day, but I'm told I'm being harsh on myself, when I know that's not my intention.
I feel like I have a healthy approach to this struggle, I think there's diminishing returns in what I post at this point. I feel like it's up to me now to carry out what I know.
I struggle to have the frame of mind to reach out when I'm struggling. In the past, like by my last fall, I did reach out, but I started to ignore the guy who I was messaging.
I guess overall, even though I have people I message, I still feel alone in this struggle. I don't really know why I post anymore, as opposed to just updating my daily count