Hello everyone.
My name is David. Why am I here? Because I am tired. Tired of fighting this thing alone. Tired of struggling in the dark.
It's time to come clean. Entirely clean.
I am 25 years old, an audit clerk, still living with my parents until I can afford my own home. I can still remember when I first discovered masturbation. I was 13. All these years I have been lying to myself. That it's natural, harmless, by design. Even after I discovered pornography at 16 I still lied to myself that porn is evil, but masturbation is not.
After struggling many times to quit porn, and succeeding, but falling again because "Masturbation is harmless", I have had enough. It's been 12 years now. I've had it.
I can never become the man G-d wishes me to be, the man my future wife deserves, the man I want to be, if I keep on going on like I have.
I am, therefore, taking a proactive approach to this. I know where my weak spots are, the times I am most susceptible to the temptations. I have them mapped out, and will avoid any and all triggers at all times. Furthermore, I am committed to re-program myself, to have an instinctive reaction to fall on my knees before G-d, literally if possible, but in my heart and mind if not, at the slightest suggestion of temptation, and beg Him to strengthen me and protect me until the urge passes.
But please, while I have so many plans, I fear I may miss good advice, and that is why I am posting here, to get some perspective as well.
Here's to a successful 90 days, that I aim to take one day at a time.