Hi all..I'm not sure which board this post belongs to, there are so many, and many of the topics haven't had any responses for a long time.
In any case, my personal experience is that when I feel that "true Simcha," where I am content with the world as it is, I have no desire to do anything online that is not appropriate. My desire seems to come when I'm not happy from a spiritual perspective. For example, on Shabbos and Yom Tov, I have no interest in anything that would be online. Same holds true for Erev Shabbos and Yom Tov, considering not only the spiritual issue, but the fact that the day is busy and there's no time for such activities.
But I think a lot of my addiction problems started when I lost some degree of emuna, or bitochon. I am a baal teshuva for over 40 years, and B"H I maintain my commitment to Torah and Mitzvos as best I can. One of my biggest problems is with Davening. In davening, we praise Hashem for the goodness He has shown our people during our ancient history. He took us out of Egypt, built us into a special Nation, gave us the Torah and its Mitzvos. That's wonderful, and He dwelled in the Bais Hamikdosh and blessed us amply during the times of Dovid and Shlomo, every man under his vine.
But when I think of the positively horrible situation our nation has been in for the past 2,500 years, I think, "how is it possible to praise Hashem when so much blood has been spilled? How can we continue to have faith when generation after generation of our people have experienced the worst that human beings could endure?"
And today, while most Jews thank G-d do live in peace, the threat against our people is very serious. The entire world seems to be at odds with us, their ideas complete and total lies about us being the worst people on earth. Islam is threatening us worldwide, and Israel itself cannot exist in peace without the rest of the world either criticizing us, or trying to destroy us, G-d forbid.
Our leaders and sages of old are gone, with no one of their caliber to lead us. The promises of Moshiach still remain unfulfilled, despite thousands of years of pleading with G-d to take us out of this painful golus. So many G-d fearing Jews dying of horrible diseases, children, young parents, leaving orphans in their wake.
We are taught that making a Brocho levatolo is a big aveira. So when we say "G-d resurrects the dead," and "G-d redeems Israel," why are these brochos still unfulfilled?
I apologize to those who might be negatively affected by this post, but I need some chizuk and more than "This is G-d's decree, just accept it." That may be OK for the angels or for great Tzadikkim, but I'm just a plain old Jew who wants to be able to see G-d's revealed blessings to His people, with our good health, safety and security in our Eretz Hakodesh, and the menuchas hanefesh to be able to serve Him with joy.
There are so many good things that Hashem has blessed me with, and for those I am grateful. But I keep thinking of the suffering of my fellow Jews, and it bothers me a lot. I know He has the power to take away the suffering, especially in light of all the good deeds, mesiras nefesh, and teshuva our people have accomplished over the past millenia.
I wish everyone a good Shabbos...Joe