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The $10,000 AC'CORD Award
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TOPIC: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 10180 Views

Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 01 May 2017 02:43 #311974

  • neshamaincharge
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I'm in. It's an honor to be part of such a group

Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 01 May 2017 11:39 #311986

  • Markz
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Markz wrote on 30 Apr 2017 16:50:
Time to party!!!!

Mazel Tov to Cordnoy our dearest friend on the forum on the occassion of virtually hitting 10G 10' Posts

The reason I'm excited, is primarily because
 I owe the man a debt of Gratitude for his assisting in my recovery virtually from day 1.
I appreciate each comment and even the 'thank you' of his, and more, and I'm certain many others feel the same for his seamanship directing soberization Odaat.

He shows us the lighthouse at the end of the tunnel with his FriendShip

He assists affirmed "addicted addicts", "addicts", "non addicts", "non addicted addicts", "addicted non addicts", and affirmed "non addicted non addicts" alike
Whether in venerable forum'ing, his emails, his texts, his group calls, his private calls, his in person meetings and more...


I suggest 100 friends donate $100 for a total of $10,000 to Gye and 10% goes to...

Trouble is that the end of this sentence is being edited by some moderator, so check your email
If you didn't get one, email me markzgye@gmail.com

Who's in?  Currently:
  • 9 Gye Members

If you want to join this too, kindly reply on this thread with the $ amount or email me, and hey, $100 is only a suggestion 

I never saw this before
I can't submit a change on the first post...
I wanted to remove the members names mentioned, because I felt it may feel too pressuring on others if they see names listed, and stress is a bad thing.
Maybe a mod knows how to copy from this post to the 1st one?

Mod note: I could not edit there either any longer. Regardin' copy and paste, I know nothin'! Except what mark and gevura tell me, and only when they speak my language.
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Last Edit: 01 May 2017 12:02 by cordnoy.

Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 01 May 2017 13:33 #311989

  • lionking
  • Platinum Boarder
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Just submitted $18 by phone. 
Keep up the great work! (Please don't remain silent ) Hopefully by the time you reach 18,000, I'll be able to donate $180.
Here is my donation of G's.
:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
My email address is: growinghigher613@gmail.com

Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 01 May 2017 14:30 #312004

  • mayanhamisgaber
  • Current streak: 44 days
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I am in but I can only give חי right now
very important thread: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/19180-FEEL-THE-HUGS%21%21%21" option="guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/19180-FEEL-THE-HUGS%21%21%21">FEEL THE HUGS!!!

Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 01 May 2017 16:52 #312014

  • Markz
  • Platinum Boarder
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FALSE ALARM, we are waiting for Cordnoy to do / be the Tzente

Seems he's having trouble (connecting to the server)....

You may lower your bids to $99.99
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Last Edit: 01 May 2017 16:56 by Markz.

Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 01 May 2017 18:02 #312020

  • Markz
  • Platinum Boarder
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Another brother is in!
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Re: The $10,000 AcCORD award 01 May 2017 19:23 #312027

  • mayanhamisgaber
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lionking wrote on 30 Apr 2017 18:35:
Cordnoy is pretty quiet these few hours. Except for some Thank You's. Is he saving his 10,000th post to be something epic?

Don't know about the above if you ask me I think that if that is the case then he deserves a potch and telling off that that is so selfish,egotistical,stuck up,rude and a few more phrases why?
Because there a lot of people here that need and can benefit from his wise and kind words!!!!

What he can do is write his replies in moderation,meaning edit the darn posts and add his reply that way!!!
very important thread: guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/19180-FEEL-THE-HUGS%21%21%21" option="guardyoureyes.com/forum/20-Important-Threads/19180-FEEL-THE-HUGS%21%21%21">FEEL THE HUGS!!!

Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 01 May 2017 20:24 #312029

  • eslaasos
  • Current streak: 16 days
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Very nice idea, zeh vzeh nehenim.
Thank you.

P.S. I was mishtatef a little.
Quotes that speak to me
What do we replace it with....Life (Cordnoy)
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Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 01 May 2017 21:15 #312033

  • cordnoy
  • Moderator
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So, 38 to the P and 38 to the M.

Wrong group, I know.

There is a bit of pressure to write somethin' profound (or, at least, it should make sense) for post # 10,000, especially after my dear friends Mark and Gevura threw down the gauntlet.

Truth be told, 10,000, like 90 or 38, is simply a number. Does it really represent somethin' epic? It means that I waste quite a bit of time, almost ten posts per day. Yes, perhaps there are several that helped myself and perhaps there are even a few where others were helped, but the bulk of them I'm sure were just some joke or wisecrack. There were even those that were hurtful as well. It just means that I have been here for a considerable amount of time and I have not yet gotten frustrated enough to leave for good (more on that later).

​But let us circle back to the beginnin' of this post, and contrary to most of my posts, this one will be lengthy: the Mincha thread, one that I am proud of. Why? Because it made a difference in my day and seemingly in others as well. I am an expert in selfishness. I have been doin' things for myself for decades. Always: what makes me happy. That's how I work. So the thread worked for me. Icin' on the cake was that it worked for others as well.

Recovery was different though. And perhaps it is worthy to repeat here the steps I took. You know that I don't spend much time thinkin' about addict vs. non-addict. I don't spend much time thinkin' about anythin' at all. It wasn't always like that. I came to this site by accident, of sorts. Yes, there were several decades of filth and smut in my days, but I always stopped, at least for a week or two, or more. Recovery and lack thereof did not consume my life. I was fine with the pattern. Of course, yamim noraim (mostly), I'd cry and beg and resolve to sin no longer. Some years I even threw in the towel and made a deal with God that I'll do lots of good in other areas and let's just hide this issue in the closet. 

But eventually, there was a rock bottom of sorts. That, together with a push, encouragement, threat of exposure from a woman friend of the family (whom I must have been tryin' to seduce) put me on a course of action. And that action wasn't a snap of the fingers. And it wasn't without heartache and pain. I went 90 days sober (so to speak). I engaged a long distance therapist, a professional who is recommended by GYE. I joined SA in a city an hour away from me. I was there for about eight months. I went to a local therapist/specialist on and off for about two years. I got two sponsors, one Jewish, one not. I joined calls and eventually led calls. I have been workin' the steps in some way or another for several years. I read the big book, white book, action book and 12&12. I am on my sixth cycle. And I post as well, every once in a while. 

Talkin' to live people really does wonders. Posts are different when I know the poster and they know me. It makes it more real. (This is an important point to know for anyone who spends time on the forum.) 

GYE gave me the opportunity to personally meet many fine fellows. I will list them, for I thank each and every one of them for their friendship, advice, suggestions, criticisms, etc. 
Big moish
Gibbor (need more)
Skeptical (although we need a better meet)
Still going
Fresh start

I was within a hundred feet from:

I have had private and personal conversation with:
Grow strong
Real simcha
Chullent kin'
mesayin (I think)
Boropark yid

I have been in touch with:

Now, what I just did is fairly dangerous (and I really need to look this over again, for it was done at several sittin's), because I probably left out a bunch of fellows, and I do apologize, but I wrote this list for two reasons: 1. I wanted to display and demonstrate the power of GYE; it creates lastin' friendships, friend who deeply care about one another. Four years ago, I knew none of these fellows and now we are best of friends. 2. Perhaps a couple of them I have helped on their journey, but one thing is certain - each and every one of them helped me on mine. I learned humility from one, commitment from another. Mussar, calmness, faith, prayer, carin', devotion, thoughtfulness, diligence, humor, assertiveness, resolve, confidence and more - are just some of the things that I try to apply in my daily life, and for that, they need to be mentioned. If I left you out, you know it was just an oversight and I sincerely apologize (and i will include in the edit- I am gettin' rushed to hit submit), but I truly thank you for helpin' out a punk like me.

And I must confess that when a fellow emails, calls, texts, WhatsApps, skypes, bumps into me and says, "Cords, you really saved my life, you truly helped me today, this past year would have been impossible without you, I didn't get that massage because of your text" yes, it feels good, and my ego makes it feel even better, but it's you guys who deserve the credit. You, who set me straight to begin with, you, who showed me my flaws, you, who convinced me of my egotistical, self-centeredness, you, who paved the way for me, and you as well who gave me the opportunity to give back, to keep me honest, to constantly share life's struggles and mine in particular, so thank you.

So, in conclusion:

There might be ten thousand reasons to let you all go
There might be ten thousand reasons to just quit the show
About ten thousand reasons

If I had a highway, I would stay in my truck
If the coffee wasn't bitter, we'd be all out of luck
But you're givin' me ten thousand reasons
Givin' me ten thousand reasons

I bow down to pray
I try to make the worst seem better
Lord, show me the way
To cut through all this worn out leather
I've got ten thousand reasons to walk away
But baby, I just need one good one to stay

Posters stuck in a cycle, they look off and stare
It's like they've stopped breathin', but completely aware
'Cause you're givin' me ten thousand reasons
Givin' me ten thousand reasons

And if by mistake I say something that iI might even mean
It's hard to even fathom which parts you should believe
'Cause you're givin' me ten thousand reasons
Givin' me ten thousand reasons

Baby I'm bleedin', bleedin'
Can't you give me what I'm needin', needin'
Every heartbreak and fall and sickness makes it hard to keep the faith
But baby, I just need one good one
Good one, good one, good one

Baby, I just need one good one to stay, to stay, to stay.

And that good one is you.
Yes, you.
My email: thenewme613@hotmail.com
My threads: Mikvah Night - Page 1Page 2Page 3Last Page

:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!
My job: Punchin' bag of GYE - "NeshamaInCharge"
Quote from the chevra: "Is Cordnoy truly a Treasure Island pirate from the Southern Seas?"

Last Edit: 08 Jun 2017 11:41 by cordnoy.

Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 03 May 2017 11:26 #312194

  • yiraishamaim
  • Platinum Boarder
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bli neder will donate as well.  
In short Cords you by your decision to change, and steadfast attitude even when things looked very bleak and of course besi'ada dishmaya- you have changed yourself and on the way helped so  many.


Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 03 May 2017 16:54 #312222

  • ZemirosShabbos
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Cords, you are DA MAN! kol hakavod
Sometimes life is like tuna with not enough mayonaise
~Inna beshem ZS

Give, Forgive

The reason I'm acting as if I'm pregnant, is because I'm expecting. I should be accepting.

Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 03 May 2017 17:01 #312223

  • Markz
  • Platinum Boarder
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ZemirosShabbos wrote on 03 May 2017 16:54:
Cords, you are DA MAN! kol hakavod

On the surprise of Ze Man
I couldn't resist

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GYE Plenty Solutions
➣ The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk

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Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 03 May 2017 17:26 #312228

  • lomed
  • Gold Boarder
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Mazel tov Cords and congrats on where u r standing today. Although we have not spoken much, you have had a positive impact on me. May you have much hatzlacha as you keep on truckin ODAAT.

Best wishes from Lomed
I currently attend live SA meetings. Feel free to reach out to me.

Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 04 May 2017 20:54 #312309

  • mvemjsunpc
  • Fresh Boarder
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how do I get to meet all these people? Im on GYE and Ive reached out for help. Im on for a month. I dont quite understand the forums- but I do have an internet addiction and have been 30 days free from going on the internet for porn. I have not been so fortunate with avoiding masturbation. In that area, I keep falling in the last month, especially on shabbos and holidays when I am alone. I cant reach out to people on line on religious holidays. Any suggestions- I live alone-

Re: The $10,000 AC'CORD Award 04 May 2017 21:11 #312312

  • eslaasos
  • Current streak: 16 days
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mvemjsunpc wrote on 04 May 2017 20:54:
how do I get to meet all these people? Im on GYE and Ive reached out for help. Im on for a month. I dont quite understand the forums- but I do have an internet addiction and have been 30 days free from going on the internet for porn. I have not been so fortunate with avoiding masturbation. In that area, I keep falling in the last month, especially on shabbos and holidays when I am alone. I cant reach out to people on line on religious holidays. Any suggestions- I live alone-

Hi mvemjsunpc,
I'm sorry you haven't found a partner yet.
I also tried the partner program when I first joined GYE and I can only share my experience that trying to "create" a partner-style relationship never worked for me. What worked for me was interacting with people on the forum that I felt were similar to me and developing relationships over time.
Maybe in live SA meetings it's easier to have a sponsor assigned in a quicker fashion but I would have no idea about that.
I see you opened a thread. Maybe share some more about yourself, and gather from the responses who seems to be in tune with you.
Quotes that speak to me
What do we replace it with....Life (Cordnoy)
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