I find posting here difficult personally but I hope to share a strategy that has helped me.
It's simple. All these years I have acted out online, I have even blocked myself off from whatever site it was (using a blacklist), and I will always find a new site. I have tried to just not use the computer but that isn't sustainable for me.
My new idea is: instead of blocking off one site at a time, I block all sites to myself (bli neder! etc etc) and add categories of sites one by one. Buying and selling sites, my industry related sites, email, music sites, etc etc. I currently keep this list editable, and I consider it not in use if there is someone else in the room or I am in public or something. I pretty much become a lawyer when it comes to this totally unofficial agreement lol.
For me this makes it much much more difficult to find a new site like I used to.
I hope this helps someone else. I have only totally acted out once in 8 months or so and I am really proud of that. I'm just a person, ya know?