Day 5: My cravings are growing with each day that passes. They are most prominent in the morning when I wake-up, and in the evening. I have an ever-growing inner agitation, my body is craving some form of pleasure, and sadly I have no way to give it anything בהיתר.
What am I doing about it? First and foremost I spend some time on the computer every morning and night writing this daily log, it keeps me attached to a ‘greater good’, a supportive community. I translate the views on this thread, as a measure of the importance of my sobriety and my recovery. If you were to ask me why I need to be clean, I could spew out for you a 10 page thesis on the benefits of being clean, and the real damage-harm-suffering of acting out. But those are empty words. Over my many years in SA, and the countless ‘shares’, I bared witness to hundreds of fellow addicts who replaced their system of values with the values they learnt in the 12 steps. They never go the point that the ‘program’ was found a place in their old perception. The result was a “two-faced” sober being, who lives in two worlds, the world he lived in until SA (where lust was pleasure and ‘worth-it’) and the world of SA where lust is bad. Without CONSTANT participation, (daily phone calls, 2-3 groups a week, conventions, sponsorship, and just chilling’ with SA members) he will enviably revert to his “old self” where lust-porn-whores-rape where “enjoyable pleasures”. I have witnesses it happen time and time again. For me, I never changed my identity, I found the truths of the program to hold true within my old ethical and moral values. Religion is the reason why I pay extra for an internet filter when I am acting out, instead of saving money and enjoying all the free shmutz on earth. Religion is the reason why I ask from myself not to look at any of Hashem’s “beautiful creatures”. Religion is the reason why my own sobriety definition has no “no tolerance” policy for any ‘forbidden pleasures’. Religion is why I don’t want to act-out with the myriad of mild forms of lust. My quality of life, and the suffering entailed, is the reason why I never want to “stumble” of hard-core falls.
Step one is easy to do when some-one fell deep into the muck of sex-addiction. Not that I haven’t crossed those red-lines occasionally myself. But on a daily basis, I don’t struggle with anything of that nature. Thus also I am part of the quandary, “am I really powerless?” “is my life unmanageable?” “am I suffering at all?” Step one for me identified a list of areas that I am powerless (if anyone would “start with me”, staying up all night lusting in various forms, living with open internet), in turn I added my religious-beliefs and religious-guilt to the equation. It works for me, I honestly believe why I shouldn’t be acting out in any way, and I have no confusion between me religion and my program. For my they work in harmony, for me they enhance each other, and for me even when I lost contact with SA and GYE for over half a year I continued to work my program and my stepwork and benefited from a high quality of life… without the constant affirmation of the 12 step groups.
What else works for me? Nothing that I “have” came easy, almost everything I write about on this thread came as a result of MUCH HARD WORK. At this point in time I am working on something which is new for me. As a quoted in an earlier post, Hashem made me as a being who seeks pleasure, and gave a variety of good-healthy-unhealthy-bad pleasurable options to choose between. So what I have been doing recently, is with every ‘craving’ I verbally repeat this idea to myself. This is how I worked many aspects of my 3rd step. With every ‘exposure’ to the problem, I respond with my new solution. My response will in-time become my perception, and as being my perception my feeling will also change accordingly. OK maybe I need to explain this a little more clear.
Psychology identified 4 factors in our own “reality”. One we have the event, and we witness that event with our 4 senses. Each persons has their own dominant sense, and therefore 2 people will witness the same thing and take notice of different issues. The variations may be so drastic that it may be hard to believe that there saw the same event.
The next factor is our perception, did we see a police offices hitting a child, or a lethal arab rioter being dis-armed by a police officer who took pity on him and opted to endanger his own welfare in hand-to –hand combat, instead of just shooting the little murderer at point blank.
As a result of our perspective we will have feelings. In the example I gave we will either pity the arab youth, or glorify the officers self sacrifice (by endangering himself he truly saves lives all over the country, because we pay a heavy price for every casualty on their side). Feelings are subjective, they depend on the perception we adopt.
The last factor is our response. Now on one hand the most natural response reflects our perception-feeling, it’s sort of a chain reaction. On the other hand We can choose to respond otherwise. For example, our wife says something “not nice”, and our natural response would be “drop dead you _%@_”, however we aren’t interested in paying the price… so every normal husband know to respond with the words “I’m sorry dear that you feel that way, I really would like to understand where you are coming from, are you available tomorrow night to go out with me to a restaurant”.
I use this framework to work my program. Lust is the “reality”, my brain used to ignore most of the information gathered by my 4 senses (I would ignore the suffering involved in the ‘opportunity’ to act out). I perceived it as pleasure, would feel empty and exited, and I would respond by…. Guess…
In recovery: I change me perception. Bad things-worried-anger, will be perceived with gratitude to hashem. גם זו לטובה, ואפילו עדיף ככה. If only I understood things properly, I would be begging from hashem to do it like this, but what do I know? That’s why it looks bad to me, but I trust hashem who knows everything the best, that this is “sooooo worth it!” Lust=Hashem you gave me the inborn desire to seek pleasure, and you gave me a lot of options bad and good. I want the best pleasure there is right now, and that is to use this moment to be close to you.
How do I make the change, by immediately verbalizing my new השקפה/outlook for the scenario. If I respond fast enough, I can preempt the old perception (lusting, yeh great, let’s go look at shmutz on the computer). At first it “sounds foreign”, then is “sounds familiar” then I start mentally voicing it even before I verbally say it. And the last stage the “new” perception works on auto-pilot. Over years it will be “etched in stone”.