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TOPIC: Leap of Faith 202 Views

Leap of Faith 15 Aug 2024 01:51 #419202

  • authenticeved
  • Current streak: 163 days
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I’ve been holding back from posting for a little while. Holding back because:

  • I don’t want this to feel like social media (which I avoid), and because
  • lurking already takes so much time, so I worry how much time I’ll end up spending on here if I also become someone who posts a lot, and because
  • a couple people who know me might be able to identify me from my writing style/content.

But at this point I think my feelings of הכרת הטוב of what this place and this community is doing for me, (and the incessant nudging of a few lovely people ; ) outweighs all those reasons.

I won’t finish, but I’ll start:

I’m relatively newly married but came in with already a good deal of work in these inyanim and a lot of ס״ד. Nevertheless, when I saw a bit of pleasure-seeking mentality starting to creep in to my marriage, even in a small way, I saw it as a big red flag. And when I saw my struggles not totally disappear despite baruch Hashem feeling genuinely fulfilled in a healthy marriage, I saw it as an even bigger red flag. Eventually that brought me back to GYE, a site I had been on before, but led me to explore the forums for the first time. "Wow, there are people on this wacky forum who write with such maturity, such clarity!" I was eating it up. Feeling inspired, I reached out, and got on the phone with one of the heili(gye) tzaddikim on here, letting the dam break inside me and letting it all pour out. He also got me on the phone with his mentor, from whom I got to hear “the shmooze” and talked it out, etc.

The results of that one decision that day were:

  1. some concrete take-home יסודות which I have repeated to myself over and over again (things like: intimacy is the cake…; it never said on any death certificate “cause of death: lack of …”, vchulu vchulu),
  2. the realization that the human connection made possible by this place is by far its (and our) greatest asset in this battle, and
  3. ultimately, a real paradigm shift that makes this feel like a true rebirth, and has me believing, for the first time in my life, that בס״ד I actually am capable of being 100% squeaky clean.

I kept in touch with them and they supported me through the critical period, I even met them both in person (!), and slowly, recently, I've reached out to a few more chevra who each offered their own awesome perspective and beautiful neshama to connect with. Wow, what a holy nation. What a zechus to get to know you. And we're only getting started...

So now, a short while later (though it feels like a lifetime has passed), I’m writing this for a few reasons. I want to publicly thank the chevra who I have had the privilege of connecting with so far; I want to say hi to the chevra who I have yet to shmooze with; and I'd also like to break the ice and have this thread where I can possibly post in the future and connect more; but lastly, and most importantly, I want to encourage anyone lurking to take that leap of faith and reach out to someone – anyone – whose posts speak to you and who seems like a healthy person. I've left out the usernames of the people who I first spoke to (though you may see them in the responses to this thread) because, ultimately, you're reading posts on here, and you can tell who's writing resonates with you. Choose your own adventure.

You're probably tempted to just stick to reading posts, and for good reason. From reading the posts you will find chizzuk, some good ideas, and maybe a laugh. Also, reading posts is safe and doesn't demand much of you. But when you make the move and get on the phone (I highly recommend starting with *67 if you’re scared like I was), you will find so much more than you could ever imagine.

Yes, you’ll find validation, understanding, and someone to relate to. But more than that, you will find people who will cry with you, laugh with you, feel your pain and celebrate your joy. You'll find people who will be patient with you when you're only ready to discuss a fraction of what's on your mind. You’ll find people who will call you out when you’re being too hard on yourself, and who will believe in you before you’ve even gotten to a place where you can believe in yourself, thereby gently pushing you towards yourself, towards the true, inner "you” that you’ve always dreamed of revealing. 

It doesn’t take very long. This is your chance to hear the shofar in a few weeks and, for the first time, not feel quite so startled.

I'm rooting for you.


Last Edit: 15 Aug 2024 02:39 by authenticeved.

Re: Leap of Faith 15 Aug 2024 05:05 #419205

  • amevakesh
  • Current streak: 511 days
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Beautiful first post! It was an honor and privilege to meet such a thought out and authentic eved like yourself. Someone who will no doubt inspire many many people in the future. T'was a wonderful hug(s)!
Feel free to email me at amevakesh23@gmail.com

Re: Leap of Faith 15 Aug 2024 06:45 #419208

  • Muttel
  • Current streak: 227 days
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They spoke on the phone nary 23 days ago
An immediate connection to grow and grow
Bound by mutual respect, kinship, and desires 
To be inspired and Leap higher with a spiritual fire. 

What Authentic work put in day after day
To be a true Eved Hashem and make the great strides stay. 
They took the next step, meeting one on one,
A surreal experience began a relationship that’s been loads of fun. 

AE, what growth and dedication you’ve shown,
To be enshrined with a mentorship crown when you so recently thought you were alone,
Just as Hashem as helped your tremendous kochos shine heretofore,
May you always be zoche to help others kick this habit forever more. 

Go on and take your strengths and talents,
Shine and glow with grace and perfect temperament,
You'll do your share in bringing our King near
So that very soon the Grand Shofar we will all hear. 

With a heart overflowing with pride and  brotherly love,
We're in this struggle together; feel free to reach out! 

Feel free to call/text! (908) 251-9590 (google)

Check out my thread here: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/413043-My-ENTIRE-story#413043

Re: Leap of Faith 15 Aug 2024 20:44 #419256

  • chosemyshem
  • Platinum Boarder
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Yasher koach on the post. And thanks for the encouragement to reach out to someone whose posts speak to me 

Keep on authentically trucking!

Re: Leap of Faith 18 Aug 2024 05:39 #419331

  • eerie
  • Current streak: 853 days
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Welcome to the club! For most people, I would welcome by telling them how lucky they are, how reaching out is the greatest thing, etc. but you did that all. So all that's left is to wish you loads of hatzlacha! And take us along on your journey!
Feel free to say hi. My email is 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com
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