cleanmendy wrote on 12 Jan 2025 23:33:
Yes I do believe its possible, and the only way is with the chizuk from the chevra here, I cry when I write these words cuz I've tried so many times and I've honestly given up on myself, with no guidance and direction it didn't seem possible. But being on gye and reading thru some threads I see it is possible.
To be honest though I feel like I'm still on a high from discovering this new idea of fighting the battle, not just alone, but with an oilam together. Although I would like to imagine that its possible to stay clean from now till 120, and maybe it is! But how do I prepare for a possible fall, or do I not prepare and hope I'm strong enough not to fall?
My dear friend, CM, great question. Of course, we must try our best not to fall, but I believe it is not enough to just hope we we don't ever fall again, rather, we should prepare for the possibility that we might fall.
How do we prepare for it? Number one, the fact that you know that such a possibility exists, that you remind yourself that the YH didn't drop you as a client. He's here to stay until the day we die. For many, they get all bent out of shape when they struggle after the first few weeks, and part of that comes from the feeling that once they discovered this new world there will no longer be any challenges. While the truth is that there will be struggles no matter what. And if there are challenges, we may slip up sometimes. So don't take it as a sign that this path won't help, because you must know that this path also has bumps. But if you stick to this path, beH you'll reach true and lasting freedom.
Number two, internalize the message that every day clean is a world unto itself. By internalizing that you are going through a process, and it's progress you seek, not perfection, when you celebrate your progress, when you realize and appreciate how amazing the changes you have already made are, then you'll be able to hold strong. For many of us, it's the feeling of 'all or nothing' that does us in. We feel very disappointed when we see that we still fall, because we aren't perfect yet, because we only value perfection. Which is wrong. You should hold precious every day of growth, every step of progress, every drop of change
Now, of course, in the moment, when a person falls, it is very hard to remember all this. He just feels like a loser. And that's another place where your friends come in. A friend can remind him that yes, it's normal to feel stupid, and remind him at the same time to appreciate the change and accomplishments that have been made.
Of course, it's also important to plan out what to do when the going gets rough, which can help prevent us from falling in the first place, but that wasn't your question