Grant400 wrote on 23 Mar 2021 01:11:
So I need the oilams opinion. I have an app on my phone that is a regular app, not a social media app that I need for business. I was told that there is problematic content on it and it was driving me crazy for a long time knowing that maybe it's there. I decided to check out and see for myself because knowing it isn't will take a load off of me on a daily basis. I checked and unfortunately there was terrible images. I stayed around for way too long.
My question is, is it a fall? I only looked with a good reason, but I ended up getting pulled in. Deep in. What's the oilams take?
I could hear a good tzad to call it not a fall since by the time you were in the matzav and saw the picture your bechira was hampered. Personally I think it would depend on whether you initially looked 100% lsheim Shamayim/to take off the burden, and not like 40% for taiva and hid behind this notion. (Not chalila judging or criticizing, just trying to help).