Thanks for posting. It's great for all of us to see how many poeple are devoted to working on this area!
In terms of what you've been doing, it's true its not amazing, but we all do bad things. I dont just mean the poeple on the site, I mean everyone. So, whislt its not good, its not the end of the road by any means.
As a Baa'al teshuva, you might be feeling let down as perhaps you thought it would all be rosy and fun? Did you know about the down sides (not meant negatively, more practically) of keepng Mitzvos when you made that choice?
In terms of healthy outlets, there isnt always one. Sometimes you;ll be able to walk away, soemtimes not. I find that steering clear of triggers is a good start. B"H its been a while since it was really bad for me, but I recall those feelings and the best way to avoid them, is not to think about them to begin with - easier said than done.
I need to go now, will try and add more later.