realsimcha wrote on 25 Apr 2016 21:35:
Shlomo and Ina,
Thanks for your thoughts. I dont think that I know myself exactly why I love talking about myself. Ina you might be right that its less and I am noticing it more. Either way it is starting to feel like it doesnt fit. Its like a suit that you put on and realize that its just not fitting right anymore. Its just not the person that I want t be anymore. Why do I crave it? I think that I have always felt insecure about myself and I love accentuating my successes. Thanks for listening.
Sounds very familiar, as long as there is an internal dissatisfaction with myself, i will usually try to compensate by sharing what i percieve as positives about myself with others. That is until i am so obviously screwed up in my own eyes by something I've done that i will be humble and stay quiet, which is not an ideal solution.
I found through deep connection in davening and giving up to gd that i felt secure enough to be quiet and at peace, something i haven't felt for a while. But happy days are coming.
Apologize for sharing about me
Keep up the great attitude and focus RS