Hey, Welcome Obama (I never thought I'd ever say those words!)!!!!!!
This is a wonderful place, where we learn to know ourselves, our strengths, our weaknesses, how to become even stronger, and what we can do to be the best we can be
I totally agree with the above posts, my friend. You should be super proud of what you've done so far, and you can work on yourself to continue that amazing growth whether you find the passuk you are looking for or not
But I'd like to say one thing
The entire Torah, from the first letter to the last, is about Hashem's love for you! I don't understand the whole question. When Hashem loves Klal Yisroel, when he chooses us from among all the nations, when he says "אהבתי אתכם אמר ה", when he says "רק אתכם ידעתי מכל משפחות האדמה" it means by defintion that you, and I, and every member of klal Yisroel is loved endlessly. He gave you mitzvos, right? Why? Because He loves you, and he wants your best, He wants you to connect to Him
I'll just write one story.
There was a Yid who lived in Slonim, who's daughter married a complete am ha'aretz. The chosson didn't even know about shema. The father-in-law decided to teach his son-in-law some basics, so he sat him down and explained the passuk of shema. He taught him about Hashem, about how Hashem is the only G-d, how all the galaxies, how every creature, the mountains, the oceans, everything was created but G=d almighty. And he explained that we declare our faith by saying twice a day the pasuk of shema.
Then he moved on to v'ahavta. He translated the pasuk as meaning "You should love Hashem, your G-d". The son-in-law refused to accept the translation. Try as hard as he may, the father-in-law could not convince the chosson that he was translating the words correctly. At wits end, he decided to take the chosson to the rebbe, the Yesod Ho'avoida of slonim. The father-in-law explained to the rebbe what was going on, and the rebbe asked the chosson why he wouldn't accept the translation his father-in-law was saying.
To which the chosson replied, "My father-in-law explained to me that Hashem created everything, both the things we see, and the things we don't see. The celestial bodies, the details in every single being. So Hashem is so, so big. He is Almighty, Omnipresent, Greater than I can evr imagine. And I am so, so small. Tiny. Infinitesimal. SO how can it be that Someone as great as G-d should care that someone as tiny as I should love Him?! It just cannot be! It cannot be that he should care that I should love Him!"
The slonimer rebbe told him, "True, G-d is so great, and we are so small. But G-d loves us so much. An infinite love. And because He loves us so much, He wants a relationship with us, and He wants us to love Him in return". The chosson jumped out of his seat and screamed, "If that's the case, if He loves me so much, then I truly love him!!!"
The rebbe would say over this story all the time,saying "that boy reached true ahavas Hashem"
My friend, stick around, make some good friends here, learn the ropes, and beH you'll dust off your pants and KEEP ON TRUCKING!!!!