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Hashem loves you
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Im Paga be’cha menuval zeh, mushchei'hu le- BEIS HAMEDRASH! This board is for divrei Torah relating to our struggle with the Yetzer Hara, from the entire spectrum of Tanach, Chazal, Mussar and Chassidus. On this board there will be no posts about personal struggles and no debates. Only TORAH CHIZUK.
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TOPIC: Hashem loves you 337 Views

Hashem loves you 02 Dec 2024 21:59 #426322

  • barackobama
  • Current streak: 35 days
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I fell yesterday after being clean since YK. One of the strats the yetzer hara uses on me is justifying being angry at Hashem because it just feels like a big game of cat and mouse. A leads to b, it is then more ok in my mind to do the sin because "the whole system is messed up anyway". 
A new approach I want to try to inculcate into my mind is the idea that Hashem loves me more than anything I can imagine. I hope this will change me internally. However, in order to really believe it, and for it to then work, I need to know that its true. So what sources are there in Tanach that confirm this unconditional individual love that Hashem has for each Jew? (Loving Am Yisrael is not necessarily a raya)

Re: Hashem loves you 02 Dec 2024 23:32 #426325

I aint no baki in tanach so I'll leave that for the chachamim on the site, but a bit of support I can try to give.

I really feel for you that you fell after such a long streak. It's been a long time since YK and it must be super painful having to face yourself in the mirror now.

But the truth is, breaking a streak does not mean your restarting the journey. You just have to wipe off a bit of dust and continue. It is really hard to believe this especially after a fall. The yetzer hara convinces us that we are a failure so go enjoy yourself. The real truth is not this way.

If you need chizuk getting back up now I would tell you to reach out to one of the pros here, there is nothing like a phone call with one of the special guys over here.

Hatzlacha Raba!

SSSL's Story (Google Doc)​ [You will need to request permission, which I'm happy to give.]
Holy In Jerusalem (My Thread)

Feel free to say hi or send some chizuk over @ stopsurvivingstartliving2024@gmail.com.
My google voice number got shut down, so I won't be able to receive or send messages from there.

Re: Hashem loves you 02 Dec 2024 23:38 #426327

  • wantingbetter
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stopsurvivingstartliving wrote on 02 Dec 2024 23:32:
I aint no baki in tanach so I'll leave that for the chachamim on the site, but a bit of support I can try to give.

I really feel for you that you fell after such a long streak. It's been a long time since YK and it must be super painful having to face yourself in the mirror now.

But the truth is, breaking a streak does not mean your restarting the journey. You just have to wipe off a bit of dust and continue. It is really hard to believe this especially after a fall. The yetzer hara convinces us that we are a failure so go enjoy yourself. The real truth is not this way.

If you need chizuk getting back up now I would tell you to reach out to one of the pros here, there is nothing like a phone call with one of the special guys over here.

Hatzlacha Raba!

Well said!!! 

Re: Hashem loves you 03 Dec 2024 00:06 #426330

  • rebakiva
  • Current streak: 162 days
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barackobama wrote on 02 Dec 2024 21:59:
I fell yesterday after being clean since YK. One of the strats the yetzer hara uses on me is justifying being angry at Hashem because it just feels like a big game of cat and mouse. A leads to b, it is then more ok in my mind to do the sin because "the whole system is messed up anyway". 
A new approach I want to try to inculcate into my mind is the idea that Hashem loves me more than anything I can imagine. I hope this will change me internally. However, in order to really believe it, and for it to then work, I need to know that its true. So what sources are there in Tanach that confirm this unconditional individual love that Hashem has for each Jew? (Loving Am Yisrael is not necessarily a raya)

Welcome R' President brackobama, to the GYE family where warmth love and hope is top priority. 

If all you really want is sources from the Torah, I think you should read through first and foremost shir hashirim especially perek ה' {you can read through my thread I wrote up a post about exactly this concept} or so many different gemaras on this like R' meir who says in meseches shabbos אע"פ שחטא בני הם which literally translates to the love a father has to his son in any situation, honestly there's so much on this all over, just look around a bit and you'll find it everywhere.

But with all due respect, I humbly and respectfully disagree with your new mehalach, true that feeling hashem's love is awesome, but to some people {not you, could be you're different} it's just a good way to fool oneself into being comfortable with himself instead of going to seek the real help he desperately needs.

How about reaching out in real life to the great guys here, you can start with the mentor in chief HHM at michelgelner@gmail.com, or any other mentor like EERIE at 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com, or MUTTEL at muttel15@gmail.com, or PROUDYUNGERMAN at proudyungerman@gmail.com, and the list goes on.

This is one step you'll forever be grateful to yourself for taking.

KOMT!!! With love Akiva
Talking with someone, is not about getting advice, it's about frienship, accountability & distraction;

Please feel free to contact me at 347-494-0430 {google voice} at any time or; 
PM me at mevakesh247@gmail.com

Check out My story here:  My strategy is to fight it with excitment ביחד ננצח
Last Edit: 03 Dec 2024 00:07 by rebakiva.

Re: Hashem loves you 03 Dec 2024 00:08 #426331

  • Markz
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barackobama wrote on 02 Dec 2024 21:59:
I fell yesterday after being clean since YK. One of the strats the yetzer hara uses on me is justifying being angry at Hashem because it just feels like a big game of cat and mouse. A leads to b, it is then more ok in my mind to do the sin because "the whole system is messed up anyway". 
A new approach I want to try to inculcate into my mind is the idea that Hashem loves me more than anything I can imagine. I hope this will change me internally. However, in order to really believe it, and for it to then work, I need to know that its true. So what sources are there in Tanach that confirm this unconditional individual love that Hashem has for each Jew? (Loving Am Yisrael is not necessarily a raya)

Welcome brother. 

If you’re angry at your parents or at Gd which is a possibility, that can be explored, and maybe worthwhile - to see why you may have any resentments. Many people go thru this. 

I think hiding it under the rug and saying throw the book at me with 1,000 sources Gd loves you ain’t gonna do it. 

What do you think. 
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Re: Hashem loves you 03 Dec 2024 00:33 #426336

  • wantingbetter
  • Current streak: 48 days
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Markz wrote on 03 Dec 2024 00:08:

barackobama wrote on 02 Dec 2024 21:59:
I fell yesterday after being clean since YK. One of the strats the yetzer hara uses on me is justifying being angry at Hashem because it just feels like a big game of cat and mouse. A leads to b, it is then more ok in my mind to do the sin because "the whole system is messed up anyway". 
A new approach I want to try to inculcate into my mind is the idea that Hashem loves me more than anything I can imagine. I hope this will change me internally. However, in order to really believe it, and for it to then work, I need to know that its true. So what sources are there in Tanach that confirm this unconditional individual love that Hashem has for each Jew? (Loving Am Yisrael is not necessarily a raya)

Welcome brother. 

If you’re angry at your parents or at Gd which is a possibility, that can be explored, and maybe worthwhile - to see why you may have any resentments. Many people go thru this. 

I think hiding it under the rug and saying throw the book at me with 1,000 sources Gd loves you ain’t gonna do it. 

What do you think. 
Obama am I beating the wrong Bush?

At least you’ll always have your Trump card 

Re: Hashem loves you 03 Dec 2024 00:37 #426338

  • eerie
  • Current streak: 917 days
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Hey, Welcome Obama (I never thought I'd ever say those words!)!!!!!!
This is a wonderful place, where we learn to know ourselves, our strengths, our weaknesses, how to become even stronger, and what we can do to be the best we can be

I totally agree with the above posts, my friend. You should be super proud of what you've done so far, and you can work on yourself to continue that amazing growth whether you find the passuk you are looking for or not

But I'd like to say one thing

The entire Torah, from the first letter to the last, is about Hashem's love for you! I don't understand the whole question. When Hashem loves Klal Yisroel, when he chooses us from among all the nations, when he says "אהבתי אתכם אמר ה", when he says "רק אתכם ידעתי מכל משפחות האדמה" it means by defintion that you, and I, and every member of klal Yisroel is loved endlessly. He gave you mitzvos, right? Why? Because He loves you, and he wants your best, He wants you to connect to Him

I'll just write one story. 
There was a Yid who lived in Slonim, who's daughter married a complete am ha'aretz. The chosson didn't even know about shema. The father-in-law decided to teach his son-in-law some basics, so he sat him down and explained the passuk of shema. He taught him about Hashem, about how Hashem is the only G-d, how all the galaxies, how every creature, the mountains, the oceans, everything was created but G=d almighty. And he explained that we declare our faith by saying twice a day the pasuk of shema. 
Then he moved on to v'ahavta. He translated the pasuk as meaning "You should love Hashem, your G-d". The son-in-law refused to accept the translation. Try as hard as he may, the father-in-law could not convince the chosson that he was translating the words correctly. At wits end, he decided to take the chosson to the rebbe, the Yesod Ho'avoida of slonim. The father-in-law explained to the rebbe what was going on, and the rebbe asked the chosson why he wouldn't accept the translation his father-in-law was saying.
To which the chosson replied, "My father-in-law explained to me that Hashem created everything, both the things we see, and the things we don't see. The celestial bodies, the details in every single being. So Hashem is so, so big. He is Almighty, Omnipresent, Greater than I can evr imagine. And I am so, so small. Tiny. Infinitesimal. SO how can it be that Someone as great as G-d should care that someone as tiny as I should love Him?! It just cannot be! It cannot be that he should care that I should love Him!"
The slonimer rebbe told him, "True, G-d is so great, and we are so small. But G-d loves us so much. An infinite love. And because He loves us so much, He wants a relationship with us, and He wants us to love Him in return". The chosson jumped out of his seat and screamed, "If that's the case, if He loves me so much, then I truly love him!!!"
The rebbe would say over this story all the time,saying "that boy reached true ahavas Hashem"

My friend, stick around, make some good friends here, learn the ropes, and beH you'll dust off your pants and KEEP ON TRUCKING!!!!
Feel free to say hi. My email is 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com

Re: Hashem loves you 03 Dec 2024 02:00 #426344

  • proudyungerman
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stopsurvivingstartliving wrote on 02 Dec 2024 23:32:
I aint no baki in tanach so I'll leave that for the chachamim on the site, but a bit of support I can try to give.

I really feel for you that you fell after such a long streak. It's been a long time since YK and it must be super painful having to face yourself in the mirror now.

But the truth is, breaking a streak does not mean your restarting the journey. You just have to wipe off a bit of dust and continue. It is really hard to believe this especially after a fall. The yetzer hara convinces us that we are a failure so go enjoy yourself. The real truth is not this way.

If you need chizuk getting back up now I would tell you to reach out to one of the pros here, there is nothing like a phone call with one of the special guys over here.

Hatzlacha Raba!

This is GOLD!

My dear friend barackobama,
If your desire is to kick this beast for good you have come to the right place!

Welcome to the warmest family in the world!

Here you will find true care, concern, and warmth.
Here you will learn that you CAN break free!
There are many tools here to help you in this fight.
There is the F2F Program, the Vaad Program, the book The Battle of the Generation - many have found this very helpful in reframing the struggle.
(Captain, I got the link! It's right here!)

There is also an extremely powerful tool of accountability, friends, and mentors, as has been mentioned, that has helped hundreds - myself included.
HHM - Hashem Help Me - is the mentor-in-chief around here. He's reachable at michelgelner@gmail.com.
Some of the other great guys here are Eerie - 1gimpelovitz@gmail.com, Muttel - muttel15@gmail.com, and iwannalivereal iwannalivereal@gmail.com Reb Akiva - mevakesh247@gmail.com

Looking forward to seeing great things from you!
And don't forget, as always, KOMT!!
Feel free to reach out and say hi!

My Journey:

Re: Hashem loves you 03 Dec 2024 04:02 #426349

  • cande
  • Gold Boarder
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To kick this beast for good, get rid of obamacare, and let hashem takecare.

lets do this

Re: Hashem loves you 05 Dec 2024 15:57 #426579

  • vehkam
  • Current streak: 1170 days
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barackobama wrote on 02 Dec 2024 21:59:
I fell yesterday after being clean since YK. One of the strats the yetzer hara uses on me is justifying being angry at Hashem because it just feels like a big game of cat and mouse. A leads to b, it is then more ok in my mind to do the sin because "the whole system is messed up anyway". 
A new approach I want to try to inculcate into my mind is the idea that Hashem loves me more than anything I can imagine. I hope this will change me internally. However, in order to really believe it, and for it to then work, I need to know that it’s true. So what sources are there in Tanach that confirm this unconditional individual love that Hashem has for each Jew? (Loving Am Yisrael is not necessarily a raya)

Not a scriptural source but you might find todays vayimaen titled a Levite in the Music Store to be helpful.  


The Battle of the Generation by Hillel S. has been a huge help for me.  Message me to find out how you can receive a free copy.

some of the experiences I write about may make it easier to identify me.  This is ok.  I trust that if anyone discovers my identity they will keep it to themselves.  If you do realize that you  know me, I am completely comfortable and welcome you acknowledging me and my struggle in person.
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