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Seeking Help-A Crisis of Meaning
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.
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TOPIC: Seeking Help-A Crisis of Meaning 365 Views

Re: Seeking Help-A Crisis of Meaning 21 Feb 2025 14:23 #431819

  • youknowwho
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time2win wrote on 20 Feb 2025 19:40:

I want to cut through all the superficialities and talk tachlis. Why do I turn to P and M? Because I have a crisis of meaning. I feel like my life doesn't really matter. There is a gaping hole deep in my soul, my consciousness that I can't seem to fill. All I can do is dull the gnawing emptiness with P & M. (In theory, it could be with drugs or alcohol, but P is free and more easily accessible and side effects are less noticeable.)

Until I can fill the hole in my heart, I will never achieve true sobriety from my addiction. 

Dear time2win,

I want to thank you for your super articulate posts, expressing your feelings of lack of meaning and faith. I relate to so much of what you are going through.

Just to further elaborate on what eerie and chaimoigen have written, there is a premise in your words that, if adjusted accordingly, can change the whole game.

Is it really true that “Until I can fill the hole in my heart, I will never achieve true sobriety from my addiction”?

Some food for thought:

If I would enjoy porn and masturbation, if it would actually add joy and happiness to my life, I am at a stage in my life where I would probably just do it.

I wanna enjoy life right now, and I eat, sleep, watch a good movie and don’t stress too much about meaning and faith. Too painful.

But, here’s the thing.

I do not enjoy it. At all.

Or else I wouldn’t be here, would I?

If I am hungry, I eat to satiate that hunger. Would I eat something that only makes me hungrier, and sick as a dog afterwards?

Feeling horny and hungry for sexual indulgence? Okay, lets go indulge!

But, indulging in all those oh so breathtakingly beautiful images, just leaves me wanting more.

More bodies to feast over. More positions. More novelty, more variety. More shock.

Leaves me feeling wasted, empty, depleted, frustrated, a desperate hankering, a feeling of hornyness bordering on the brink of insanity.

Here I go again with that term, but it leaves me feeling like a rabid, red-eyed racoon from some zombie apocalypse movie. Scratching at the cage, desperate for more, more, more!

B’kitzur, a slave.

And I have seen firsthand, how things just continue to spiral and progress, it gets riskier and more dangerous...

So, what I’ve discovered is, that life, whether as a meaningless Joe the plumber, or as a cynical skeptic, is still better and more worth living as a sober man.

I still live with a lack of meaning and confusion about faith…but I will drill and trill this message into my lust infected brain day by day…

Life, whatever that even means, is better without that cumbersome burden weighing down on my shoulders like a load of bricks.

Re: Seeking Help-A Crisis of Meaning 21 Feb 2025 14:37 #431822

  • BenHashemBH
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toughwarrior wrote on 21 Feb 2025 03:04:
I don't usually write in but while reading this thread i felt compelled to put in my two cents here.
Whether this guy is right or not he is clearly in pain and has definitely put quite a bit of thought into this question so while it may not be smart to try combatting his thoughts, if you're going to do it the minimum he deserves is a thoughtful comment.
I literally laughed out loud when i read the suggestion that this guy has it all wrong, he thinks the askanim and the big influencers are the important ones, however without the simple people there would be no-one for them to help and give to, therefore the simpletons are the ones who should walk around with a gaava d'kedusha.
This is so ridiculous I'm not even sure it deserves a response, no person has had or will ever have this mindset because its just not the straight way of thinking. In no world should a poor guy hold his head up high because he is poor and is the vehicle for which the rich guy can have influence. There are 2 types of ppl in the world there are givers and there are takers, and in no universe will the world ever look up to the takers because they are giving the opportunity for the givers to shine. While its unfortunate to be simple versus influential, and obviously its not up to anyone other than Hashem to decide who is going to make it or not, nonetheless you are most certainly not doing people a favor by being needy, that's just a warped way of thinking.
If you're going to respond to someone in pain who has thought over his question for as long as our שואל has, have the decency to at least make a comment that has a fraction of the same amount of thought put into it.

My Brother, you are right that time2win deserves a thoughtful and understanding response.

The concept might be hard to accept, but mussar disagrees with your conclusion. Indeed, the poor man does get credit as being the one that allows others the opportunity to give tzedaka. He's not a taker, he is a receiver - big difference. 

Something you must consider is that when you say it's up to Hashem if he will 'make it or not' you are diverging because what you think a full life looks like and what Hashem considers a full life are now two different things. CV the poor man didn't not 'make it' in life because Hashem did not grant him riches. He is in exactly the place to accomplish his mission. To think otherwise is to believe that you know better than G-d. Should the poor man daven and try to get money, and desire to have a lot of money so that he should be able to give lots of charity? Sure. But his life, his real life, does not require that it come to fruition. Nobody gets left behind. From the rich to the poor, everyone can make it.

​Kol Tov
Today is yesterday's tomorrow.
The yetzarim a person has the most trouble dealing with are his most powerful God-given tools for developing his potential and achieving shleimus.
It doesn't matter how big the number is, only that today it is going up by one.

Please feel free to reach out. I'd appreciate connecting with you (via GYE, email, or phone - whatever floats your boat)
A little about me: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/412971-I-Want-to-Help-Others

Re: Seeking Help-A Crisis of Meaning 21 Feb 2025 15:47 #431827

  • lamaazavtuni
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My dear t2w!!  It's not easy feeling you have no big tachlis in this world, and I feel for you. Considering that you seem to be/hold yourself on the bottom of the tadpole of society. I can assure you that many many people that you call big/important people that do a lot for society and klal yisroel are themselves feeling like a failure (many times because in their private life/middos their not being successful) and sometimes many times that's the catalyst Y their trying to look to the world and to so many important and famous things that they'll be recognized for.  So my friend look deep inside because we can't , but you could is the real answer to your Q that your life doesn't have real meaning (either cause of p and m or struggling with faith) but if you would suddenly become someone with a large circle of influence I don't think youll be more  content. On the outside you might be but your thoughts might very well be the exact same.    This post is not to bash anyone or to look down at successful ppl but it is important for us little ppl to recognize the truth and realize what's driving them . And not feel unsuccessful as people.    And I guarantee you that when your honest and really work on what's hard for you in Torah/yiddeshkeit/middos  these questions will disappear and you'll be dancing with a different tune.    

     Hatzlacha my friend. Ah gut shabbos
Feel free to call me 7325230152[google voice]

Re: Seeking Help-A Crisis of Meaning 21 Feb 2025 15:49 #431828

  • iyh2023
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toughwarrior wrote on 21 Feb 2025 03:04:
I don't usually write in but while reading this thread i felt compelled to put in my two cents here.
Whether this guy is right or not he is clearly in pain and has definitely put quite a bit of thought into this question so while it may not be smart to try combatting his thoughts, if you're going to do it the minimum he deserves is a thoughtful comment.
I literally laughed out loud when i read the suggestion that this guy has it all wrong, he thinks the askanim and the big influencers are the important ones, however without the simple people there would be no-one for them to help and give to, therefore the simpletons are the ones who should walk around with a gaava d'kedusha.
This is so ridiculous I'm not even sure it deserves a response, no person has had or will ever have this mindset because its just not the straight way of thinking. In no world should a poor guy hold his head up high because he is poor and is the vehicle for which the rich guy can have influence. There are 2 types of ppl in the world there are givers and there are takers, and in no universe will the world ever look up to the takers because they are giving the opportunity for the givers to shine. While its unfortunate to be simple versus influential, and obviously its not up to anyone other than Hashem to decide who is going to make it or not, nonetheless you are most certainly not doing people a favor by being needy, that's just a warped way of thinking.
If you're going to respond to someone in pain who has thought over his question for as long as our שואל has, have the decency to at least make a comment that has a fraction of the same amount of thought put into it.

Reading through the forums has always been somewhat hard for me, to read up on the real pain so many people are going through. It genuinely hurts me to see so much pain. But the this kind of pain is different then ,say, physical pain because of the confusion that comes with it, and what has given me some comfort is that there is also lots of healing.

Just to add on a point. 
I heard from R' Naftali Horowitz, a very intelligent man whom has helped hundreds with counseling, speeches and his book. That although this world needs the rich and the poor, nowhere does it say that you have to be the poor. Never settle for less on the premise that there has to be a taker, it doesn't have to be you.   

@time2win, wishing you the success of clarity and a restful Shabbos.
Last Edit: 21 Feb 2025 16:32 by iyh2023.

Re: Seeking Help-A Crisis of Meaning 21 Feb 2025 16:45 #431834

  • kavey
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Is it possible to come at this question from another angle as, "if I were born into another faith would I be a yid"? Personally, R' Avigdor Miller's series on Chovos HaLevavos was most impactful in this regard for me.

Re: Seeking Help-A Crisis of Meaning 21 Feb 2025 16:51 #431835

  • chosemyshem
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Very thought provoking thread.

YKW your post hit me hard. Thank you.

T2W, I'm not going to wade into the question of who in life is important. But w/r/t lust. I agree with your point that it's difficult to make changes while all the reasons driving you to act out are still present. But it sounds like you're looking for either 1) a way to become important or 2) to be convinced that you're important the way you are now.

There's a third option: guardyoureyes.com/tools/kosher-isle/shiurim/category/dov-s-12-step-workshop

Re: Seeking Help-A Crisis of Meaning 23 Feb 2025 02:42 #431855

Shalom Aleichem T2W,
I think your realization that a feeling of emptiness inside is what is driving you to act out is very true. I once heard a dvar torah that was related to this idea: The gemara, when describing Yosef Hatzadik's monumental feat of refusing to give in to Eishes Potiphar says that he saw his father's face in the chalon. Some explain al derech drush, that the window was reflective, so Yosef was really looking at himself and his own potential, but this does not make much sense, as they likely did not have glass windows back then. Instead, a window was just an empty hole. The word chalon does not mean window, but comes from the shoresh that means emptiness. A chillul Hashem is when we desecrate Hashem's name in this world, thus creating a lack of recognition of His greatness and respect for Him, which makes Him, kavayachol, empty from this world. Chullin is something that is empty of Kedusha, and chillul shabos is causing the kedusha of shaabbos to be empty. Chalal is just that, an empty space. And so too, when Yosef Hatzadik looked at the chalon, he was looking at the emptiness in his life. The question is: how do we fill that chalon? We all have a certain emptiness inside, a need for meaning, that is calling out for us do do something. Sometimes, we fill that space with valuable things like torah and mitzvos. IT always need to be filled, so if you are feeling empty and distraught, you will inevitably fill it with artificial sources of meaning such as P and M. 

Now, as you said, the simple things in life don't seem to be giving you that meaning you are searching for. Your soul is pining for something greater. While I could tell you that you should appreciate your family and torah and mitzvos and yiddeshkeit, you have already said that these things don't give you meaning, at least not now. As I am very young, and am not yet married, I don't know if I am the most qualified to tell you what you should and should not find meaningful. I would say though, that yes those people may have a very large circle of influence, but you have your own, albeit smaller, sphere of influence that you can have an impact on. You have your family, yourself, your coworkers, and the entire chevra here at GYE. While we may view the people with large influence as being more chashuv or accomplished, it is all about your perspective. I think that if you give it more thought, you will see that there are countless opportunities you have to make an impact on people's lives right in front of you. Your family is the most important thing in the world, and the only way you can have an impact is if you start small, with your closest circle and that will radiate outwards once you fill in the hole of the inner circle. 

I do agree that speaking this through with a qualified therapist or Rebbe may be beneficial, as it seems you have though about this a lot and have been bothered by this question for quite a while. 

I wish you much Hatzlacah, and just know that we are all here together on this journey of finding meaning and filling in the gap of our souls. Your post already and the discussion it has raised has already had an impact on many poeple's lives. You are important and Hashem placed you in this world for a reason. You just need to play your part.
Feel free to reach out at hashemlovesyou123@gmail.com
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