Hi Holy Chevra.
This is going to be a long post(s), but I need help. Please share your thoughts.
I want to cut through all the superficialities and talk tachlis. Why do I turn to P and M? Because I have a crisis of meaning. I feel like my life doesn't really matter. There is a gaping hole deep in my soul, my consciousness that I can't seem to fill. All I can do is dull the gnawing emptiness with P & M. (In theory, it could be with drugs or alcohol, but P is free and more easily accessible and side effects are less noticeable.)
Some background:
The world can roughly be divided into 2 categories of people, the big people who make a real impact and the small people who just kind of well...live and die without really doing anything grand in between.
Examples of big people:
Philanthropists, Askanim, Scientists/Inventors who work on impactful technology, Marbitzei Torah (people who find inspiration in Torah and share it with others.) Rabbanim, Mechanchim, Authors, Comedians, Founders of successful non-profits, accomplished professionals (e.g. Doctors who make an impact, Buisness Leaders), Jewish celebrities (e.g. Singers who bring joy to the masses). etc. etc. In essence, people who have a big circle of positive influence.
Examples of small people:
Adam the accountant. Ed the electrician. Joe the engineer. Carl the computer programmer. Me. In essence, people who have a small circle of positive influence.
To elaborate-It's not that my life is totally meaningless. After all, I have a wife and kids who love me and need me. I find meaning in supporting them and helping raise our children. I pay taxes and give some tzedakah (not as much as I wish I could), am a contributor to the economy/productive member of society. I give a smile to my coworkers, the cashiers at the store etc. and try to make the world a little better however I can.
Nonetheless, despite my best efforts to be big and accomplish something great in life, I feel so, so small. And that is deeply, excruciatingly painful. So I turn to P to numb the pain. Until I can fill the hole in my heart, I will never achieve true sobriety from my addiction. (Not incidentally, this is the root cause of my fallout with frumkeit. I have a hard time believing in a God, or at least relating to a God, who created me to be an absolute nobody.)
There are a lot of wise people on this forum. Please share your thoughts. Hope to hear from you soon.
With thanks from the bottom of my heart,