siyatta wrote on 18 Jun 2024 19:46:
So things have been going pretty well up till Shavuos, I would even call them uneventful as far as nisyonos go, I was ecstatic to be going into Shavuos on a clean streak but otherwise it's been quiet.
For some reason the last two days on the other hand have been much more challenging, not sure why, but it's almost like I lost my cheishek to keep going. I managed to hold back from falling but I can say that it was getting close ... and the filter came through to save day once or twice. I'm trying to take stock and figure out "what happened?" I was kind of hoping that I was getting past this (if there is such a thing). Better to take stock now before anything happens chas v'shalom.
While I can't point to any new stresses, I certainly have my share, but nothing new that would explain the sudden challenges. The one thought going through my mind is the Gemara that says אבר קטן יש לו לאדם מרעיבו שבע משביעו רעב. I don't know how this cycle started but trying to give in to the temptations even a little bit, anything, even a just small glance, makes it starve for more and more. There is no way to pacify this beast other than to starve it. Give it nothing at all and it will leave a person alone. It will be happy and content and not need anything but the second one's curiosity gives in a little he's in trouble.
The longer I fight this fight, the more convinced I get that there are just times that are tougher and times that are easier. Of course, there are often subtle triggers (exposure to sights, life stresses, old patterns of actions, HALT situations) that could be working on us without us noticing. And if you can remove (or at least acknowledge) them it's helpful. But at the end of the day, there are just times that are harder for no apparent reason.
R' Dessler and R' Wolbe both have shticklach on this as a general spiritual phenomona.
[Worth noting that for the "true addict" supposedly unless you resolve the addiction you can slap a band aid on top for a week, month, several months. But as soon as something rips the band aid off you're back (maybe not worse than where you were, but to the same place of unstoppable lust.)]
Disagree with the bolded part to some extent btw. Starving it is necessary, but not sufficient.