feel free to contact me with chizzuk or to stam shmuz @ joestyh@gmail.com
(Includes WebChaver/CovenantEyes, Microsoft Family Safety, and Apple Screentime and a how-to guide to set them up without loopholes) Even if you already have a filter, these are necessary additions because they fix many loopholes that exist with paid filters (speaking from firsthand experience) and because they add priceless accountability features. If you have trouble filtering a shared device, then see the post for how to get these filters discreetly, without any other users' knowledge whatsoever and without the filters affecting the other users of the device at all. |
One who has given up hope is without a G‑d. One who sees hope in each day is already free |
feel free to contact me with chizzuk or to stam shmuz @ joestyh@gmail.com
My Story---------Dov Quotes
➣ The Mark of Torah - Lust Chizuk ➣ Nice Trucking Story |
feel free to contact me with chizzuk or to stam shmuz @ joestyh@gmail.com
feel free to contact me with chizzuk or to stam shmuz @ joestyh@gmail.com
feel free to contact me with chizzuk or to stam shmuz @ joestyh@gmail.com
feel free to contact me with chizzuk or to stam shmuz @ joestyh@gmail.com
(Includes WebChaver/CovenantEyes, Microsoft Family Safety, and Apple Screentime and a how-to guide to set them up without loopholes) Even if you already have a filter, these are necessary additions because they fix many loopholes that exist with paid filters (speaking from firsthand experience) and because they add priceless accountability features. If you have trouble filtering a shared device, then see the post for how to get these filters discreetly, without any other users' knowledge whatsoever and without the filters affecting the other users of the device at all. |
feel free to contact me with chizzuk or to stam shmuz @ joestyh@gmail.com
feel free to contact me with chizzuk or to stam shmuz @ joestyh@gmail.com
feel free to contact me with chizzuk or to stam shmuz @ joestyh@gmail.com
guardyoureyes.com/forum/4-On-the-Way-to-90-Days/375452-Work-in-progress The Battle of the Generation by Hillel S. has been a huge help for me. Message me to find out how you can receive a free copy. some of the experiences I write about may make it easier to identify me. This is ok. I trust that if anyone discovers my identity they will keep it to themselves. If you do realize that you know me, I am completely comfortable and welcome you acknowledging me and my struggle in person. |
Keep Fighting because thats why you're alive! Never ever give up no matter how many times you fall. If you are about to fall call someone for chizuk. DON'T FALL,CALL. Check out easypeasymethod.org My thread https://guardyoureyes.com/forum/4-On-the-Way-to-90-Days/375231-looking-for-chizuk |