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השגחה פרטטית
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TOPIC: השגחה פרטטית 7479 Views

השגחה פרטטית 17 Oct 2018 05:01 #336322

  • דרך ישר
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There is a very big  "iIyan" in general to try to see "Hashgacha" in the world even in the smallest things.The more we look out for it the more we will see it, and the more we see it, the more we will  feel Hashem is always with us, which in turn makes it easier to see Hashem in our lives. It keeps on going in a cycle of a person constantly growing in his awareness of Hashem. I am sure that aside from the general small stories of how someone "happened to miss the bus and meet his shadchan" type of stories (which can also be posted) many of us have such stories that we can post about how we saw Hashem's loving hand guiding us as we fight through our struggles, so I thought it would be great if we can have a central place to post these occurrences when we notice them.And as I said in the beginning the more we think about it the more we'll notice when it happens which will lead us to always feeling Hashem's directing our efforts, and ultimately that should be a huge chizuk for us to keep up the fight and never get knocked down!
As i am still pretty new to the site and didn't really figure out how to navigate so well if anyone knows of such a thread elsewhere on the site please let me know.
Thanks , looking forward to hearing !
Last Edit: 17 Oct 2018 05:04 by דרך ישר. Reason: spelling

Re: השגחה פרטטית 17 Oct 2018 05:23 #336323

  • דרך ישר
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As seems to usually be the case , I guess i'll be the first to post.
This past shabbos i was away for shabbos, and when i'm in this area i usually daven in a early minyan and then learn for a few hours before trhe seuda. As it is will say house i'm staying by is on !st street shul is between first and second street with first street being a quieter block and second street being alot busier street (obviously with much more to look at, many times in the past although not that recently i used to find a excuse to walk down second st although it was out of the way( for the sights).This shabbos i had a reason to go to the corner of second steet onm my way home and almost went that way with a whole reason to justify it.I want to see the new house there...but then i was מתגבר  on myself with the words of the רשב''ם -איכא דרכא אחרינא רשע מקירי אפי' אם אינו מסתכל. and definitely in no small part to all the work i've been doing over here the last few weeks,and i turned back to first street to walk home on the quiet street. As i turned the corner who did i see walking to me ,none other than my pecious wife and kids who "happened to decide" he wants to daven in shul with Totty. I just want to emphasize how in many years doing this ,my wife and kids have NEVER come to meet me, Secondly my son never wants to go to shul would always rather daven at home( especially whwn we're away from home in a different shul. I just felt a huge feeling of Hashem is watching as right after i was מתגבר i got a treat from Hashem and even though it may not be life saving or life altering ,it;s the small things like this which when noticed can give us a major and much needed in our time, חיזוק באמונה ובטחון ושכר ועונש ואהבת ה' כל אחד מאתנו אפילו בכל מצב שהוא.

Re: השגחה פרטטית 17 Oct 2018 21:03 #336338

  • realestatemogul
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Thats incredible!

Hashem definitely watches out for those who strive to come closer. Even if sometimes it may seem the opposite.

I have had countless times where my phone would ring or something else to take me away from what I was doing. (Many times that didnt help, but now I dont even have the issues BH)

Can't wait to hear some more stories like this!

Re: השגחה פרטטית 18 Oct 2018 01:01 #336353

  • דרך ישר
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The truth is come to think of it many times in the past i've had those types of phone ringing just as i was about to do something,sometimes i listened to the call sometimes i didn't...However in a certain way this one had a special feeling to it as if a special smile that you didn't do it v the other way just being a alert Please don't do it. 
I would definitely love to see more such stories that everyne has so PLEASE POST

Re: השגחה פרטטית 18 Oct 2018 01:12 #336355

Its funny that receiving phone calls is what helped people, I just remembered that it happened to me too.

Two weeks I was having huge urges, biggest since joining gye, and didn't know what to do, suddenly out of the blue my friend calls me asking me to drop off a item of his that was by me, to another friend of mine. He felt guilty making me shlep, offering to pay me, I was thinking you ain't paying me, I should pay you! Bh the eibishter arranged a distraction for me in the perfect time! 

...להודות ולהלל לשמך הגדול
Joined as a single bochur, Bh broke free (but still on watch) by using the tools on this website, therapy but mainly through getting married. 

הנותן עיניו במה שאינו שלו, מה שמבקש לא נותנים לו, ומה שבידו נוטלים ממנה

(סוטה ט, עמוד א)

ולכן אל יפול לב אדם
וכו' גם אם יהיה כן כל ימיו במלחמה זו כי אולי לכך נברא וזאת עבודתו לאכפיא לס"א תמיד 
(תניא פ"כז)
Last Edit: 18 Oct 2018 01:14 by Shnitzel and kugel.

Re: השגחה פרטטית 18 Oct 2018 02:08 #336358

  • higher
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great idea derech yashar! 
allow me to share something hot out of the oven.
i was feeling really down recently.
i mean REALLY down. (for wtvr reason not important)
the type of down that the y''h jumps on you and tries to get you as depressed as possible so u can just give up and do aveiros-anybody relate? 
anyway i sat down and opened up an email i get to recieve rav meilich bidermans weekly shmuzzen on the parsha,
(in lashon kodesh they have in english as well, its free and i strongly encourage all to get it its great chizuk go to mail@beerhaparsha.com for lashon kodesh or mail@torahwellsprings.com for english, write your full name and the msg should be ''i want to register'' and you should get it weekly),
anyway it says  in the posuk ''vayomer habet nah hashamaymah usfor hakochavim im tuchal lispor osam vayomer lo ko yihyeh zarecha''
  zugt rav meir shapiro zt''l for sure if hashem commanded avraham avinu to do something we can be sure that he immediately started doing it. the fact that one cannot count the stars made no difference. if this is the ratzon hashem this is what avraham did!
 tayereh yidden hear this-''vayomer lo ko yiyeh zarecha" so too will your children, all yidden, (hey thats us guys!) be like this that despite as towering as the nisyonos may be, no matter what life may throw our way-we will dive in and do the ratzon hashem! no cheshbonos!
 we dont have to accomplish-''lo alecha hamelacha'' ligmor(pirkei avos)
 accomplishing is for hashem who will help us-''la-kel GOMER uloi" (tehillim)
 this vort was so mechazek me and sprung me out of the rut! we jump in and do our tattehs ratzon, no questions! 
 is it a wonder if hashem looks down at our mesiras nefesh and then says-i will help him out? (this last sentence was inspired by hhm)
i ''happened'' to get a hisorerus to check out that email even though i had opened it earlier and i found the perfect vort for me at the perfect time.
chazak v'nischazek! 
p.s. sorry i dont type well in loshon kodesh lol
Last Edit: 18 Oct 2018 02:47 by higher.

Re: השגחה פרטטית 18 Oct 2018 04:59 #336364

  • דרך ישר
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thanks higher for the chizuk i  actually just copied that link and will try ro sign up. I do actually listen to him quiet a bit on kol haloshon for anyone who can hack the real chassiddishe quick yiddish it is great. My email torah is usually taken uo by toras avigdor, also available in english for a free sign up at torasavigdor.org ( sorry i don't know how to do links) WARNING any single week may change you're life forever. CHAP AREIN!

Re: השגחה פרטטית 18 Oct 2018 17:25 #336382

  • trouble
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Ok, you asked for it.

I was once driving to a #&$@~ club and started making the left turn into the parking lot. All of a sudden a red corvette driven by a $&@£<€#; woman with a red bandana pulled out from the entrance side and stopped directly in front of my path. Now, I was about to give her the finger for causing the delay, but I figured that wouldn't be polite. I rolled down my window and offered her my phone number, but gall of galls, she gave me the finger instead! What chutzpah! I continued to a parking spot and out of the corner of my eye I spotted a fellow who occasionally davens together with me in the #! :-)$&»¥€™+@|° ¡%^«$6?£! I couldn't believe my mazel! If that !&@~ would not have cut me off and then have the audacity to rebuff my advances, which took about 35 seconds, I would have already parked, put on my cap, exited the car, opened the door, and I would have been nose to nose with the guy who wears ashkenaz tefillin for rabbeinu tams! Now, if that's not hashgachah pratis, I don't know what is.

And yes, I took this a sign from heaven, and enjoyed myself for the next ninety minutes.
i'm all about that (substantial) bass, no trouble ....

if you're looking for trouble, you can email me @trouble69gye@outlook.com

Re: השגחה פרטטית 01 Nov 2018 17:53 #336910

Someone posted here on the forums just before Rh that during the blowing of the shofar it's a good idea to take a resolution in this area. 

I did that and asked the eibishter to help stay clean for an additional 50 days. I had in mind to reach 250 days, 50 more then my goal I made after reaching 90 days which was to hit 200 days. But i guess he took it differently and I ended up staying clean for 140 days, 50 days more then 90, I reached 90 days on erev Rh. Just realized this.

...אלמלא הקב"ה עוזרו אין יכול לו
Joined as a single bochur, Bh broke free (but still on watch) by using the tools on this website, therapy but mainly through getting married. 

הנותן עיניו במה שאינו שלו, מה שמבקש לא נותנים לו, ומה שבידו נוטלים ממנה

(סוטה ט, עמוד א)

ולכן אל יפול לב אדם
וכו' גם אם יהיה כן כל ימיו במלחמה זו כי אולי לכך נברא וזאת עבודתו לאכפיא לס"א תמיד 
(תניא פ"כז)

Re: השגחה פרטטית 14 Dec 2018 08:04 #337817

Had a time when i was in the bathroom on the computer in the afternoon when nobody was home, and didnt want to mess up. Then i ended up getting sucked in deeper and deeper, i wanted to get out of it and knew i cudnt. Kinda cried from my heart to Hshm for help but knew i was in for it.
All of the sudden i hear my mother coming into the house, very out of schedule. Was a biiiig save.

Pretty sure i had more little things that i felt were like warning signs at other times. If/when i remembr or it happens again il try to update bezh
Last Edit: 14 Dec 2018 08:06 by EyesKedusha.

Re: השגחה פרטטית 26 Dec 2018 13:46 #338035

  • yerushalmi
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This happened a few months ago.
I was very down. I had just broken my longest clean streak of 194 days. For 8 days, I rolled in the filth, and then decided to get myself back up again, and try for a 2nd round of 90 days clean. The first few weeks were the hardest. I had recently started learning in a new Kollel. I took a short bathroom break one day, and since I was still in the doldrums, I fell back on old habits. I started giving in (touching myself "down there"), when I happened to look at the graffiti that was scrawled on the back of the door. I saw a crude picture of an eye, with the words "We see you" scrawled underneath. I stopped cold! I had used that bathroom stall before, but never noticed this particular scribble. A few weeks later, I was in the same restroom stall again, and the walls had been scrubbed clean! the message was there when I needed it and then removed

Re: השגחה פרטטית 26 Dec 2018 17:22 #338038

  • Markz
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You can write there "Now you don't"

By the way, Yerushalmi did you meet Kugel yet?
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Re: השגחה פרטטית 26 Dec 2018 19:10 #338040

  • gevura shebyesod
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This morning in Shul I was being triggered badly, by more than one person. Which ever way I faced... then I happened to notice on the next table over was a Kuntris on Shmiras Einayim! So I spent the rest of Chazaras Hashatz reading it. 
!אנא עבדא דקודשא בריך הוא

וּבְיָדְךָ כֹּחַ וּגְבוּרָה וּבְיָדְךָ לְגַדֵּל וּלְחַזֵּק לַכֹּל

"If it would be so easy there wouldn't be a GYE, but if it would be impossible there also wouldn't be a GYE."
"Sometimes a hard decision leads to an easier outcome."
- General Grant

My story: guardyoureyes.com/forum/19-Introduce-Yourself/111583-hello-my-friends

Re: השגחה פרטטית 26 Dec 2018 21:17 #338044

  • dave m
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That's powerful! I'm really impressed that you were able to pick yourself back up after a fall like that.

Re: השגחה פרטטית 26 Dec 2018 22:42 #338045

  • yerushalmi
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The more that I fight this yetzer hara, the more I see Hashem's hand behind the scenes. From making sure that things work out, to helping me out. I am sure that others here experience the same thing. This is a huge boost for me, as it shows that no matter what I have done until now, Hashem is on my side, is rooting for me, and is even willing to "pull strings" for me. Here is my biggest השגחה פרטית story in this whole saga.

Around 11 months ago, I found myself quite fed up with my behaviors. I don't remember where I saw about it, but somewhere I read about the filter from a company called Gentech. I realized that without a good filter I am fighting with one hand tied behind my back. I signed up, even though this service costs money. (In retrospect, this small fee is the best money that I ever spent) I was on a 16 day clean streak, and started the 90 day challenge. After 2 days, I was MZ"L. I started again, and after 18 days, I fell again. I was feeling very depressed with myself. I had set up my filyer as a whitelist, only allowing the sites that I need, and nothing else. The Gentech site, even though not on my official whitelist, was also allowed. I was looking at the site, and I saw a link for those who need help with online "issues". I don't know what made me think to click t, but I clicked the link. Despite my having a whitelist, the link opened the GYE site! I browsed for a few minutes, and signed up. I then contacted the filtering company, and added this site to the whitelist. This has been very instrumental in my reaching my longest clean streak in 25 years, 194 days. Even though I was using a whitelist, the one site that could (and did) really help me, opened anyway!
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