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Reb WG I like this thread - Shkoach!! Make sure you don't miss the previous Dov quote
Pidaini wrote on 10 Apr 2014 14:50:
After two full days of being clean, I threw myself down again this morning......twice. In between I renewed my TaPHSiK, and then went on to make sure there were still ways around it.... This is it, I've had enough. There is a limit to everything!!! I want to live real life again, and I will. One day at a time seems so difficult again....but that's really all there is. I really realized the power of isolation, it's REALLY powerful. The tzad hashaveh of every time that I fall is that I didn't speak to my friends that day (or the day before and up until the fall). But yesterday, after I finished watching a very kosher movie (not that I would have cared had it not been), I thought "you should really call someone" and I answered "no, now I have to go learn".....wow!!...and I fell this morning. So bli neder, I will call at least two friends a day, one between davening and lunch, and one between lunch a supper. V'chol hamarbeh harei zeh meshubach. Please do not hesitate to post your feelings, for I know that people do. Warning: Spoiler!cordnoy wrote on 10 Apr 2014 15:36:
When I said that I will call a friend between breakfast and lunch, that is only if I eat breakfast, but if I skip breakfast, then I don't need to call...haha! Figured it out. And even if I do eat breakfast, in shulchan aruch it says that one needs pas shacharis, and there's a machlokes regarding cereal, and certainly if I only ate an egg, I didn't eat breakfast, so there! And on a day when I do wash and eat bread, perhaps it wasn't the shiur kedei seviah, but let us even say that I did eat breakfast, who says I will eat lunch, and that is a davar shelo ba l'oilam, and according to the bnei yissoschar's pshat in that, Tzu felt in gemirus daas, so lunch is not even in the equation, and of course if I don't intend on eatin' lunch, I don't need to call after breakfast, for the call would be prior to eatin' supper; and when that time comes around, I can say that I have no necessity to call, for I didn't eat lunch. And truth be told, even when I do eat breakfast and lunch, do I really need to call someone? As long as I bumped into a friend on the street, that is sufficient, for the tachlis was to avoid isolation, and lo and behold, I had a conversation with a friend. "Hello" and "good mornin'" count as well. And what happens if I call and he doesn't pick up? I called! And truthfully, even if I disconnect after one ring, hey! I did call! Is it my gesheft that he didn't respond. That is what the Heilige bashefa had in store for me! So there! Did I leave out anythin'? The Ribbono shel oilam has faith in special me that He gave me this nisayon, and at the same time, He gave me those precious tools to deal with 'em: I installed a filter on computer (which I can crack); I made a tapshik about clickin' on celebrities, especially cute 19 year olds, a tapshik about kosher movies, a tapshik about not so kosher ones (and there is no real way to get around these, unless of course I say five perakim of tehillim or help my wife with the groceries or change one diaper of shprintza yenta or shalom dov ber, or if I chazer the biur of the sfas emes why he disagrees with the keren orah in the sugya of dam shenishpach in the explanation of the rambam with the din of ya'asfenu); and I even made up to talk to two friends a day between meals. So...in the words of my neighbor Lorde, [I'm kind of over getting told to throw my hands up in the air]: "So there!"