Fell twice more since my last fall. This is certainly the lowest I have been since starting the journey. It's odd because externally things seem to be improving for me. My learning is going better than it ever has, I've really felt called to the Torah, and I've felt some very positive internal changes and perspective shifts taking place. I've been going for runs regularly. I've cleared off a long-looming list of financial chores/life responsibilities that have been causing anxiety for months. I've been reaching out regularly to friends and family, maintaining the relationships that are important to me. And then...came this collapse. I don't have clear thoughts on it yet. But, I've realized that despite the work I am doing on the various spheres of my life, there is still a fundamental unhappiness and lack of alignment. I am actually quite bitter about my current life circumstance! This I believe is a root cause for my collapse.
I went through a process this past winter that broke me psychologically. I came out of it with a shattered confidence, self-doubt, and persistent anxiety as I have never experienced it before. I have never struggled with these psychological aspects previously in my life (thank G-d), and to the contrary these areas have historically been my strengths. I am having to put myself back together in a new way without drawing on the psychological solidity I used to rely on. The objective reality is that the external difficulties have in large part passed, baruch Hashem. And yet, I myself have not let them go. I hold on to them and use them as a reason to be unhappy, to go through my day feeling like I am in the wrong place and in the wrong circumstance. I've realized that I carry around the narrative of my own difficulties every hour of the day. I feel anger towards the stresses and anxieties I feel I am a victim of, and it makes me hostile and angry towards my own life. The only thing I have as a clear reflection right now is I need to accept my life, and to connect with Hashem and find simchah where I am. This is my path and this is where Hashem wants me to be right now, that much is clear to me.
On the practical level, I have taken three new measures towards freedom. My falls were caused by an unfiltered work computer which I have many chances to become secluded with. To that end I have taken a knas to destroy $100 if I use that computer for anything that isn't completely essential work. Day one of that knas went well, there were large taivas to use the computer but I simply didn't feel it was worth it. That in and of itself was an interesting point to me, to see that this desire which so dominates my mind is actually worth less than $100 dollars. In contrast, I wouldn't sell a single one of my mitzvos for any sum of money, so that was helpful in terms of clarifying the actual value of positive vs. negative acts. Second, I've created strict screen time controls on my computer and had a friend set the password. It turns out there was a hole abyss of shmutz I still had access to through computer apps without even knowing it. It is amazing how the yetzer hara can bring to your attention a huge blind spot in your defenses during the time of a nisayon. Lastly, I've started the flight to freedom course, it was nice to see Rabbi Shafier is involved in the classes there.
I don't feel yeiush right now although I have in the past. It struck me that there is something incoherent and strange about walking around feeling like life is over. I don't have any idea how Hashem makes His calculation of our merits and failures. But, it is a fundamental assumption of mine that life must be ultimately fair and make sense. Walking around broken and depressed on account of this failure simply does not fit into that picture. While this is the lowest I believe I have fallen thus far, I will b'ezras Hashem rise.