Okay. Day 7 PG! Just the start of it...*
It's been a trying time. Though let me speak it out and try clarify for myself.
I am at a job where I recently changed positions. When I first started out, things were going great BH I landed in a position where I worked on a system and it was extremely successful. I even got employee of the year!!! --- however the system kinda went on autopilot so I went into the real IT department and *felt* like my work dropped like crazy... I was allocated to mundane, repetitive projects that were really soul sucking (for example, pressing a button and waiting for half an hour for something to happen. And my wife can testify. I had to do it at home. It took a whole night of pressing buttons). It also left me with a lot more time where I wasn't doing anything, and we all know what happens when that happens... So the dangerous thing is I took more and more risks (watched youtube very secretively, the most degrading things, in an open office!) just to get my fix. And I know the trigger. A combination of boredom and very intense feelings of worthlessness. I'm not doing anything. I'll never accomplish anything.
And then a tipping point emerged when I was expected to work late, overtime, weekends, holidays to meet crucial deadlines. Now I know there are a million opinions however my wife and I are adamant on family time and if these demanding conditions were present at the beginning of the job then I probably wouldn't have taken it. So I (and I admit it wasn't handled the best way possible, but I) complained and asked to be moved to my previous position and work on more integration and whatnot.
However the transition was shaky as I was told I exerted a perception of not being motivated and not having done that great work. Which was a hit because I thought I had kept those feelings undercover and just got along with what I had to do. However I guess you can only hide true feelings for so long and it sure did have an impact on my work quality. So my permanent contract diminished to a probationary 3-month contract set to terminate in november if they see no use for me. Which I am slowly coming to terms with, because what's the point of my being in a place of work I have absolutely no interest in, and they don't need me either, just for some money? I don't know. It's a massive cheshbon, what with a family and everything else. And I asked a rav about it too. He said it's not necessarily a bad thing to leave. Even if it's tight financially. Not that my current salary is enough either. But parnossa is up to Hashem. Perhaps He has in mind something much greater for me. And this is obviously all just a test.
So I learned up a new system and improving the current system whenever needed. Yet the interim is still fraught with lots of free time. And being the deep thinker Hashem has blessed me with, I get to worrying A LOT - "I'm stealing from them! Why am I even being paid to be here?? What am I doing??!?? Should I have stayed in the previous position?"
And then in the late afternoon, when most people have left, I go right back to lusting. The dark crevices of youtube (I feel it's like my drug dealer. You hate its guts, wish you could shoot it in the head, but you can't get rid of it. You need it too much), and who knows what's worse out there? Chances are I'll find it. And I'm doing even riskier stuff just wishing I could stop. Just like everyone else here I guess...
And my wife and I are finding it hard to integrate. We have a community of kollel/yeshiva guys, however my wife and I are both ba'alei tshuva having never grown up in that society, both our families are secular and we just don't have an "in" to these guys who have been best friends since they were kids, their families grew up together etc. It's like a massive web of deep history and we're standing there with our tiny spider strands, aimlessly shoving the feeble lines into any small hole we can find. And it's frustrating. And we're both very introverted. We like a small group of friends, small shabbos gatherings. We get so overwhelmed by large groups. I close off, my wife steals away with me. Our relationship is fantastic though! However I don't have a real friend really, it's very lonely when I'm not with my wife. And I can't be with her aaaalllllways. Though that would be nice.
And Rosh Hashona is coming. And I know that I will have a dual perception. On one hand, wishing to do Teshuva and accepting Hashem as king of all, but on the other hand, resenting everything around me because nobody there talks to me, That what's there to this frumkeit if it leaves me lonely and desperate? The children's books are all lies! Where everyone loves everyone and learns Torah all the time. So I tried making friends by learning. Turns out nobody wants to learn. Like They'd rather talk about business or soccer (in commonwealth countries it's a big deal, America). I feel I have no attachment to those things therefore no connection whatsoever to anyone else....
So these anxieties creep up on me:
- General lack of direction or worth due to not having anything productive to do in large stretches of time at work, feeling too guilty to do other things in that time
- Lack of connection to others due to vastly different backgrounds, social ineptitude and different interests
and they provoke me more and more to escape into my fantasy world of schmutz.
But I will get up, dust myself off and carry on. Doing what, you may ask? Here's somewhat a game plan:
- I researched local SA meetings and have found one (absolute hashgocha) on the way home from work at that time as well! and this past monday I was so intent on going, I *almost* did but chickened out at the last second
which I do furiously regret. I want to attend the next meeting. It's a mixed meeting. Is that bad? MARKZ! I know you're reading this, you read everything, you're amazing. Is a mixed meeting good or bad? I thought I'd try it out and see. It can't be so detrimental just one time. I just chickened out. But I need to do this. - I want to restructure my learning. Right now I am doing the Daf Yomi and Daf Yomi b'Halocha. BH I even went through Bava Kama and wrote 3 of the 4 30-daf tests! But when I finished I felt even worse than usual and since Tuesday have been in a massive slump. Because I thought Daf Yomi is unifying. But I did it by myself (ok don’t think of me as some brain child) and didn’t connect with anyone really. So it only emphasized the loneliness. I want to find a good shiur, like even if I don’t track a lot of ground, I’ll work together in a framework with other likeminded guys. I want to be part of something bigger. And it may help the loneliness.
That’s it for now. One week down, shaky, but strong, I hope. Onto the holydays!