Hi sorry to hear about your fall.
Did you ever try a money knas, like the TAPHSIC idea?
Or you can try:
Learning a daf gemara.
Saying some tehilim.
50 - 100 pushups.
Runing around the block 5 times.
Warning: Spoiler! Or maybe something like:
Making a grand announcement in shul saying exactly what you did.
Slapping yourself across your face 7 times.
Biting your thumb on your left hand.
Licking your nose without tilting you head.
Drinking 3 bottles of seltzer or beer {works best on a plate of chullent}, and forcing yourself not to burp.
Honestly, I personally would try to focus on the positive, like having a tally counter to count my wins, or listening to good music or a podcast when being hit with a urge, or calling a good GYE friend before falling instead of a knas afterwards, everyone's different, but to me positvity helps me more than knasos.
Keep it up and keep us posted.
With love Akiva
Bennyh,Bennyh, Bennyh, Bennyh, Please punch me again, I just saw that this guys thread is only up to 12 reply's since June and I'd like to get his thread going...