Hi friends. I am creating this thread in which I will share different thoughts about recovery. In this first post, I want to share the DSM-5 criteria for substance use disorder as listed at
www.gatewayfoundation.org/addiction-blog/dsm-5-substance-use-disorder/ (that's just where I found the list; I don't have any association with that website or even know what that website is.) I have [approximately] substituted the phrase porn/masturbation for the word "substance" or "drug" every place it appears below:
Criteria for substance use disorder:
Using porn/masturbation more than intended or using it for longer than you’re meant to.
Trying to cut down or stop porn/masturbation but being unable to.
Experiencing intense cravings or urges to use porn/masturbation.
4. Needing more of porn/masturbation to get the desired effect — also called tolerance.
Developing withdrawal symptoms when not using porn/masturbation.
6. Spending more time getting and using porn/masturbation and recovering from porn/masturbation use.
Neglecting responsibilities at home, work or school because of porn/masturbation.
Continuing to use porn/masturbation even when it causes relationship problems.
9. Giving up important or desirable social and recreational activities due to porn/masturbation use.
10. Using porn/masturbation in risky settings that put you in danger.
11. Continuing to use porn/masturbation despite it causing problems to your physical and mental health.
Per DSM-5,
* One symptom could indicate an individual is at risk.
* Two or three criteria point to a mild substance use disorder.
* Four or five symptoms show someone has a moderate substance use disorder.
* Six or more criteria indicate a severe substance use disorder, which signals an addiction to that substance.
I post this post because I think that a lot of people don't want to call this battle what it is: ADDICTION. What percentage of people on this site meet at least the 6 criteria I bolded above? Probably a very high percentage. And that is among the bnei aliyah who actually make it to this site!
So, who cares that it's an addiction? The answer is that when you realize you have an addiction and not just a "stam" struggle with the yetzer hara, you can begin to approach the problem with clinical rhetoric instead of feeling like you are doomed to gehinom because you can't seem to succeed with mussar alone despite having tried for years to stop. I personally found this mindset very liberating and helpful on my journey. You can say, "I am a ben Torah who loves learning and doing mitzvos. I am not doomed because I am recovering form a substance use disorder one day at a time with G-d's help" instead of "I am a ben Torah who loves learning and doing mitzvos but am doomed because I can't stop masturbating compulsively all the days of my life because I can't beat the yetzer hara in this spiritual battle." Realize that in many ways this is very much like recovering from an addiction to heroin.
I am not saying this is not a battle against the yetzer hara because of course Chazal tell us arayos is a yetzer hara. Rather, I am saying that if you have been stuck for years trying to stop these toxic habits, it could be you need a rhetoric shift.