Kedoshimtehiyu wrote on 06 Aug 2017 16:54:
It was many times when going to sleep, I would wake up an hour or two later with a strong yetzer hara. There was something that really helped me and I believe will help those who are doing the 90 day program and on their way to be free. Try to set a goal for yourself. Just tell yourself that I will accomplish being fully shomer habrit for one full day. At the end of that day, you will say that you earned yourself $5,000. For the 2nd day, say to yourself that if I accomplish this, I will earn $6,000 the next day. Increase the amount by another $1,000 for every day thereafter. In actuality the amount it is worth to get through 90 days free, is exponentially higher that the dollar amount your are declaring for yourself for each day you are free. I just found this method to be more tangible and gave me a better ability to take control and be able to fight off the yetzer hara. I've tried this strategy using dollar amounts, quantity of gold coins, and even a precious gem. It really did work well for me.
Interesting stuff. So do you get a congratulations for passing 90 days?