oisvorf wrote:
Oy, this time before Rosh Hashana is kinda stressful, especially if you are looking forward to being both the Rabbi and the Baal Tefillah, especially if you are a member of this group (even if I am 104 days and counting ... ;D )
Just a few minutes here . . . tomorrow should be the first day of my son's new school. Yes we decided to go with the more MO one that he wants. On advice from my Rebbe and others, we decided to let him write a list of those things that it would be reasonable of him to maintain to help us feel confident that he will succeed there. Things like maintaining a B average, limiting internet use, etc We hope and pray for the best
Thank you so much for your input, Tried and 1daat, It is very helpful to know that you are puliing for me
On another note, I am going to try something crazy and risky this year. I plan to give my Shabbos Shuva drasha on he 12 steps. It is crazy because I don't know enough about them yet, and I have not worked them nearly enough, but yet, they are alot of what I am thinking about in terms of my personal aliyah, so, let 'er rip.
I am not sure what I should tell them about why it is that I am thinking about this stuff so much, but I'll come up with something.
A gitten